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America and Britain ·are going down-but why? Why are these nations losing strength, wil/,
prestige? l s it just due to the natural flow of world history, or is it because they have rejected the
source ofall the blessings that have been showered down upon them? Bible prophecy foretells what
will happen to America and Britain-and humanity in general-unless we repent!
Herbert W. Armstrong
ow great, how powerful, and how wealthy did
Nor has the average American visíted those vast under-
the British and American people become? And what is
privileged areas, nor even the countries of Europe-pros-
suddenly happening to us now? Why has Britain already
perous compared to the teeming illiterate masses, yet poor
most of her colonies- her possessions- her re-
by comparison to American standards. No, our people
sources, wealth, power and influence in the world? ·Why
generally have not reaUzed. Nor have they been grateful.
is Britain no longer considered Great Britain-a GREAT
Nor have they given God thanks, nor accepted the respon-
world power?
sibility that accompanies their lavish blessings.
Why is the United States now discredited, despised,
Few realize that every desired, prized possession im-
hated throughout so much of the world? Why could we
poses with it the obligation of responsibility for its use.
the Korean War? Why couJdn't the United States
Does the eight-year-old boy who is given a shiny new
whip little North Vietnam?
bicycle by his parents feel a consciousness for the respon-
First, realize just how great-how rich and powerful-
sibility imposed on him-unless the fact is impressed on
the American and British people did become.
him by his parents-for the
of it, and the carefulness
People are prone to take their status-and that of their
with which he must ride it to avoid injuring himself or
country-for granted. Few realize what unprecedented
affiuence our countries enjoyed. We judge all things by
When God lavished on our peoples such wealth and
The average Briton, Australian or Canadian
power and economic possession as no peoples have ever
has never traveled througb the illiterate, poverty-stricken,
before enjoyed, did we appreciate what we had or feel the
disease-infested backward areas of China, India, the Mid-
commensurate sense of RESPO 'SIBILITY for its wise and
die East or black Africa. He has not observed the squalor,
proper use?
the stench, the poverty and wretchedness in which the
NOT! We didn't even recognize HOW GREAT
largest part of mankind lives.
was our blessing, Jet a lone feel a sense of obligat ion for our
PLAIN TRUTH June-July 1979