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lt saved millions in
nations from starva–
Anciently Joseph saved up the wbeat and food and
made it available to others. MODERN Joseph did also.
But-we are stiff-necked and rebellious toward God and
His law, wbile our ancient forefather Joseph served and
obeyed God with a wbole beart.
It is
our peoples
who have been like a "lion" among the
other nations of the
earth- preserving
in two great world
wars the peace of the world and stability for all human life
on this planet!
Sudden Destruction
Yet, in this detailed prophecy, God says: "And it shall
cometo pass INTHAT DAY, saith the Lord, that 1 will cut
off thy horses" ["war-horses," Moffatt translation]–
tanks, ships, rockets- "out of the midst of thee, and
destroy thy chariots: and 1 will
cut off the cities
hydrogen bombs?] of thy land, and throw down all thy
strongholds" (verses 10, ll).
God says He will do this! Goo determines the outcome
of wars (Ps. 33:10-19).
How plain can you get? Here G.od identifies the GREAT
peoples of the earth who are the most wealthy and bene–
ficent, the most POWERFUL- yet
at the very time
power reaches its zenith, He suddenly "breaks" the pride
of their power (see Levitiéus 26: 19),
cuts off
their imple–
ments of war and destroys their cities! Wby?
Because, as the prophet continues to explain, we have
too much "witchcraft" and too many "soothsayers"–
false ministers-in our lands who refuse to preach with
authority the commandments and ways of the living
Therefore, God will punish and
destroy us- unless we
repent- just
before and leading up to the utter destruction
to come
"upon the heathen"
(Micah 5:15), which will
take place at the very END of this age and at the second
return of Jesus Christ as King of kings!
There is no other people that even remotely fulfills this
great prophecy! But the American and British Common–
wealth peoples fulfill it precisely!
As the "pride of our power" continues to be BROKEN, as
the British continue to lose their foreign sea gates and
possessions around the earth, as America signs away
ownersbip of the Panama Canal--control over this vital
sea gate- as our gold supply drains away from this nation,
weather upsets increase, this focal prophecy alone repre–
sents giant PROOF as to wbere the modern "remnant" of
the peoples
Israel resides today!
Punishment on All Natlons
It will now be made plain-from God's own warning
prophecies- tbat this greatest multiplied
of cor–
rective punishment will fall on Britain and America–
including British peoples in Commonwealth countries.
And it will strike them down
But they are not the only ·nations to suffer corrective
disaster. God is Creator of all other nations, too! God is
concerned about the people and races we have called
"heathen." They, too, are human. They, too, are made in
God's own likeness, witb
potential of being molded
into God's spiritual and character IMAGE! God sent tbe
apostle Paul to Gentile nations!
All mankind has rebelled against, rejected, and turned
from God and His ways! There can never be peace on
earth until all nations have been turned to God and His
ways, ruled by His supreme government!
All mankind, right now, is caught in the vortex of the
swiftly accelerating crisis marking the utter destruction of
this world's man-built, Satan-inspired civilization.
Through Jeremiah God says: "A noise shall come even
to the ends of the earth; for the Eterna! hath a controversy
with the nations, he will plead with all flesh"-How?
Righ.t now
The World Tomorrow
program carries His
pleading worldwide, but the world, except for
scattered individuals, does not heed
kind of "plead–
ing." The next words tell HOW God is now about to plead:
" ... he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith
the Eterna!. ... Behold, EVIL shall go
forthfrom nation to
and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the
coasts of the earth" (Jer. 25:31-32).
God will use a Nazi-Fascist Europe to punish Britain–
America. Then He will use the Communist bordes to wipe
out the Roman Europe.
In passing on the birthright to.
the two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and
Manasseh (Gen. 48:16), Jacob said,
"Let my name be named on them"- on
Ephraim and Manasseh-who today
are Britain and America.
We are entering a time ·of world trouóle-utter WORLD
chaos! There is war, strife, violence in Asia, Africa, South
America-as well as Europe and North America. The
population explosion is a worldwi<;le threat to human exis–
tence. Crime, violence, sickness, disease, inequality, pov–
erty, filth, squalor, degeneration, suffering- these infest
ALL nations!
But, as salvation is given
to Israel, so is corrective
Our Great Tribulation
Notice Jeremiah's prophecy: "For thus saith the Eterna!;
Wehave hearda voiceoftrembling,offear,and notofpeace.
Ask ye now, and see whether aman dotb travail with child?
seeevery man with his handson his loins,asa
woman in travall, and all faces are turned into paleness?
The PLAIN TRUTH August 1979