Page 4739 - 1970S

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(Continued from page 1)
different world, especially in means
of transportation and communica–
tion. The living Christ started me on
radio in January 1934, and through
thc printed message beginning Feb–
rua ry 1934. Comparatively rapid
mail delivery was by then available,
and raíl travel , beside the telephone.
We first went on television in July
1955. Finally ca rne air travel- first
prop planes, then jet.
The Work of God started from
Eugcne, Oregon. No state govern–
ment gave us instructions as to how
era of the Church of God, that the
Church of God suffered persecution
by the Attorney-General's office of
the state of California.
For the first time, to my knowledge,
a statecivil political government with–
in the United States claimed that it
owned all Church property, and was
empowered to tire the apostle of the
living Christ, and reorganize and
OPERATE the Church of the living
Goo! Although God commands us, in
the Bible, to besubject
in our personal
and individual lives,
to the political
government of man which has juris–
diction over us in ordinary processes of
law and order, yet when authorities of
human civil government commanded
For the fi rst time, to my knowledge,
a state civil political government within
the United S tates claimed that it owned al! Church
property, and was empowered to jire the apostle
of the living Christ, and reorganize
and operate the Church of the
living God!
' '
the Church and its work should be
orga ni zed or conducted . In 1947,
headquarters were moved to Pasa–
dena, California. T he Work was
growing 30 perccnt a year. To con–
duct the growing operations of
Christ's Great Commission, Ambas–
sador College was founded in 1947.
lt was the ONLY college on earth
lt had become necessary to incor–
poratc, and the Work has been con–
ducted st rictly according to the legal–
ly stated PURPOSES of the Church in
our incorporation and our legally
required constitution and bylaws. ln
all such matters, we complied fully
with s tate corporation laws and
lt was not until January 3, 1979,
46 yea rs after the raising up of this
the apostle Peter to cease proclaiming
the gospel , Christ's apostle replied
MAN. He did not "cave in." Neither
This Church was founded by Jesus
Christ. lt is formed and organized on
Hts pattern .
Even if our lives are at stake–
even at threat of imprisonment, we
shall give our very lives, if necessary,
to carry on the Worldwide Church of
God, according to Goo's direction in
His Word.
Now we are in a battle with one of
the largest states in the Union to
OR CHRIST? We are willing even to
sacrifice our u vEs, if necessary–
but, like the apostle Peter, we shall
obey Goo rather than man! o
Whatdoes it
A politically orga–
nized community or major terri–
torial unit having a monarchical
forrn of government hended by
a king or queen.
The phrase "kingdom of God,"
which appears frequently in the
Blble, is often heard in religious
circles. lt is generally assumed to
be a reference to heaven or to a
condition of mind held by believ–
ers. Almost no one would apply
the standard díctionary definition
of "kingdom"-a type of govern–
ment over a specific territory. Yet
that is precisely how the term is
most often used in the Bíble. The
real meaning of the term "king–
dom of God" is far more inter–
esting and exciting than the
traditional vague concepts. The
booklet Just What Do You
Mean ... Kingdom of God?
clearly explains what the Kíng–
dom of God is and why it's im–
portant to you. For a free copy
write to The Plain Truth at the
address nearest you. (See inside
front cover for addresses world–
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PLAIN TRUTH December 1979