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1 just wanted to write and let you know
how mucb 1 enjoy reading your [Herbert
W. Armstrong's] "Perso!]als." I really
appreciate your ability and style of writ-.
ing. You do a fantastic job. Keep up the
great work. I will pray for your strengtb
in getting the gospel out to all nations
Vicki Baldwin,
Alamosa, Colorado
1 am shocked at your attitude, to say
the least, in your June/ July article. You
said you entertain royalty and VIPs in
thc best restaurants. What makes tbem
so special? Do you believe that God
would show more !ove to them than to
one who wasn't in their class? You will
find in James 2: 1-1 O how a Christian is
not to show more respect to a rich man
than a poor man.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hodges ,
Huntington, West Virginia
U.S. and Britain in Prophecy
1 really enjoyed the August 1979 issue of
The Plain Truth .
1 heartily support your
antismoking stance, and the articles con–
cerning the United States, Britain, and
the United States of Europe were quite
stunning in their scope. 1 am looking for–
ward to the final book version of these
momentous prophecies. Your publica–
tions have reall y changed my outlook on
life and its meaning.
John Weaver,
Dalias, Texas
So glad I got
The Plain Truth
so l
could finish "U.S. and Britain in Proph–
ecy." 1 very much appreciate the entire
series which (after reading the rest of the
magazine) I have torn out so that now 1
have the entire 73 pages of reading to–
gether. 1 have marked itas 1 went along,
and now shall continue the set of notes 1
have started. When the notes are com–
plete, 1 shall study them again.
lvy E. Harris,
Medford, Massacbusetts
The PLAIN TRUTH December 1979
In Search of Adam
Your August 1979
Plain Truth
article by
Robert A. Ginskey, " In Search of
Adam," is truly a masterpiece.
1 had been pondering tbe cavemen ver–
sus Adam question for quite sorne time,
and, would you believe, in considering
true science's harmony with the Bible, I
had contemplated whether the hominoids
were not "men" per se at all, but had
existed prior to God's re-creation of the
earth and creation of Adam.
I guess
The Plain Truth
is the maga–
zine which has taught me to think for
myself-but upon the sol id foundation of
what God has already revealed. In sum–
mary, thanks for the article on this sub–
ject which 1 felt was too long neglected.
To me, this was the best a rticle to appear
yet in 1979.
was worth the wait.
Bill Trimarco,
Brooklyn, New York
In your recent article " In Search of
Adam" you somehow managed to twist
everything around to make the average
religious fanatic (excuse my frankness)
think evolution is wrong.
At one point you said Neanderthal man
hada brain larger than modernman, so there
. was no reason to believe Neanderthal
evo!ved intomodern man. But brain size has
absolutely nothing todo witb intelligence; it
is mere!y a factor!
You said it is obvious that man is a
special creation. But you gave no evi–
dence to prove this myth.
You have probably deduced 1 am an
think people can believe what–
ever they want- but why make them be–
lieve a myth?
A. Cassidy,
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Editor's note: We don't want anyone to
blindly accept a myth. That 's why we so
often expose the fa/lacies oj the theory
of evolution.
God 's Fait h in Man
1 wish to tell you how mucb 1 appreciated
your article entitled "God's Faith in Man' '
by Jon Hill (June/ July 1979). I am among
the social outcasts, a1ienated from the com–
munity mainstream and driven out of the
ordinarychurches fora numberofreasons–
a drunken fatber or husband, a convict rela–
tive, a prostitute daughter, a notorious son, a
barroom mother, endless poverty, shame,
and humiliation.
Here in what is called' the "Bible–
Belt," the low-caste fundamentali st
cburches are the only ones which will Jet
us in, usually grudgingly at that. We go
to cburcb hoping to hear a word of hope,
perhaps comfort, a bit of inspiration, but
all we hear is more condemnation, all the
fearful, emotional scriptures the preach–
ers can find . lf they quote any others, we .
do not hear them, because our ears are
programmed only for the negative.
My own story is not importan!; it could
be told by millions of others. 1 was born
"a nasty, líttle no-good girl." I married a
man who believes his manhood is proved
by how often and how much he can brow–
beat women and chi ldren- it's his "di–
vine right." 1 am the daughter-in- law of
people who say all women (except their
immediate family) are daughters of Eve
and therefore evil.
It's much the same at church. The
preachcrs seem to like nothing better
than all the negative, condemning scrip–
tures they can find , especially about
women. The brain is scrambled; the heart
is hurt; the spirit yearns for light but
never seems to find it.
May God bless you in your work. 1
found your magazine in a laundry where
others of my kind often go. 1 hope many
of them read it.
Name withheld by requcst
As a direct result of your magazine I
am more interested in "religion" than 1
have ever been. General!y, I believed reli–
gion to be something fearful and to be
avoided. Your way is comfortable. Per–
haps it is another step in my spiritual life
closer to Jesus Christ. 1 have been so
confused over the years. Everytimc 1 have
tricd to read the Bible, 1 could only see
what a sinner I have been. Your articles
have given me new hope.
Name Withheld by request