Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the
timeofJ acob's TROUBLE" (Jer. 30:5-7).
Remember- in passing on the birthright to the two
sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. 48:16),
Jacob said, "Let MY NAME be named on them"-on
Ephraim and Manasseh-who today are Britain and
America. This tells ON WHOM this most terrible of nation–
al calamities is to fall-on Britain and America!
But now when is it to fall? Do not assume this is
referring to anything that did happen to ancient Israel.
Read right on-see WHEN this prophecy is to be ful–
Continue: " ... it is even the time of JAcos's trouble;
but he shall be saved out of it." (After he has learned bis
lesson IN it!) Continuing from RSV, "And it shall cometo
pass in that day, says the Eterna! of hosts, that I will break
the YOKE from off their neck [yoke of slavery], and l will
burst their bonds, and strangers shall no more make
servants of them. But they shall serve the Eterna! their
David their king, whom I will
raise up
for them."
(David, at the time of the RESURRECTION-at the very
time of Christ's COMING!)
the time
is just prior to Christ's COMING-coming
our peoples-even as Moses liberated ancient
Israel from Egypüan slavery.
Jesus Foretold lt
Other prophecies speak of this same time of national
calamity greater than any before.
The pivota! New Testament prophecy is that of Jesus
on the Mount of Olives- recorded in Matthew 24, Mark
13, and Luke 21.
The apostles had asked Jesus privately WHEN His sec–
ond coming would occur-and the END of
world and
tbe beginning of the happy world tomorrow. J esus said the
SIGN by which we might know when this is very NEAR
would be that His original gospel of the Kingdom of God
would be preached in all the world as a witness to all
'nations (Matt. 24:14). But what else- just before His
Jesus continued: "For then shall be GREAT TRIBULA–
TION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to
this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days
should be shortened, there should no flesh · be saved
[alive]: but for the elect 's sake those days shall be short–
ened" (Matt. 24:21-22).
Here is described the greatest time of TROUBLE-TRIB–
ULATION-in all history, or ever to be. J eremiah described
it as "Jacob's trouble," so great "that none is like it."
Daniel described the same most severe trouble of all
history. Speaking of a time now in our immediate future,
Daniel foretold: "And at that time shall Michael stand up,
the great prince [archangel] which standeth for the chil–
dren of thy people: and there shall be a time of TROUBLE,
such as never was since there was a nation even to that
same time ..." (Dan. 12:1).
PLAIN TRUTH August 1979
The same
most intense punishment
on Britain and
America. And WHEN? Continue, same verse," ... and at
that time thy people shall be delivered [from this enslaved
trouble], every one that shall be found written in the book.
And many of them that sleep [are dead] in the dust of the
earth shall awake [RESURRECTION], sorne to everlasting
life ... " (verses l-2).
The time is just before the RESURRECTION of the just, at
Christ's coming. As Moses delivered the ancient Israelites
from Egyptian slavery, so CHRIST is coming to deliver
modern Britain and America from the now-impending
slavery. (See Deuteronomy 18:15; Acts 7:37;
Jeremiah 23:5-8.)
Jeremiah described it as a "YOKE" on the necks of our
peoples. WHOSE "YOKE" of slavery? Isaiah tells us!
In verse l of Isaiah 47 the prophetic message is ad–
dressed to the
of Babylon.
the Babylon of
ancient days. Not Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon of 600
years before Christ- but a DAUGHTER of that Babylon,
now, in our twentieth century. In prophecy a woman, ora
daughter, means a CHURCH-a religious organization.
This particular "lady" of this prophecy is pictured as a
lewd harlot and "a lady of kingdoms." That is, a great
CHURCH ruling over nations. This
modern "female"
Babylon is pictured also in the 17th chapter of Revela–
tion- there called a "great whore," sitting on or ruling
over "many waters," which ary interpreted in verse 15 as
"peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." Her
name is there given as "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the
Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth." In
other words , tbe Babylonian mystery religion-the same
religion of the ancient Babylon-but now grown GREAT
and ruling over many nations of ditferent languages.
Her KINGDOMS over which she ruled were called "the
Holy Roman Empire" of A.D. 554 to 1814, briefiy revived
by Mussolini and SOON to have a last and final "resur–
rection" by a political-military union of ten nations in
Europe (Rev. 17:8-14).
And at the TIME of this "great whore" sitting astride the
political-military "beast," they shall fight in war against
the glorified CHRIST at His second coming (Rev. 17:1
Now back to Isaiah' 47. God says to this mistress of
kingdoms: "1 was wroth with my people [Israei-Britain–
have polluted mine inheritance, and given
into thine hand
[in tortured slavery]: thou didst
shew them no merey; upon the ancient bast thou very
heavily laid thy yoke" (verse 6).
That YOKE of SLAVERY without merey is to be laid on
the U.S.-Britain by the coming united nations of Europe!
It has started a lready, through the economic Common
Market and the recently implemented EMS (European
Monetary System). Its leaders talk continually of POLITI–
CAL union-which means, also, military union. So far they
have been unable to bríng about full política! union. This
will be made possible by the "good offices" of the Vatican,
that alone can be the symbol of unity to which they can