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custodianship before our Maker! Just
was this birthright blessing?
The Blrthrlght Wealth
Read again the prophetic promises of Genesis 22: 17.
To Abraham God said: "That in blessing
will bless
thee, and in multiplying 1 will multiply thy seed as the
stars of tbe heaven, and as the sand which is upon tbe sea
shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of bis ene–
And again, the inspired prophetic parting blessing upon
Rebekah, leaving her family to become the wife of Isaac:
"And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art
our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions,
and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate
them" (Gen. 24:60}.
Earlier we quoted the correct Fenton translation:
" ... and your race shall possess the gates [plural] of its
enemies." As explained there, the "gates" of .enemy na–
lions are lhe strategic
of entrance to or exit
from lhese nations. Although all wealth comes from the
ground, prosperity and affiuence on a national scale al–
ways have come also by industry and
commerce between nations has been transacted almost
altogelher by the
of the world- by
within a continent, by railroads.
How significant,
then, that Robert Fulton operated the
first steamboat in 1803-precisely when Britain and
America suddenly began to
in national wealth!
And also that it was the nineteenth century that saw the
development of the railroads!
As explained before, since the birthright pertains to
of our enemies would be such passes
as Gibraltar, Suez, Singapore, the Panama Canal, etc.
Britain and America carne into possession of every such
major "gate" in this world! So we
be modern Israel.
World War
hinged on these "gates." They had become
nol only strategic passes, but the world's greatest fortifi–
cations. But today, we have lost most of them, most
recently, the Panama Canal- and it appears that soon
Gibraltar, too, will be lost. Why?
Notice Genesis 39:2, 23: "The Eterna! was with Joseph,
and he was a
man.... the Eterna) was with
him, and that which he did, the Eterna) made it to
And God
prosper Joseph's descendants, Britain
and America, with the fabulous birthright promised Jo–
seph's sons!
Consider Moses' dying prophetic blessing, foretelling
what would happen to each of the tribes in these latter
"And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be bis land,
for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the
deep that coucbeth beneath, and for the precious fruits
broughl forth by the sun, and for the precious things put
forth by the moon, and for the chief things of the ancient
mounlains, and for the precious lhings of the lasting hills,
and for the precious things of the earth and fulness there–
of ... Jet the blessing come upon the head of Joseph
[Ephraim and Manasseh both) ....His glory is like the
firstling [firstborn- birthright holder] of his
his horns are like
the horns of unicorns
[Great Britain's
national seal today]: with them he shall push the people
together to the ends of the earlh: and they are the ten
thousands of Ephraim, and lhey are the thousands of
Manasseh" (Deut. 33:13-17).
Whoever is Ephraim and Manasseh today must have
been in possession of the eartb's choicest agricultura!,
mineral, and other wealth- the great gold and silver
mines; iron, oil, and coa!; timber and other resources.
What nations fulfill these prophecies? Why,
Britain and America!
More than half of all tillable, cultivatable, temperate–
zone lands of this earth carne after
1800 into the
possession of our two great powers alone! The rich agricul–
turallands of the Mississippi Yalley; the vast wheal and
grain fields of tbe Midwest, of Canada and Australia; lhe
great forest lands of the Pacific Northwest and many
other parts of the world; the gold fields of South Africa,
Australia, Alaska and the United States; the great coal
mines of the United States and British Isles; the natural
waterfalls and means of power and consequent prosperous
industrial and manufacturing districts of England and lhe
eastern United States; the choicest fruit Jands of our
Pacific Coast and Florida. What other nations
ever possessed such material wealth?
And nearly all this wealth carne to us after
The Actual Statlstlcs
Just to what extent has Almighty God fulfilled His prom–
in us
to the descendants of Joseph in these latter years
1800-promises of "the precious fruits brought
forth by the sun . .. the chief things of the ancient moun–
tains ... and the precious things of the earth"?
Said Charles M. Schwab, steel magnate, before the
Massachusetts Bankers Association, January 5, 1921:
"Our United States has been endowed by God with every–
thing to make it and keep it the foremost industrial and
commercial nation of the world."
World petroleum output in 1950 was almost 3,800
million barreis. Of this total the United States
produced more than one-half- nearly 52%. Together, the
British Commonwealth and lhe United States produced
60% of the crude petroleum, not including our vast foreign
investments. But by 1966- the fateful year in which the
British Colonial Office in London closed its doors, mark–
ing the official death of the British Empire-that 60% of
all the world's crude petroleum output had been reduced
Brilain and America mined l lh times as much coa! as
all olher nations combined. Bul by 1966 our portion had
shrunk lo less than one-lhird of lhe world production-
PLAIN TAUTH June·July 1979