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"More than three out offive Americans willlive to see the twenty-first century , " said a recent striking
insurance advertisement. Undoubtedly such an optimistic estimate is based on accurate actuaria/
tables. But insurance company predictions do not consider the missing dimension of Bible prophecy.
Bib/ical revelation shows that there is a worldwide age-ending crisis coming upon this chaotic earth.
James Moffatt termed
"the crisis at the close. " lL may very well interfere with the best-laid plans of
even the most competent and successful businessmen and statesmen.
John R. Schroeder
oday the earth is churning with crises. One past
rticle in
The Plain Trulh
was titled: "What's Be–
ind the Energy Crisis?"; a no th er, "T he Philip–
p ines, a Nation in Crisis"; still a nother, ' 'The Continuing
Crisis in the Catho lic Church."
T ha t last t itle tells us something about the ch a nging
nature o f today's troubles in a crisis-cha rged world. One
President wrote: "The na ture o f crisis has
changed. The remarkable cha racte ristic of the crises of
today is their continuity- they have moved in, it seems,
to stay" (Richard M. Nixon,
Six Crises,
p. 18).
The very te rm " crisis" should imply
an end
to wha t–
ever the pa rticular problem may be. We used to say:
"Well , the crisis has passed."
But not a nymo re. The crime crisis continues; the e n–
ergy and resource crises a re a n everyday fact o f Life; the
popula tion explosion grows unaba ted; the Mideast crisis
has been wi th us since the fo rmation o f the mode ro sta te
oflsrael; nuclear overki ll is a n ever present reality.
And these tellta le crises coincide with scriptura l warn–
ings fo r the future described in Ma tthew 24. Jesus was
asked wha t even ts would signa ! the e nd of this present
age o f ma n. He a nswered by lis ting a number of simila r
ty pes o f wo rldwide problems tha t would intensify into
crises at the time of the end . Thcn He said of these
signpos ts: " AII these are the beginning o f so rrows"
(Ma tt . 24 :8).
And so it is with the e nergy crisis, the cri me crisis, an d
a ll the o ther curre nt crises. They me re ly mark the begin–
n ing rumblings o f a worldwide catastrophe to fina lly
in te nsify into " the crisis a t the closc."
Bíblica! prophecy warns us that this g reat time o f
trouble is coming upon pla net Ea rth- most like ly in this
last qua rter of the twentieth ccntury. This unprece–
dented period of world chaos is spoken o f in severa!
different books · of your Bible. These books- both Old
T es tame nt and New- were writte n in ditferent periods of
histo ry by d ifferent writers, who in ma ny cases did no t,
and could not, know each o ther.
Consider the book o f Da n iel, written by a great
prophet of God , who was in etfect the prime minister of
two successive wo rld-ruling governmen ts. He wrote h is
prophecy a round 600 B.C.
Da nie l 11 begins the longest, most de ta iled prophecy
in a ll of the Bible. It commences with the first year o f
Da rius the Mede (firs t king o f the Medo-Persian Em–
pire) and comes righ t on down to " the time of the end"
(verses 1 a nd 40). Verses 40 through 45 center on an im–
pe nding power struggle in the Middle East (possibly
over oil?).
Verse one o f chapte r twelve b rings us to a crucia l
scripture in this long prophecy. " And a t tha t time sha ll
Michael (one of three a rcha ngels] stand up ... fo r the
children o f thy people: a nd the re sha ll be a time of
trouble, such as never was since there was a na tion even
to tha t same time.. .."
This time o f trouble is to occur in what is commonly
called in th e Bible " the time o f thc end." D aniel sought
understa nding of the prophecy he had written, but was
to ld, " ... Go thy way, Da niel: fo r the words are closed
up a nd sea led till the time o f the e nd ."
was no t unti l
our day- this twentie th cen tury- tha t world events began
to plainly point
the direction of a g ra nd smash cl ímax
ofall the negative fo rces a t work in the wo rld.
Until the thermonuclear age, humans could never
have properly understood a no ther simila r prophecy re–
corded in Matthew's G ospel: " Fo r then sha ll be great
tribula tion, such as was no t since the beginning o f the
wo rld to th is time, no, nor eve r shall be. And except
those days should be sho rte ned , tbere should no ftesh be
saved (a live, Moffatt): but for the elect 's sake those days
shall be sho rtened" (Ma tt. 24:2 1-22).
Compa re these prophetic verses to those previously
q uo ted in Daniel. Notice the str iking similarity in the
wording. There can be little doubt tha t these two scrip–
tures- written hundreds o f yea rs a pa rt- are talking
a bout one a nd the same time in future world h istory.
These prophetic predictions he ra ld a n utterly unique
time in the future of this crisis-cha rged world- a time
when we may not be able to keep from polluting our–
selves o tf the face of the earth: a time when statesmen
may no t be able to avo id a death-dealing nuclear wa r.
The wo rld is hurt ling towa rd a "crisis a t the close" tha t
canno t be postponed until Century 2 1.
But there is good news beyond the bad news jus t
a head . A wonde rful world tomo rrow is coming ! Why no t
ge t this good news in adva nce? Request our free bookle t
enti tled
Coming-A New Age.