About one-third of that Instruction Book is devoted to
basic education-revealing to man the necessary founda–
tional knowledge o t herwise undiscoverable and
unknowable: knowledge of what man is, why he is,
where his dest iny may lead, how to reach it and live
happily a long the way; revealing knowledge of the true
values as distinguished from the fa lse; knowledge of the
way to peace, happiness, abundant well-being. In other
words, the most necessary of all knowledge- the founda–
tion on which to build discoverable knowledge.
Another approximate third of that Book is devoted to
history- to those events and experiences fulfilling the
master plan during the first four millennia of man's
mortal sojourn, as examples for our admonition and
guidance today.
And then approximately a third- grasp this!- an en–
tire third of our Maker's revelation to mankind is de–
voted to prophecy-writing the history of future events
before they occur. These
future events reveal the
great purpose being finally worked out- being brought
to its completion.
Why Thls lgnorance
Now see why heads of state, news analysts, and the great
minds of our time do not comprehend the real mean-
ing of world events as they are shaping up right now.
A rational and right knowledge of this great purpose,
of the Creator's master plan, of where in the progression
of those foreordained events we stand today, and of
major happenings prophesied yet to occur-this knowl–
edge is the essential basis for understanding the signifi–
cance and true meaning of today's dynamic world news.
Without this vital knowledge, none dealing in news
gathering and news reporting, none responsible for gov–
emment policies can understand current world happen–
ings or where they are leading.
And not one saddled with such responsibilities does
know! Why?
Two reasons, primarily: 1) They have been deceived
by fa lse education appealing to the vanity of intellect
into prejudicial and disdainful rejection of the divine
revelation which alone can impart this understanding;
and, 2) the vital key neccssary to unlock closed doors of
biblical prophecy had been lost.
The great world powers of our time have been, and
are, the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain,
Germany, France, and other Western European nations.
The missing vital
is simply the
of these great
world powers
biblical prophecy! The staggering and
cataclysmic world-shaking events soon to erupt upon a
Territory Held By the United States and Great Britain
During Greatest Extent of Power
• United States
United Kingdom
Land and Sea Gales
M•p by
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1978