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child and his mind begins to de–
velop, his human spirit begins to
receive Satan's messages of the
"get" way of life. And by the time
he is a teenager, growing toward
adulthood, he may have received a
g reat ·deal o f thi s sa tanic a tti–
Humans become what they do
because of two facto rs- heredity and
environment. Sorne inherit a better
mind than others. By environment, 1
mean ALL external inftuences:
teaching from pa rents, schools, and
other people, especially peers, from
books and entertainments-and, of
course, from these impulses and al–
ti tudes that Satan keeps subtly in–
jecting into one's mind in a manner
he does not realize.
The ftight steward on my plane
who accompanies me on my t rips is
a young man who fo rmerly taught
in one of ou r Imperial schools
(grade and high schools formerly
run on the Ambassador College
grounds). He said to me the other
day: "We could a lways tell which of
our children carne from homes
where their parents spent a good
deal of time with them, and which
from homes of pa ren tal neglect."
Parental teaching, love, and train–
ing can very g rea tly counteract
Satan's broadcas t influence. Other
factors of environmental inftuence
may help counteract it a lso.
One Spirit, and Cut Off From God
Now consider WHY today's teen –
agers are like they are. Sorne are
"good' ' by this world's stand a rds,
sorne are bad , and sorne an: very
Having only the human spirit ere–
a tes loneliness and a craving for
something that will satisfy. This
void can only be filled by God 's
Holy Spirit- which. as we read in
Romans 8, " bea reth witness with
our spirit, tha t we a re the children
of God" (verse 16). So today's you th
(and adults as well) seek to satisfy
that "soul hunger"- in physical
pleasures and interests.
Not only are most children
shamefully neglected by their par–
ents today, but they have no contact
with God.
1 think these things explain the
U.S. News
World Report
article on "America 's Youth" with
the subhead, "Angry, Bored, or Just
Yes, 1 think they are all of those
things, and I think 1 have here ex–
plained why.
But the good news is that the
6,000 years is just about ove r ;
Christ, who conquered Satan and
qualified to restore the government
of God once again to earth, is very
soon coming.
Satan's broadcasting, by the way,
can be res isted. He has no power of
duress. He can put the thought or
temptation or the attitude there, but
we humans, if only taught so, can
RESIST it with the power of the Holy
Spirit, and there is much teaching in
the New Testament that we should .
can, and must resist it.
I am procla iming around the
world the good news that Christ is
very soon coming; Satan will be put
away, and th e ENVIRONMENT of
tee ns will be entirely changed.
Th e lesson has been written in
6,000 years of humanity rejecting
The Concluslon
We are ríght now emerging rapidly
into the final supreme WORLD CRISIS
that will end this present evil world
and bring on the superna tural inter–
vention of the Almighty Creator
God to prevent humanity from
using its now existing weapons of
mass destruction to erase all life
from earth. This age wíll clímax in
the coming of J esus Christ as King
of kings and Lord of lords, setting
up the Kingdom of God that shall
and bring PEACE to a ll na–
Meanwhile today's youth, fast
growing towa rd adulthood, will not
improve, but condi tíons will worsen
Tim. 3: 1-4). Few people know–
but Satan knows- that he now has
but a short time (Rev. 12: 12) and
this sti rs him to great wrath (samc
verse). He will surcharge the a ir
over the earth with his "get" a tti–
tude with greater intensi ty than
But , as
sa id, Satan has no power
o f duress. He can do no more than
God allows. Those parents who read
this article can devote mo re time to
their growing children. Teach them
the way o f give- of LOVE. With
proper teaching and help, at least
they can improve, overcome, turn to
more profi ta ble interests, and RESIST
these impulses to evil with which
Satan is surcharging the a ir with in–
creasing power a nd wrath!
But very soon now, the supreme
crisis will come. God will shake the
whole world with frightening signs
in the heavens; Christ will come a nd
Satan will be put away (Rev. 20:1-
3), and the saints whom Christ has
and prepared will
rule under
Christ in !ove and wilh power
over a ll
the earth for the next thousand
And what of the world's youth,
T hey will be to ta lly freed from
being on the receiving end of
Satan's broadcast. They will live in
an environment where truth a nd
Jove and peace are being ta ught
everywhere. The whole world will
be relieved o f this unseen, unreal–
ized evil pressure from this evi l
prince of the power of the air. ln–
stead God's law of !ove and peace
will go out to a ll the world from
Je rusalem. The Holy Spirit of God
will flow out from Jerusalem, even
as Satan's broadcasts of evil alti–
tudes go out over the earth today.
Listen to the SURE word of God :
"And it sha ll be in that day, that
living waters (the Holy Spirit] shall
go out from Jerusalem.... And the
Lord shall be king over a ll the
earth: in tha t day shall there be one
Lord, and his name one" (Zech.
will be a NEW and totally differ–
ent world. Our youth, then, sha ll be
filled with ambition to live the
"give" way, a nd will be preparing
themselves for great accomplish–
menlS and spreadi ngjoy and happi–
ness all over the earth.
We could have a veritable utopía
here on earth.
We shall have- a nd a ll this will
come in our very present living gen–
eration . TIIAT is your SURE HOPE!
The living Christ has committed to
me His great commission- to a n–
nounce, proclaim, and spread thi s
good news over a llthe earth.