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shocked, stunned, bewildered world relate directly and
specifically to the United States, Britain, Germany,
Western Europe, and Russia.
Not knowing how and where these na tions are specifi–
cally mentioned in basic and major prophecies, the edu–
cated of the world have been utterly blinded to the pJain
and simple meaning of prophecy. Due to this lost key
more than anything else, the Bible has come to be
discredited and rejected in this world 's educational sys–
tem. The unproved and unprovable theory of evolution
has been substitu ted as the foundational concept which
became the supposed rational approach to knowledge.
The colossal t ragedy of it! Our peoples, being thus
falsely and deceptively educated from little children,
have, in a supposed era of advanced rationalism and
enlightenment, actually been groping around and fioun–
dering in the darkness of ignorance, misunderstanding
and confusion, fatally unaware of the earthshaking ca–
tastrophe into which they are being directly plunged.
Shut Eyes-Ciosed Eara
Thus ou r peoples have forgotten a nd departed far from
their Maker. T hey have shut their eyes and closed their
ears to His dynamic revelation to mankind, which, to
ears that can hear, thunders out the life-and-death warn–
ing to those in t h e responsible positions of
ls it now too late? Have our leaders become so
blinded, so steeped in a deceptive false education, so
stultified that they cannot be a roused from slumber?
God help us now! Time is fast closing in on us!
But the all-important master key has been found!
That key is knowledge of the astonish ing identity of
the American and British peoples- as well as the Ger–
man- in bíblica! prophecies. This very eye-opening, as–
tounding identity is the strongest proof of the inspiration
and au thority of the Holy Bible! It is, at the same time,
the strongest proof of the very active existence of the
living God!
An excitíng, pulsating, vital third of all the Bible is
devoted to prophecy. And approximately 90 percent of
all prophecy pertains to OURTIME, now, in this latter half
ofthe twentieth century!
l t is a warning to us-to our English-speaking peo–
ples- of immed iate life-and-death import. The proph–
ecies come alive once their doors are opened by this now
discovered master key! This series of articles wíll open,
to open minds, th is hitherto closed vital third of all the
Bible. No story of fiction ever was so strange, so fascinat–
ing, so absorbing, so packed with interest and sus–
pense, as this gripping story of our identity- and our an–
T hrough it Almighty God gives momentous
Those who read, and heed, may be spared unprece–
dented cataclysmic tragedy soon to strike. If our peoples
and their govemments will awaken, heed, and return to
tbeir living God then our nations may be spared. God
Prophecles Closed Until Now
One might ask, were no t bíblica! prophecies closed and
sealed? lndeed they were-until
And even now
they can be understood only by those who possess the
master key to unlock them. But we have reached the
approximate end of 6,000 years of biblical history. We
have reacbed the end of an age! We are entering, right
now, the world crisis at the close of the present civ–
ilization. We face, today, conditions such as the world
never before has witnessed. Today the big problem is the
stark question of SURVIVAL! For the first time in world
history, the weapons of mass destruction exist which can
erase aU life from the earth. Chiefs of government and
world-famous scientists have been saying publicly we
must adjust to living in fear of human annihilation, with
no solutions in sight.
To those prejudicially cynical toward the Bible 1 say:
It is now your only hope! Science o tfers no solutions.
The politicians and heads of government have no an–
swers. In the Bible alone you will find the advance news
of what is now certain to occur- a nd occur it will
mankind blasts itself out of existence!
But another objector might ask, are not most of the
prophecies outda ted Old Testament writings, addressed
only to the ancient nation Israel, of no concern to us in
our time? And the answer is an emphatic no ! T hese
scinti llating, dynamic prophecies were, most of them ,
never given to ancient Israel.
A Plvotal Book
The plain truth is these prophecies were written for our
people of our time, and for no previous people o r time.
They pertain to world conditions of today, and
God compared the popula tions of these
promised nations to the grains of sand
on a seashore and to the
stars-uncoun table for multitude.
could not have been understood until today.
One of the very pivota! books of prophecy is the book
of Daniel. Actually, the prophet Daniel was not the
author o f the book known by his name. The living God
was its author! The message was tra nsmitted to Daniel
by God's angel. Daniel put to writing, to be preserved
unti l our time, what he heard.
At the veryclose ofhis book, Daniel wrote: "And 1heard ,
but 1understood not : then said I, O my Lord, whatshall be
the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Da n iel :
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978