(Continuedfrom page 3)
stored in this memory-or this
human computer ; 2) it somehow
supplies the brain whatever energy
is needed to cause it to
think- that
is, to put these pieces of information
stored in this spirit together in the
process we call thinking or reason–
ing and drawing conclusions.
Animals see, hear, smell, etc. But
wha t they see, hear , smell is not
stored in such a "computer," and
there is no instant recall of knowl–
edge stored there years ago, and no
spirit to cause the physical brain to
function in the process of thinking ·
a nd reasoning, and acquirin g
Animals do not have this spirit,
and a re not capable of the functions
of the human brain, which has the
additional presence of a NONphysi–
cal component-this human spirit.
Why do we humans have this
spirit? Because we were made in the
image and likeness- form and
shape- of God. And we were made
to have a relationship with God.
Animals were not so made. God is a
spirit- is wholly composed ofSPIRIT.
Man is physical MATIER, but made
to have a rela tionship with a spi ri–
tua l God! That is why God the Cre–
ator made man the way He did!
Now we are ready for the last half
of this same verse J I in
ans 2: " ... even so the things of
God [godly knowledge, spiritua l
knowledge and comprehens ion]
knoweth no roan, but the Spirit of
What tremendous meaning is
Yet almost no one understands
Just as an animal cannot have
the knowledge or intellect of a
man- nor could a man without this
spirit which is in him- so, in like
manner, no man can have spiritual
comprehension, know the things of
God , have spi ritua l knowledge,
without also having another spirit–
Pattern of Duality
How interest ing that God does
things in a manner of duality- in
twos, or pairs. He created Adam, a
man. But alone, this man was in–
complete. He needed a woman to
form the one uni t of a family. Not
many know it, but God is a family
into which we may be born.
There was the first Adam, and
then the second Adam-Jesus
Christ. There are in the Bible the
two Testaments- the Old and the
New. To form a new human being
through the process of reproduction,
the principie of duality enters again:
A fema le egg cell, or ovum, must
be entered by and joined with
a maJe sperm cell. The two make
What the Human Splrlt Lacks
Now unders tand this wonderful
knowledge. The spirit in man is not
complete by itself; it was made to
spirit- the Holy Spirit
of God. They join to make ONE be–
gotten child ofGod, justas the maJe
sperm celJ and the female egg cell–
the two cells- join to make one be–
gotten human- begotten, but not yet
developed or ready to be born as
one human being.
In the inciden! of the "forbidden
fruit" in the Garden of Eden, Adam
and Eve were freely offered this sec–
ond and most needed Spirit. Of the
two symbolic trees, the tree of life
was a symbol of God 's Holy Spirit.
To have taken the fruit of
would have been to receive God's
Holy Spirit, which would join with
their human spirits, impregnating
them as begotten (not yet born) chil–
dren ofGod.
But our first parents took to them–
selves, and FOR the human family
which sprang from them, the knowJ–
edge of what is good and what is
evi l, thus rejecting the government
of God based on His spiritual Jaw.
That law is a WAY OF UFE-the way
of good, the way of !ove, outgoing,
not self-centered.
They cut themselves and the
human fami ly which was repro–
duced from them off from God .
Since that was man's choice, God
gave him his choice, and sentenced
the human family to 6,000 years of
being cut off from contact wi th Him.
Man would thus have to go on liv–
ing with the
one spirit a/one
would be capable of knowing only
that which is physical and mate–
ria l- with a mind that could not
comprehend spiritual knowledge or
the things of God !
So, to fin ish the awesome revela–
tion oftruth in 1Corinthians 2: " But
the na tural man receiveth not the
things of the Spirit of God: for
th ey are foolishness unto him:
neither can he know them, beca use
th ey are spiritually disce rned "
(verse 14).
But if the things of God are " fool–
ishness" to tbe highly educated na t–
ural man, listen to how his vast fund
of misknowledge appears to God.
God says, "For the wisdom of this
world is foolishness with God" (1
Cor. 3: 19).
H e did, however, reserve to
Himself the decision to intervene in
this God-rejecting world in cer–
tain instances where it served His
purpose. Appa rently He intervened
and imparted certain knowledge
through personal contact to Abe!,
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ja–
cob (Israel), Joseph, Moses, and the
prophets of Israel. God intervened
in forming the nations of Israel and
Judah. He intervened in sending
Christ with the announcement of
the good news of the coming King–
dom of God. The government of the
Kingdom of God will be established
at the seven-thousandth year and
will rule a ll nations for 1,000 years
with WORLD PEACE, happineSS, and
spiritua l salva tion offered to a ll.
God a lso intervened in raising up
His Church, in the Bible called " the
little flock," persecuted by the
churches of this world. (And Satan
is called " the god of this world,"
though he has DECEIVED all nations
until none, it seems, realizes that
1 will come later to an ex–
planation of the change that wi ll
take place in the world's youth a t
the beginning of tha t seventh thou–
sand years. Right now I'm con–
cerned with
youth . But wha t
1 first wanted to make clear is the
s tate of the human mind . And
today's youth, as a whole (save for
the few converted who have God's
as we/1) ,
have only that one
human spiri t.
Let me add here, however. that