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Together, tbe British Commonwealtb and America pro–
duced, in 1950, tbree-fourths of the world's steel-tbe
United States a lone producing almost 60% or 105,200,000
short tons in 1951. We produced l
times as much pig
iron as all other nations combined.
By 1966, tlíis basic index of wealth had skidded down to
one-third (33.6%) of steel production and only 17.8%
(one-sixth) of the pig iron.
We possessed nearly 95% of the world's nickel (chiefly
from Canada); 80% of the world's a luminum; 75% of the
zinc. But where did we rate in 1966? Only 3.6% of the
world's nickel; 40.2% of its aluminum (aluminium) ;
12.4% of its zinc.
In 1950, the British Commonwealth completely domi–
nated the production of chromite (from South Africa).
Together Britain and America produced two-thirds of the
world's rubber, and dominated the world's copper, lead,
tin, bauxite and other precious metal outputs. But by
1966, we produced only 2.3% of the world's chromite,
23.4% of its copper, 9.9% of its lead, no tin, and 6.3% of its
The Britisb Commonwealth produced two-thirds of the
world's gold-about !266,000,000 ($642 million) in
1950-while the United States had tbree times as mucb
gold reserve as the total for the rest of the world. But by
1966 the U.S. gold supply had been drained so much tbat
the dollar was in serious jeopardy.
We produced and utilized two-thirds of the world's
output of electricity- the United States producing 283
thousand million kilowatt-hours in 1948, and the United
Kingdom and Canada outstripping Russia, Germany and
France combined. But by 1966 we produced only 20.1%!
Great Britain and the United States
possess well
over half of the world's merchant fleet tonnage. But by
1966 the figure was only 32.5%. The British Isles con–
structed more vessels than any other place on earth. But
less than two decades later two or three Gentile nations
had already outstripped Britain and America. In 1950, we
also possessed about one-half of the world's railroad mile–
age. By 1966 our combined railway freight shipping was
only 26% of the world total.
Whereas the United States alone once produced 73% of
the automobiles, by 1966 the U.S. combined with the
U.K. produced 55%-44% from the U.S. alone. Japan,
Germany, France, and Italy are making huge gains.
How Dld We Get lt?
How did we come into possession of all this vast wealth of
the earth? Did we acquire it through our own human
wisdom, foresight, energy, ability and power?
Let Abraham Lincoln answer: "We
.find ourse/ves
the peaceful possession of the fairest portion of the earth,
as regards fertility of soil, extent of territory, and salubrity
of climate.... We ..
find ourselves
the legal inheritors
of these fundamental blessings.
We toiled not in the
acquirement or the establishment of them."
PLAIN TRUTH June-July 1979
Again, in his proclamation of April 30, 1863, for a
nationwide day of fasting and prayer, this great President
said: " lt is the duty of nations, as well as of meo, to own
their dependence upon the overruling power of God ...
and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy
Scriptures and proveo by all history, that those nations
are blessed whose God is the Lord .... We have been
the recipients of the choicest blessings of heaven. We have
been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity.
We have grown in numbers, wea1th and power
as no other
nation ever has grown;
We have forgotten the gracious Hand which preserved us
in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened
us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of
our hearts, that these blessings were produced by sorne
superior wisdom and virtue of our own."
And because Lincoln saw a nation who had forgotten
God-a nation drunk witb a success not due to its own
efforts-a nation taking aU the credit and glory to itself,
this great president called upon the nation for a day of
fasting and prayer to confess this national sin before God.
The fate of the nation hung in the balance when he issued
that proclamation. But God heard and answered that
great national prayer offensive-and the nation was then
But today the threat to our fate is a thousand times
more seriously hanging in the balance. And today we do
not have a president or a prime minister with the vision,
understanding and courage to bring our nations to their
Abraham Lincoln
these great material blessings
had not been earned, but had been
to our people by
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel.
And we should face the facts today and
that we
were given all this vast unprecedented material wealth
because God
it, unconditionally, to Abraham.
And He promised it to Abraham because Abraham
obeyed God, kept God's laws and commandments.
The birthright blessing was
our forefathers after
Moses' day because they REFUSED to live by God's laws.
And today God warns us, through many prophecies in
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, lsaiah, Micah, and many others, that
unless we of this generation REPENT of our sins, and turn
to Him with fasting, and with weeping, and earnest
PRAVER, He will destroy our cities, all our fortresses, with
the foreign sword; that He will punish us at the hand of a
CRUEL ONE; that we shall be invaded, defeated, reduced to
In conclusion, we ask:
are not national lsrael- the
so-called "lost" Ten Tribes- prosperous Joseph- lsrael–
birthright Israel- actual inheritors of the birthright bless–
ings which were to be bestowed beginning A.D. 1803, then
who else can be? No other nation o.r combination of
nations possessed these blessings of the birthright- for we
held more than two-thirds- nearly three-fourths-of all
the raw materials, resources, and wealth of this entire