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Conservatlve Kudos
In your article "Why America ls in Glo–
bal Retreat" (January
Plain Truth)
you've said what conservative America
ever an article made me
" fightin' mad" and want to stand up a nd
something. it was yours on America's
irritating premeditated apathy and moral
canno t believe the populace at
large agrees with such " leadership," if
that's what it can be call ed.
feel that if
a ny thing is ever to cause the mass of
quiescent ci tizen ry to make demands
upon the ir e lected representa tives, it will
have to be through articles like yours.
Keep 'em com ing.
Richard Davids,
Vis ta, Cali fornia
want to congratula te you on your very
fine article in the February
P!ain Truth,
"America's National Goai- Appease–
has a lways been my contention
that we should adhere to the princi pies
given us by the men who founded this
country; me n like Washington, Adams,
Jetferson a nd Monroe. These men be–
lieved that our sphere of inftuence should
be in this hemisphe re a lone.
am ail for
sharing our medica!and scien tific knowl–
edge and even our food with the rest o fth e
wo rld. but as for going
waroutside this
am strictly an isolationist.
We should stand by Na tionaiist Chi na,
but not
the extent that it would lead us
to war. a nd we should make no othcr
commi tments along that line. We cannot
police the enti re world. The best we can
do is set a good example, so tha t o ther
nationswill look to usand say, "Tha t is for
me.' '
A. H. Thieme.
Re no. Nevada
1 just finished reading the articles on
depression a nd " turn ing the other
cheek" in the J anuary
Plain Truth.
1 am
just starting to recover from a ne rvo us
breakdown, and you'll neve r know how
much these art icles have helped me. 1
though t 1 had to passively take the bad
was receiving.
was turning
into a monster because of pent-up anger
just couldn't cope any more. God
has answered my prayers through these
articles. Thank you!
Mrs. N . S.,
Neillsville. Wisconsi n
Artl cles for Children?
Please add ress an occasional article to
childrcn. It's hard to be a kid nowadays.
but it could be less complicated if we
were shown why bíblica! principies are
preferable to worldly principies.
Gregory Sheroian,
To ledo, Ohio
Thanks for your suggestion, Gregory.
We wonder, how many others would like
to see articles written directly to children
andyoung people?
God and Evolutlon
Regardi ng "The Poner Wasp's Unusual
Hangi ng Act" in thc J anuary
ask exactly how (by wha t proce–
dure) did God create the potter wasp
and its "unusual' ' behavior? lf you have
no answer, why wou ld you object to the
perfectly logical answer that God cre–
atcd the potter wasp by means of H is
"laws of evolution"? lgnorance of how
thesc laws operate should encourage us
to seek the method.
should not en–
courage us to expla in away these laws
with nonanswers or red herrings as your
author did.
J ack Ryan.
El Paso. Texas
We do hove an answer. God created
the potter wasp the same way He created
the rest of the Jantastically complex ani–
mal kingdom. See Genesis 1for derai/s.
1 consider myself a fairly well edu–
cated man. 1 beli eve very strongly in
Darwinian evolution. but 1 also want to
believe in an all-powerful. loving God.
The immensity of the heavens, the tet–
rahedral nature of carbon, the laws of
gravity and energy, the function of the
kidney. the Me nde lian laws of genetics
are all so beautiful. But th is perfect o r–
de r and incredible logic didn 't just hap–
pen. Someone had to put these laws in
motion. Someone had to s tart the
"game of life."
believe that life- simple unicellu lar
life-spontaneously arose. This does no t
a lter my belief in God.
is not hard for
me to conceptualize God creating the
laws of the universe eons ago, which
th rough time led to the evolution of
man. As a scientist,
bel ieve in the cold.
hard facts of sc ience. but
believe and
marvel at the Creator who established
the laws. For me, at least. the role of
scientist does not conflict with
y be lief
in God, but rather enriches and rei n–
forces it.
Stephen E. Miller,
New Orleans, Louisiana
Wants More Drug Booklets
have just read a copy of the booklet
The Dilemma of Drugs.
In a word: ex–
am anxious to sha re this fine
work with my students.
realize the
book can neither be bought or sold, and
don't know your policy concerning
bulk o rders. But on behalf of my stu–
dents, may
beg your kind indulgence
a nd ask you to send approximately
copies of this booklet.
assure you my .
students will be required to read these
chapte rs carefully and they will be noti–
tied that this fine work comes courtesy
of your o rgani za tion.
Lawrence Walsh.
Belmont. North Carolina
Changed Lite
As a direct result of reading your maga–
zine and other literature, l can say tha t my
cntire life has changed. 1 have become
noticeably more Christi a n in almost
every aspect ofmy life. 1have a very long
way to go. but 1sincerely never thought 1
would get evcn this far. The precepts you
teach are magnetic to me. Your church
has brought mecloserto Christianity than
the one 1was reared in.
James S. Morte ll aro.
New Yo rk , New York