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And where does that lead us? To the fact that proph–
ecy generally was wrítten and preserved for
our time
And sorne 90 percent of all prophecy pertains
actually to this latter half of the twentieth century. And
the one central master key to prophecy as a whole is the
identity of the Uníted States and the Brítísh nations in
these prophecies for today!
These prophecies could not pertaín to any time pre–
vious to our precarious present!
It may not be generally realized- but neither Britain
nor the Uníted States became great world powers until
the nineteenth century. Suddenly, in the very beginning
of the nineteenth century, these two- until then small,
minor countries- suddenly spurted to national power
and greatness among nations, as no nations had ever
grown and multíplíed in wealth, resources and power
By 1804 London had become the financial hub of the
world. The Uníted States had exploded out of its
swaddling clothes of the 13 original states and had ac–
quired the expansive Louisiana Purchase.
was fast
sprouting up to become the míghtiest nation of all time.
But Britain burst forth to greatness first, and until the
"He must indeed
have a blind soul
who cannot see
that sorne great
purpose and
design is being
worked out here
World Wars had become the greatest empire, or com–
monwealth of nations, in all bistory.
Could We Be lgnored?
Between them the British and American peoples had
acquired more than two-thirds-almost three-fourths-of
all the cultivated physical resources and wealth of the
world. All other nations combined possessed
barely more than a fourth. Britannia ruled the waves–
and the world's commerce was carried on by water. The
sun never set on British possessíons.
Now think!
Could the British and American peoples be ignored in
prophecies of world conditions that
a third of the
entire Bible-when sorne 90 percent of all those proph–
ecies pertain to national and international world hap–
penings of
our time, now?
lndeed it is. And yet, precisely as prophesied, Britain's
sun has now set. As these same prophecies that foretold
Britain's greatness revealed far in advance, Britain has
already been reduced to a second-rate or third-rate
power in the world.
And the United States? Today America finds herself
heir to just about all the international problems and
headaches in this post-World-War-II, chaotic, violent
world. And the United States has won her last war- even
little North Vietnam held her at bay. Many other na–
tions sap America's natíonal strength, "and he knoweth
it not," as God long ago foretold!
On the world scene nothing is so important right now as
to know where the white, English-speaking peoples are
identified in scores and hundreds of prophecies- proph–
ecies which describe vividly our sudden rise to national
power and reveal the causes ofthat greatness; prophecies
that paint a crystal-clear picture of our present inter–
national dilemma; prophecies that open our eyes wide to
see what now líes immediately ahead for our nations-and
what our ultima te and final status shall be.
Astounding Facts Cometo Light
Prior to World War 11, the American and British peoples
had acquired more than two-thirds of the cultivated
resources and wealth of the world. Yet, astonishing won–
der though it be, we acquired nearly all of it rather
suddenly, since the year 1800. Never in all history
anything like this occur. Never did any people or nation
spread out and grow so suddenly and rapidly into such
magnitude of national power.
Yet we are beholding before our very eyes the dimin–
ishing and evaporatíng of this national greatness, wealth
and power. In the case of Great Britain, it is disintegrat–
íng even more rapidly than it developed! Britaín has
been almost overnight stripped of her coloníes and her
possessions-source of her wealth- and reduced to a sec–
ond-rate or third-rate power. Why? There is a reason! It
ís bound up wíth hístory and divine promises pertaíning
to Israel. Promises never yet inheríted by the Jewísh
people. And now, unless the people
the government
of the United States will heed and take immediate and
drastic action, the American nation is slated to go
even more suddenly to utter ignominy and loss of all
national wealth, greatness and power!
And for the SAME REASON!
behooves us without delay to quickly review that
history and open our eyes to divine promises and warn–
ings almost wholly unrealized by our peoples.
is all
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978