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round earth, and a ll other nations combined shared among
them only a sma ll part.
Do you know of
stronger proof
of the divine inspiration
of the Holy Bible as the revealed Word of the living God ?
Could mortal men have written, without divine inspira–
tion, those prophecies we have considered in this series;
made those PROMISES to Joseph-Israel; and, after a lapse
of 2520 years, beginning the exact years of 1800-1803,
have had power to bring them about in fulfillment? These
are no small or trifi ing promises. They involve possession
of the great wealth and vast natural resources of the whole
Present these facts as a challenge to your atheistic and
agnostic friends. Ask them to answer, if they can, whether
any but the power of the Eterna! Creator Himself could
have made and had committed to writing such promises
thousands of years ago, and, at precisely the promised
time thousands of years later, brought about thei r fulfill–
How any American-any English-speaking inheritor of
God's choicest material blessings-can, in the face of such
stupendous, overwhelming fulfillment of prophecy- such
awe-inspi ring demonstration of the power and might and
faithfulness of Almighty God- accept and partake of
these blessings, and then carelessly ignore God's WARN–
ING that our si ns today are INCREASING, or fail to get to
his knees before the great Almighty, repent, and INTER–
CEDE in heartrending PRAYER for all lsraelite nations,
and HELP in every way he canto warn our people now of
their impending PERIL, seems impossible to conceive.
The Prophecles for the lmmedlate Future
The birthright, once we received it, was stupendous, AWE–
SOME-unequalled among nations or empires! But what
have our peoples done with that awesome blessing?
They were sti ll JSRAELITES, even though they them–
selves knew it not! They were still rebellious, "stiff–
necked," stubborn!
Once the Br itish peoples and the Amer icans- the
"lost" lsraelites now supposing they are Gentiles- found
themselves basking in the pleasant sunshine of such
wealth and power, they were less willing than their an–
cient forefathers to yield to their GOD and H1s WAYS.
They felt no need of Him, now! lt seems few ever turn to
God until they find themselves in desperate need or
But after God had withheld the birthright 2520 years,
and then, when our peoples deserved
from God,
bestowed on us national blessings unparal–
leled in history- the unconditional promise to Abraham
was kept!
No longer
is God obligated by His promisc to
our undeserving peoples in world prestige, wealth
and greatness. Once we had been
such unrivaled
position, it was up to us whether we should keep it.
So now back to Leviticus 26. We had previously cov–
ered verses 1 through 18. God s'aid that
for all these
previous punishments, the lsraelites would not listen to
and obey Him, He would punish them the duration of
2520 years. Tben what?
after that 2520 years of
the birthright,
our people-with tbe birthright- still rebel , God contin–
verse 19:
"And I will break the pride of your power;
will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as
brass." God has already begun that!
We Had Pride In Our Power!
God could not speak about breaking the pride of our
national POWER until after that birthright power had been
bestowed! He put our nations in the position of possessing
the grea test na tional power any nat ion or empire ever
possessed. We bad great
in that national power- in
our national prestige.
I remember bearing President Theodore Roosevelt tell
of HIS PRIDE in that power- and how he used it when he
was president. The Germans were sending a battleship
steaming toward Manila Bay, threatening to take over the
Philippines. The Philippines were then a United States
possession. President Roosevelt sent the kaiser a terse note
demanding that the German warship be immediately
"The kaiser didn't know, then, that
1 meant it!"
snapped Mr. Roosevelt. "So I sent another note. Only, l
didn't send this second note to the kaiser. I sent it to
Admira! Dewey, in command of the United States Pacific
ordered the entire fieet to steam full speed toward
the German battleship, and if it did not turn around and
go back, to SINK n!" said Mr. Roosevelt with emphatic
In those days, before World War
we had
our national power!
But We Lost lt!
Today even little nations dare to insult, trample on, or
burn the United S tates fiag- and "the United S tates, still
having power, does no more than issue a weak protest!
to the PRIDE of our power?
We have al ready LOST IT! God said, " I will break the
pride of your power!" And HE DIO!
Other prophecies reveal we are to have soon such
drought and famine that disease epidemics will follow,
taking millions of lives. When our heaven is as iron, our
earth as brass, we will realize rain does not come down
from iron, and an earth hard as brass is not getting rain,
not yielding food!
Verse 20: "And your strength shall be spent in vain: for
your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the
trees of the land yield their fruits."
But will America and Britain
They never have!
Then wha t? After all that, THEN WHAT?
Verse 21: "And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will
not hearken unto me;
will bring
seven limes more
upon you according to your sins."
There again, as in verse 18, is that Hebrew word
PLAIN TRUTH June-July 1979