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Since Satan feels that he has been
unjustly judged by God, he wants
the people of this world to feel that
they are unjustly judged by God. So
he has his ministers tell them that
they do not need to obey God; that
the harsh, cruel God of the O Id Tes–
tameot has now been superseded by
the new, loving and kínd God of the
New Testament. Yet God's Word
says: "While they [Satan's ministers)
promise them (their converts] lib–
erty, they themselves are the ser–
vants of corrupt ion: for of whom a
man is overcome, of the same is he
brought in bondage"
Peter 2: 19).
Satan deccives mankind into think–
ing that they can continue to do
as tbey please and get away with
Satan's Doctrines
The devil believes in God! "Thou
believest that there is ooe God; thou
doest weiJ:
the devils also believe.
and tremble" (James
19). Isn't
that amazing- the devil himself is
not even as deceived as sorne o f
those whom he has blinded into
thinking that there is no God- poor
foolish atheists who like to ponder
their evolutionary descent from pre–
historic warm ocean slime.
We can plainly see from this
scripture that believing in God is
not enough. Satan himself believes
in God. Using the name of Christ is
not enough either. because J esus
Himself prophesied that many
would use His name, but that these
many would be false prophets- ser–
vants ofthe devil!
Using the name of Jesus Christ is
a very dangerous thing- you must
be sure that you are usíng it the way
Christ would use it Himself (Col.
3: 17).
One historie record God pre–
serves for us is almost humorous if it
did not carry the sober realization
that the name of Jesus Christ can
only be used with extreme cau–
tion and according to the will of
"Then certain of the vagabond
Jews, exorcists, took upon them to
call over them which had evil spirits
the name of the Lord Jesus. saying,
We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul
preachetb. And there were seven
sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief
of the príests, wbich díd so. And the
evíl spirit answered and said, Jesus 1
know [no evil spiri t is ignorant of
the fact that Jesus Ch rist was a nd is
the Son of God], and Paul
but who are ye? And the man in
whom the evil spírit was leaped on
them, and overcame them, and pre–
vailed against them, so that they
fted out of that house naked and
wounded" (Acts 19: 13-16).
The devil has many doctrines
Tim. 4: 1-4), but his chief doctrine is
that of rebellion- disobedience to the
laws of God- because he is a rebel.
His is a system of confusion, and he
has caused this so-called Christian
world to be so confused that there are
over 400 different interpretations of
what Christianity is. This cannot be
God's Christianity! Write for our free
Satan knows that he now
has justa short time. He
is hard at work laying the
groundwork for
the greatest deceptions
that mankind has
ever seen.
Where ls God's True Church
The Devll Also Quotes Scripture
Satan the devil is not opposed to
quoting Scripture- he even had the
gall to quote Scripture to Jesus Christ ,
the Son ofGod. the Author ofScrip–
ture: "Then the devil taketh him up
into the ho ly city, and setteth him on a
pinnacle ofthe temple, and saith unto
him , Tf thou be the Son of God, cast
thyself down: for it is written, He shall
give his angels charge concerning
thee: and in their hands they shall
bear thee up, lest at any time thou
dash thy foot against a stone" (Matt.
Satan is eager to quote Scripture–
but he twists and turns it so that it is
applied in the wrong way. Let's notice
the first example in the Bible of how
Satan twísts the Word of God. This
will be a good example to show how
Satan's minísters, those who copy
him, a lso twist the Scriptures today.
"Now the serpent was mo re subtil
than any beast of the field whích the
Lord God had made. And he saíd
unto the woman [Eve]. Yea. hath God
shall not eat of every tree of
the garden?" (Gen.
Notice how
he begins by asking a clever and
subtle question, stressing the nega ti ve
side, trying to put God in a bad light
o r make it appear that God is evil if
He has done what Satan suggests that
He probably did.
"And the woman said un'to the
serpent, We may eat of the fruit of
the trees of the garden:
of the
fruit of the tree which is in the midst
of the garden. God hath said [this is
God's word quoted from Genesis
2: 17]. Y
e shall not eat of it. neither
shall ye touch it, lest ye die' ' (Gen.
Eve knew what God had
said . God had very plainly said that
if she ate of the fruit of this tree she
would die- a very simple statement
which God makes all th e way
through His Bible. explaining that if
a man commits sin. death is the au–
tomatic penalty (Rom. 6:23). Also–
when God says death,
death, not e ternallife in hellfire.
"And the serpent said unto the
woman, Ye shall
surely die." Jn
effect Satan was saying:
that God said 'Thou shalt surely
die'- but He didn ' t really mean that
you would die. What God meant
when He said 'Thou
surely die'
was 'Thou shalt
surely die!'"
To thi s day Satan 's ministers
preach this same doctrine of error.
The only way that Satan is able to
deceive people is to make them be–
lieve that God does not mean what
He says. Satan subs títutes for the
doctrine of God the lust and desires
of mankind . He offers to mankind
what the carnal mind wants. instead
ofwhat God knows mankind needs.
Then, in order to give it a "godly
and Christian" ftavor. he quotes a
few scriptures out of context- ex–
plains that God doesn't mean what
He says after all.
The pitiful thing about it is that
so far mankind has gullíbly swa l–
lowed the doctrines of Satan the
PLAIN TRUTH January 1979