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Jook. Two popes already have offered their "good offices"
toward such union.
The prophecy does not literally say so, but in all probabili–
ty, by present indications, GERMANY will head this new
WORLD POWER. And Germany will try it once again-World
War III. And this time, it will be allowed to succeed!
The ancient Assyrians migrated NORTHWEST from their
ancient Jand south of the Caspian Sea-and settled in
GERMANY! The Germans of today are the same people–
the very descendants--of the ancient ASSYRIANS. So when
you read about Assyria in prophecies pertaining to NOW,
they refer to GERMANY!
So, history is to repeat! It was ancient Assyria which
invaded the house of Israel, and carried tbem out of
Samaria into the Assyrian's own Jand.
And where, today, are the ancient BABYLONIANS-tbe
Chaldeans? They migrated west and settled in ITALY.
Their religion was the Assyrian-Babylonian MYSTERY reli–
gion. lt is going to come as a breathtaking, awesome,
shocking surprise when the world learns that one Simon,
the sorcerer of Samaria in the time of the original apos–
tles, Jeader of the BABYLONIAN MYSTERYreJigion having the
title of PATER or PETER, meaning PAPA, actually appro–
priated the NAME of
and the Christian principie of
GRACE, which he turned into LICENSE, doing away with
GoD's LA
(Jude 4) and started what is today called
"Christianity." How astonished the worldwill be to discover
that it is NOT, and never.was, the outgrowth of the CHURCH
OFGOD, founded by J esus Christ and His apostles!
T his knowledge will soon burst on an incredulous world
as a BOMBSHELL! People wiJJ be SHOCKED to Jearn how
they have been DECEIVED!
What ls the Great Tribulation?
Now it becomes painfully clear! The Great Tribulation
this sevenfold intensity of corrective punishment which
God is now soon going to lay on Britain-America!
Notice a few brief exerpts from Ezekiel's description of it!
"A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with
famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a
tbird part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and 1will
seatter a third part [the remainder ] into all the winds [slave–
ry], and
will draw out a sword after them. THUS shall MINE
ANGER be accomplished, and I will cause MY FURY [last
PLAGUES] torest upon them,and
will becomforted: and
that I the Eterna! havespoken it
myzeal, when
haveaccomplished my fury in them" (Ezek. 5: 12-13).
Further: "In all your dwelliog places the CITIES shall be
laid waste" (Ezek. 6:6). T his could never have happened
until the hydrogen bomb!Cities laid completely
ofthem- "in aH your dwelling places."
Drought-Famine, First
Now Jet the prophet Joel add more.
Joel's prophecy was for the far, far future-verses 1-3 of
chapter l. Then he shows a plague of different kinds of
locusts, devouring the fruits and food crops-stripping off
bark from fruit trees. "He hatb laid my vine waste, and
barked my fig tree: he hath made it clean bare, and cast it
away; the branches thereofare madewhite" (Joell :7).
Continue-now comes devastating DROUGHT: "The field
is wasted, the Jand mourneth; for the corn is wasted: the new
wine is dried up, the oil Janguisheth .... because the
harvest of the.field is perished.... all the t rees of the field,
are withered: because joy is withered away from the sons of
men" (verses 10-12). This is to happen just prior to the
terrible plagues of"theDA
OFTHE LORD" (verses 14-15).
Continue the prophecy: ' 'The seed is rotten under their
clods, the garners are laid desolate, the barns are broken
down; for the corn is withered. How do the beasts groan! the
berds ofcattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture;
yea, the flocks of sheep are made desolate. O LORD, to thee
cry: for the fire [hot sun] hathdevoured the pastures of
the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the
field . The beasts ofthe field cry also unto thee: for the rivers
ofwatersaredriedup . .. "(verses 17-20).
lnvasion and Defeat
Next in time order, beginning chapter 2, the alarm of WAR:
"Blowye the trumpet in Zion [alarmofWAR] , and sound an
alarm in
y holy mountain: Jeta
the inhabitantsofthe Jand
for the DA
OF THE LORD cometh, for it is nigh at
hand" (verse 1).
"Thereforealso now, saith the Eterna!, turn ye evento me
with a
your heart, and with fast ing, and with weeping, and
with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your gar–
ments, a nd turn unto tbe Eterna! your God: for beis gracious
and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and
repenteth himoftheevil" (verses 12-13).
At Last!- Repentance inTribulatlon
OnceGoddoes add these repeated SEVENFOLD-INTENSITY of
corrective punishments on our peoples- when they have
had their wealth, prosperity, their land- the birthright and
everything they possessed and set their hearts on taken away
from them-at last they will be humbled and will cry out to
God for merey and delivenince!
Right now GOD'S WARNING MESSAGE of this terrifying
greatest trouble of history is being THUNDERED over
World Tom.orrow
program into ALL PARTS OF THE
a witness!
Sorne two and a half million are
reading it in
The Plain Truth!
We know only too well that the people as a whole will not
heed! We are grateful that God is laying it on the hearts of a
few thousand every year to LISTEN (hearken- to use biblical
Authorized Version Janguage) and to take it seriously- to
REPENT and cometo God through J esus Christ as Savior.
Yes, a few thousand every year-thousands PRECIOUS
beyond estimate! But NOT the.people as a whole. Not NOW!
We know full well that the real HARVEST of our labors
GoD'S WORK, preparing theway forChrist 'scoming, is NOT
NOW! But when everything these peoples have has been
PLAIN TRUTH August 1979