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great miracle, and so he repo rted to
Job: "The tire of God is fallen from
heaven. and hath burned up the
sheep. a nd the servants, a nd con–
sumed them; and I only am escaped
alone to tell thee" (Job 1: 16).
Salan is the " prince of thc power
o f the air" (Eph. 2:2). He is still in
the o ffice of control over this world
a nd its a ffairs insofar as God allows
him to exerci se that contro l. You
will remember when Moses was
calling the childre n of Israel out of
Egypt. under the direct su pervision
of God. that the Egyptia n sorcerers.
thc servants of the devil of tha t day.
wcre able to perform great mira cles
by the power that Salan gave them.
Miraeles alone a re not a proof of
the presence and authority ofGod!
Deuteronomy 13 very pla inly ex–
plains this to any who would have a
question: " If there arise among you
a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams.
and g iveth thee a sign or a wonder
[prophesies something to come to
pass. o r performs sorne grca t mir–
acle), a nd the sign or the wonder
come to pass. whereofhc spakc unto
thee, saying. Let us go a fter other
gods, which thou has t no t known.
a nd lct us serve them; Thou sha lt
not hearken unto the words of that
prophet. or that dreamer of dreams:
for the Lord your God proveth you.
to know whe ther- ye love the Lord
your God with all your heart a nd
with all your soul. Ye shall walk
after the Lord your God, and fcar
him. and keep his comma ndme nts,
a nd obey his voice, and ye shall
serve him , a nd cleavc unto him"
(Oeut. 13 : 1-4). Isaia h backs thi s up
by sayi ng: "To the law a nd to the
testimony: if they speak no t accord–
ing to this word. it is because
thcre is no light in them' ' (lsa.
God warns through His Bible
from Genesis to Revelation that
the re have been, that the re a re a nd
that there are going to be lying,
fa lse, miracle-performing prophe ts
deceiving mankind. But God gives
you a nd me the key of how to know
who serves God and who does not.
Whom to Believe?
" Beloved.
believe not every spirit.
try the spirits
whether they a re of
God: because
many fa/se prophers
a re gone out into the world" (l John
4: 1). God's plain warning to you is
no t to be gullible. Don't assume
somebody is right because he has a
pious face , beca use he has a soft and
smooth voice, or because he dresses
differently from you.
Don' t assume somebody is God's
messenger even if he brings tire out
of heaven. Don' t assume somebody
is God 's messcngcr a nd not Sa tan
the devi l's tool- because he says.
"The Bible says....' '
Satan the devi l a nd a ll his hench–
men have been quoting the Bible
since time immemo rial. They have
been and st ill are quoting it out of
context a nd adding on Satan 's fa–
vori te expression tha t God does not
really mea n what He says- and then
adding their own interpretation,
The devil has many
doctrines, but his chief
doctrin e is that of
rebellion- disobedience
to the laws of God–
because he is a rebel.
their own tradition, the comma nd–
ments o f men that they have re–
ceived from Satan .
" Hereby know ye the Spiri t of
God: Every spirit that confesseth
that J esus Christ is coming [correct
Greek rendering) in the flesh is of
God: And every spi rit that con–
fesseth not tha t J esus Christ is com–
ing in the ftesh is not of God" (1
John 4:2-3). This is the one doctrine
tha t Sa lan will no t proclaim.
This is th e o ne doc trine that
Satan the devil will no t a llow a ny of
his ministers to preach. This is t.he
one doctrine that
The World Tomor–
program a nd
The Plain Trurh
magazine dogmatically a nd abso–
lutely preach.
This is the doctrine: tha t Jesus
Christ- the same yesterday. today
an d fo r eve r (Heb. 13:8 )- is
presently living H is life, by the
power o f the Ho ly Spirit of God. in
the flcshly bodies a nd minds of the
called-ou t individuals that He has
addecl to the collective Body of
Christ- the Church of God. This
doctrine preves that Jesus Chris t,
living in those who are true C hris–
tians, will live exactly as He lived
whe n He was in the flesh 1900 years
ago keeping the same laws, observ–
ing the same days, living the samc
li fe apart from the world around
Him. This doctrine is denied by
those false prophets. the ins truments
of Satan the devil. those who belong
to thc devil's religion.
T o unders ta nd this doctrine. writc
immediately for the booklet
Were You Born?
T his booklet cx–
plains tho ro ughly the purposc bcing
worked out he re below, the rcason
for human existence, the true doc–
trine of J esus Christ.
Find Out-Check Up
Don't just read thi s a rticle and for–
ge t about it. Apply a nd obey the
injunction that J esus Christ gives to
you through 1-J is servant John to
" try the s pirits" (1 John 4:1 ). Find
out, check up!
Do as the Bereans did in Paul's
day whcn he was explaini ng to them
the truths of the gospel of God (Acts
17: 11 )- receive this understanding
with a ll readiness of mind but check
every last scripture and find out if
it's according to G od's Word
a nd do thc same thing with a ny
other relig ious instruction you rc–
You kn ow that this confuscd
world standing on the brink of nu –
clear cosmocide cannot be God's
is a world turned over to
Satan the devil- but Almighty God
is returning soon to restare a rder. to
set up His Kingdom. lo bring peace
and happiness a nd safety and truth
to this Satan-deceived world.
Elij a h, the servant of God, facccl
a simi lar si tuation in the wor ld of
his day: "And Elijah carne unto a ll
the people, and said. How long ha lt
ye between two opinions? l f the
Lo rd be God. follow him: but if
Baa l, then fo llow him. And the
people a nswered him no t a word' ' (1
Kings 18:2 1).
What a nswer will you g ive?
PLAIN TRUTH January 1979