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What is
happen- now- to America and her closest and most dependable a/ly, Britain? Are there
prophecies that go onfrom here? Believe it or not, there is good news in thefinal outcome, just after
our people have learned sorne spiritual leúons in tribulation and have returned to their God!
Herbert W. Armstrong
has bestowed on us such matedal blessings
the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the Aocks
never before
carne to any nations. Now to correct us so
of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadetb down, and
we may enjoy such blessings, He is going to bring upon
teareth in pieces ,. and none can deliver" (verse 8).
our peoples such national disaster as has
never before
Again, this symbolism describes the
/ast generation
struck any nation! Many prophecies describe this!
Israel as a GREAT POWER-as a lion among the other
The Tremendous Prophecy of Micah
An important additional proof of modern Israel's identity
is found in a fantastic, detailed and
most specific
ecy found in Micah 5:7-15.
is speaking specifically
about the "remnant" of lsrael-modern Israel
wherever it is. It describes the
the beneficent
dominance among nations; and then the coming
of the American and British Commonwealth peoples in
Notice: "And the
remnant of Jacob
shall be in the
midst of many people [nations] as a dew from the Lord, as
the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor
waiteth for the sons of men" (verse 7). Remember that
dew and showers are
absolutely necessary
to agricultura!
productivity and are a symbol of nationa l BLESSJNG and
WEALTH from God.
Continue: "And the
of Jacob shall "be among
tbe Gentiles in the midst of many people as a !ion among
PLAIN TRUTH August 1979
nations of the earth.
"Thine hand sball be lifted up upon thine adversaries,
and all thine enemies shall be cut off'' (verse 9). They
WERE cut off from the beginning of God's birthright
blessing on America and Britain starting about 1803,
through the First World War, the Second World War ,
until the turning point of the Korean War at the end of
Since that time, however, these blessings are surely
taken away-and
neither America nor Britain has
come out"on top in any major skirmish since that time!
So this prophecy shows that
at the very time
we were
receiving God's blessings, we were a tremendous BLESSING
to the other nations of the eartb-for it is
our peoples
have rescued the other nations of the world time and again
through the Marshall Plan, the Point Four program, 'the
Alliance for Progress, the hundreds of millions of bushels
of wheat for India and other starving nations, etc. The
Hoover Program saved up vast food supplies after World