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for the words are closed up and sealed till the time ofthe
end.... and none of the wicked shall understand; but the
wise shall understand" (Dan. 12:8-10).
So the prophecies ofDaniel were CLOSED, sealed, locked
up until now! But today we are living in "the time of the
end." Today the "wise" do understand! But who are "the
wise"? Only those who fear and obey God-and who have
the master key to unlock the
Jocked-up prophecies. God
says: "The fearofthe Eterna) is
the beginning of wisdom: a
have all
they that do his command–
ments" (Ps. 111 : JO). And cven
most professing "Christians"
refuse utterly to do that. No
wonder they can't understand.
And don't forget, the specific
key that unlocks these closed
doors of prophecy is the defi-
nite knowledge of the true
identity of the American and
British nationsas they are men-
tioned in these prophecies.
Stop a moment and think.
If the prophecies Daniel
wrote could not be understood by him: if they were
"closed up and sealed
the time of the
Jatter half of the twentieth century-as the angel said
and as Daniel wrote, then they were closed to the an –
cient Israelites of that day; they contained no message
for Daniel's time.
Think a little further.
These prophecies could not have been given to or
known by the ancient Kingdom of IsraeL Daniel wrote
in and after the time of the Chaldean king Nebuchad–
nezzar's invasion and captivity of the Kingdom of Ju–
604 to 58,5 B.C. But the Kingdom oflSRAEL bad
been invaded, conquered, and its people moved out
of Palestine- transported as slaves to Assyria (721 to 718
B.C.) 117 to 133 years
Daniel wrote (ll Kings 17:18,
23-24). Years before the book of Daniel was written, most
of the Assyrians,
those Israelite slaves, had migrated
from ancient Assyria northwest toward Europe. How far
northwest- where they finally settled- was not then
known. They had become known as the Lost Ten Tribes.
But today we do know.
Today, as Daniel wrote (12:4). knowledge has indeed
increased. The whereabouts of the Lost Ten Tribes is
one of the ancient mysteries now cleared up. But in
Daniel's day they were lost from view-as if the earth
had opened her mouth and swallowed them.
Not for Old Testament Israel
Daniel's prophecy, then, was not a message to the Old
Testament Kingdom oflsrael!
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978
Now think further!
Nor was this prophecy a message for the Old Testa–
ment Kingdom of Judah. When Daniel wrote, the Jews
already were slaves in Babylon. Daniel was one of the
brílliant young princes of Judah, specially chosen for
service in the king's palace in Babylon (Dan. 1:3-6).
Daniel's strenuous duties in the Gentile king's service
the strategic western "gate" to the Mediter–
ranean, stood tor three centuries as the symbol ot Brit–
ain 's far-flung power. Today it is one ot the Empire's tew
remaining vestiges.
did not allow him to deliver this closed and sealed
message to the scattered Jewish slaves. In this condition
of slavery, the Jews had no system of religious meet–
ings- no priesthood. There was no such thing as a print–
ing press- no way to print and distribute literature. And
besides. the prophecy was "closed up and sealed
time of the end"- our time, now! The book of Daniel
a mcssage for the Jews of Old Testament
Finally realize: h is emphatically clear that these
prophecies pertain to no time but to
our time,
in this
twentieth century!
Then know this, further:
The greatest mystery book of the en tire Bible, to most,
has been the book of Revelation. But the book of Daniel
is the key to the book of Revelation. And in the book of
Revelation, solely and alone, do we find the world events
of all prophecies correlated in order of time sequence.
The book of Revelation, then. holds the key for putting
together all of the prophecies in proper time order. And
Revelation, too, was a closed and sealed book- until
our time, now. We realize that the living Jesus is
the Revelator- and that He has stripped off the
seals and opened this mystery book to right under–