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and unsolvable problems in this
world, and, through
a living failh in
turning to the way of God's
law-the way that will CAUSE the
peace and joy of the happy world
points out the true and
way to eterna! life.
Christ's gospel is a message about
government. Christ's gospel is con–
cerned with the evils confronting the
world's peoples which the govern–
ments of the nations are trying to
cope with.
The gospel is concerned with the
CAUSE of all these problems and trou–
bles. The gospel Christ brought is
concerned with humans turning NOW
the way that is CAUSING a ll
their troubles
the WAY that will
CAUSE peace, happiness and plenty.
The gospel is concerned with
1) how we may solve our troubles
NOW, and 2) how God IS GOING to
solve them for us-and IN SPITE OF
us if we refuse to change our way
World Leaders Frlghtened
The time for kidding ourselves is
past. This world is in a very critically
serious condition. Even after sorne
thirty years of the world-effort to de–
velop the poor nations of the world,
they are poorer today than ever be–
fore. Millions upon millions face
starvat ion, live in ignorance, utter
poverty, filth and squalor, wracked
with disease and iJI bealth. In the
affiuent nations, crime is rampant
(even in residential neighborhoods),
morals bave sunk to the gutter, di–
vorces are breaking up a third of the
bornes, youths are taking to drugs
and alcohol, staring a hopeless future
in the face.
The weapons now exist to erase all
humanity from the face of the earth
in very short order. The world is sick,
and the sickness is rapidly nearing
the acute stage.
World-famous scientists and heads
of state are saying the world's ONLY
a single WORLD · GOVERN–
MENT in control of all arms and mili–
tary force, to insure WORLD PEACE.
Man can't bring it about. But
Christ's gospel- the most tremen–
dous ANNOUNCEMENT of the most
wonderful GOOD NEWS ever given to
the world, announces to humanity
just that- a supreme world govern–
ment with TOTAL POWER over ALL
PLAIN TRUTH Oecember 1979
nations, ushering in world peace,
prosperity for ALL, good health for
all- a world filled with happiness
and joy!
Jesus' gospel taught the way of lífe
that will produce this utopía-a way
true Christians must live Now- a
way that would solve all of today's
problems and evils.
That is the light that Jesus Christ
brought to the world, but men loved
darkness rather than light, because
their deeds were evil (John 3: 19).
The world REJECTED that wonderful
good news and crucified their very
Maker for bri nging it. And while
they were sinning so abominably,
Christ died for them, to pay the pen–
alty they have incurred in their
stead- if and when they repent and
turn to the way that brings them hap–
Anyway, the restoration of the
Kingdom of God does not depend on
mankind believing it.
is going to
happen-as surely as the rising of
tomorrow's sun!
Jesus proclaimed the Kjngdom of
God to many thousands. All but 120
individuals rejected it. The so-called
"Sermon on the Mount" outlined the
way of God's government. His many
parables described the Kingdom of
God. The Kingdom of God was His
gospel! (lf you have not already done
so, be sure to request our free book–
What Js the True Cospel?
Coming- A New Age!)
Peter, John and the other original
apostles proclaimed the Kingdom of
was the gospel the apostle
Paul preached to the Gentiles. But
men rejected it.
For 18
centuries it was not pro–
claimed to the world-only to a very
few- and that generally under cover,
lest those preaching it be put to
Jesus Said lt Would Happen
Jesus said plainly that although
He, as a person, as the Messiah,
would be preached to the world, His
gospel would be withheld and the
people would be deceived.
When His disciples asked
would come again to earth to set up
God's Kingdom and of the END of
this present world, Jesus said: "Take
heed that no man deceive you. For
MANY shall come in my name"–
many would profess to be His minis-
ters, representing
am Christ; and shall deceive many"
(Matthew 24:4-5). Untold thou–
sands, ordained ministers in the
Christian religion, have PREACHED
CHRIST! ·They have
Jesus of
Nazareth was Christ. But Christ's
gospel has been withheld. The many
have been deceived.
Remember, a deceived person does
he is deceived. Otherwise
he would not be deceived. Millions
have been
into accepting a
FALSE gospel-a false salvation.
But, in Jesus' answer to their ques–
tion as to His return to earth and the
END of this present world or age, the
only sign He gave was: "And
gospeJ OF THE KINGOOM shaiJ be
preached in all the world for a wit–
ness unto all nations; and then shall
tbe end come" (Matthew 24:14).
Stop and think!
Christ's gospel
had been preached to all the world
during those 18
centuries, it could
not be the sign today of the soon–
coming end of this present world, and
of Christ's imminent return as King
of kings and Lord of lords, to restore
the Kingdom of God and tbe peace–
ful and happy world tomorrow! That
one statement is absolute advance
PROOF from Christ's own lips that
His gospel would be withheld.
has been!
But beginning January 1934,
Christ's very gospel began going out.
By the end of 1952 it was being thun–
dered to the United States and Cana–
da coast to coast via radio. January
1953 it began going to Europe and
Britain-and soon, worldwide. Also,
as in Jesus' prophecy of Matthew 24,
the world is fast approaching the su–
preme time ofworld trouble- thevery
CLIMAX of civilization called "the
GREATTRIBULATION" (verses 21-22).
This is a frightening and terrifying
hour- unless one hides bis eyes and
ears from the state of the world and
its trends!
In such a sobering time, you have
just read the truth that ought to
a rouse you out of the s1eep of com–
placency and indifference!
know, a shocking, staggering FACT to
realize that this work- the work go–
ing out from the Worldwide Church
of God- is the ONLY WORK ON
EARTH proclaiming the very gospel of
Jesus Christ to the world in great
power! o