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deviJ. Mankind, since Eve. has been
hoodwinked into believing the devil,
despite the fact that the devil says
exactly the opposite of what God
says. lt has been this way from the
beginning. God said: "Thou shalt
su rc ly die" (Gen.
Satan said:
" Ye sha ll not surely die" (Gen. 3:4).
Which do you choose to believe?
Satan Performs Miracles Also
Since the devil has counterfeited a
many of the things of God as he can
in order to deceive mankind into
thinking his way is God's way, he
has also used miracles. Satan has
appropriated the name of Christ. He
appropriated the tilles of the scr–
vants of God and called hi s chief
leadcr an apostle- but God la beis this
individual as a false apostle. Sincc
J esus Christ performed miracles and
since He prophesied that certain signs
(miracles) would follow His believers
16: 15-18).
Satan the devil has
also counterfeited miracles!
This nced be no surprise to the true
Christian. Jesus Christ forewarned
through His Bible in many places that
thi s would take place. Satan has
worked this way before. and J esus
forewarncd: "For there shall arisc
Christs. and
prophets. and
shew grear signs and wonders:
insomuch that. if it were possible,
they shall deceive the very elect"
The only ones who will
not be dcceived by the great miracles
that Satan the devil will perform
through the agency of his church
wil l be th ose whom God is calling
out of this world now-the "very
Satan 's Power
The a post le Paul talks about the indi–
vidual whom Satan the devil is going
to use in this end time to deceive the
whole world:
ven him. whose com–
ing is after the
working ofSaran
a nd
lying wonders.
and with
al/ deceivableness ofunrigh–
in them thal are perish ing
(correct Greek rendering]" (11 Thess.
Satan knows that he now hasjust a
short time (Rev. 12: 12). Therefore he
is hard at work. even at this moment
as you read this article. laying the
groundwork for the greatest decep-
The PLAIN TRUTH January 1979
tions that mankind has ever seen:
laying the groundwork for the great–
est miracles he has ever performed in
order lo deceive mankind. Let's read
that verse again in the Moffatt trans–
latio n: " ... One whose arr ival is due
to Satan's activity, with the full
power, the miracles and portents, of
falsehood, and with the full deceitful–
ness ofevil for those who are doomed
lo perish. since they refuse Lo love the
Truth that would save them"
There are going to come, through
Satan's agency and his churches.
miracles and wonders that would
cause anyone to believe- except the
very elect (Matt. 24:24). Such out–
s tanding miracles will be performed
through his agents that the whole
world will reel and gasp in open-
"Beloved, believe not
every spirit, but try th e
spirits whether they are of
God : because many false
prophets are gone out
into the world"
(I John 4: l).
mouthed wonder- and they will be
real miracles!
The term " lying wonder" does not
refer to the fact that the wonder
itself is a lie. The miraclc is real
enough. but the miracle causes
those who see it to believe a lie- that
is, the miracle causes those who
see it to believe that the agent
Satan the devil uses is the agent of
Are Miracles Proof of God?
Almighty God specifically warns us
about one particularly o uts tanding
miracle that thi s false prophet urged
forward by Satan will perform.
"And he doeth great wonders. so
that he
maketh fire come down from
on the earth in the sight of
men, and deceiveth them that dwell
on the earth by the means of those
miracles" (Rev. 13 : 13-14). This is
the false prophet-the ultimate
leader of Satan's religious move–
ment who will even defy the living
God at His return.
What would you do if you were
standing in a crowd of men and
women and you saw a fellow human
being dressed in ecclesiastical vest–
ments- looking as if he were a ser–
van! of God- calling down fire from
heaven, consuming somebody
standing next to you who denied
that this miracle-maker was a ser–
vant ofGod?
What would you do?
What would you believe?
How are you going to know what
is the counterfeit and what is the
Would you be deceived? We just
read in the verse above that all who
dwell on the earth are going lo be
deceived by these miracles. Or will
you remember this article that you
have read in
The P/ain Trurh,
other articles that you have read in
this magazine. warning you of these
very things to come?
Jesus Christ not only prophesied
through Jo hn in lhe book of Revela–
tion that this will come to pass.
but He also left a record of just
such a lhing having happened in the
" Fire from God"
In the opening chapter in the book of
Job, Satan was talking to God. God
brought up the subject of Job. He
asked Satan ifhedidn't think that J ob
was quite a righleous man, and Salan
answered God by saying that he was
not righteous for nothing, that God
had blessed him with everything. So
God allowed Satan totakeeverything
away from Job-but let's notice
exactly what happened.
As Satan began to destroy all of
the things that Job possessed, he
allowed one servant to escape from
each devastation that he wrought.
T hat servant would 'Come and report
lo Job the horrible things that had
Now when one of these servants
saw a great ball of tire coming down
out of heaven and consuming J ob's
sheep. he automatically assumed
that only God could cause such a