we are within a
YEARS of the
END of the 6,000-year sentence cut–
ting humanily as a whole off from
God. This is lhe very living genera–
lion thal shall live through the end–
ing of this unhappy and evil world,
and the beginning of the happy,
peaceful world lomorrow. We are
the living generation that shall live
to see that happy day!
There Really ls a Devil
I know it is not fashionable in
today's knowledge (which is fOOL–
tSHNESS to God) to say that there
exists a devil named Satan.
Very, very few people today (the–
ologians especially) really under–
stand the Bible.
is like a jigsaw
does not start wilh Gen–
esis 1, verse 1, and carry its revealed
truth through its pages in straight
time sequence. In fact Genesis 1: 1
does not record the real earliest be–
ginning at al
John 1: 1 in the New
Teslament does. Bíblica! revelation
is found "here a little, there a little."
This is explained in Isaiah 28:9-10:
"Whom shall he [God] teach knowl–
edge? And whom shaiJ he make to
understand doctrine? ... For pre–
cept must be upon precept, precepl
upon precept ; line upon line, line
upon line; here a little, and there a
little." This passage goes on to ex–
plain that this was done for a world
that cut itself off from God. "that
they núght go, and fall backward."
But for those willing to bclieve what
God says, who have His Holy Spirit
and who rea lly hunger and thirst fo r
understanding, God will revea l His
truth to them by helping them put
the "jigsaw puzzle" logether prop–
erly-and then the wonderful, beau–
tiful, glorious picture will come clear
in the only explanation of things
thal makes sense!
The Bible reveals what almost no–
body knows: Before the creation of
man, this earth was inhabited by
angels. God set over them His gov–
ernment. On an earth ly throne, with
the whole earth his jurisdiclion,
God placed lhe superarchangel. the
cherub Lucifer. This Lucifer was of
the highest rank of being it is pos–
sible for God to create- actually
only God is superior
power. Luci–
fer led his angels- apparenlly a
lhird of all crea1ed angels- ínto re–
bellíon againsl the government of
God's governmenl is based on lhe
way of life 1 call "GtVE"-or lhe bet–
ter biblical term, "LOVE."
is out–
going love toward God-a return of
His !ove which He gives to us with
His Holy Spirit.
is giving lo God
obedience, reverence, utter trust and
worship. It is oulgoing concern for
lhe welfare of one's fellowman- the
way of giving, serving, cooperating,
helping, sharíng.
Bul Lucifer lurned to the way 1
call "GET." He lurned lo vanily, lust
and greed, to jealousy and envy, lo
competition and strife, to violence
and war, to rebellion against God
and God's way oflífe.
The government of God was no
longer in effect on earth. Lucifer's
name was changed to Satan , mean–
ing "adversary," "enemy." The an–
gels became demons-their minds
perverted, warped, twisted, as is
Salan's. Neverlheless, all angels are
SPIRIT beings, composed of spirit,
and therefore immortal. Satan ap–
peared before the first woman , Eve,
to deceive her. He has deceived all
humanity ever since (Rev. 12:9), ex–
cept those few lhroughoul the ages
God has called.
Prlnce of the Power of the Alr
Jesus Christ overcame Satan; He
obcyed completcly and proved He
would never deviate from God's
laws and God's way of life, as Luci–
fer did.
However, Jesus Christ did not
come 1900 years ago to then take
over the rulersh ip of the earttr or to
engage in a "sou l-saving crusade" to
save the world spiritually. God had
sentenced humanily to 6,000 years
of being cut off from Him. God up
until now has called only a
special purposes. Chrisl carne as a
Messenger sent from God. The mes–
sage- His gospel- was to announce
the coming Kingdom of God, which
is the fami ly of God ruling in the
governmenl ofGod.
So, this migh1y and powerful.
tricky, deceptive and subtle Satan
has contínued to rule the earth up
until now.
You read of him in lhe book of
Job ; you read much of him in the
New Testament. In Ephesians 2:2
he is called the "prince of the power
of the AIR." 1 could not have under–
stood that unlil 1 began broad–
casting over the air. When 1 was a
young man, there were no radio sta–
tions transmitting sound through
the ai r. Television did not gel
started really reaching the public
until after World War
When God wanted to have King
Cyrus of Persia issue a proclamation
for cerlain Jews to go back to Jeru–
salem to build the second temple,
He did not communicate with this
gentile king as He did with His own
prophets, or as with Moses, face to
face. 1t is recorded in Ezra 1: 1 that
God stirred up the spirit
in Cyrus,
t hu s communicating with him
through his human spirit. That is
the method by which Salan deceives
the whole world.
Our youth of tpday were not born
with what we call "human nature."
Human nature is described as van–
ity, lust and greed, jealousy and
envy, competition, an attitude of
strife, war, violence, and rebe ll ion
against authority. This is precisely
what Satan turned to, and turned
his angels to. And jusl as God com–
municaled through lhe air lo King
Cyrus, lhrough Cyrus' human spi rit,
so Satan, the prince of the power of
the air, broadcasts. And every
human spirit is tuned to Satan's
H e do es NOT broadcast in
sounds-your ears do not hear il–
nor in pictures, as in television . He
does not broadcast in words. He
su blly broadcasts in ATTITUDES,
moods. impulses.
Heredlty and Envlronment
Our youlh of loday were born as the
lovely, sweet little infants their par–
ents thought them to be-with none
of this "human nature." Their par–
ents did have this so-called human
nature, but they
acquired it
Satan's broadcasting, and acquired
characteristics are NOT transmitted
by heredity. Besides, these altitudes
we call human nature are really
spiritual in nature- not physical or
materia l.
But. as the baby grows into a little