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the whole human family off from
God and a ll contact with God! He
brought DEATH (tbe first death)
upon all humans (1 Cor. 15:22).
Hands-Off Pollcy
There upon God had adopted a
7,000-year master plan for repro–
duc íng Himself through HUMANS.
The first 6,000 yea rs God turned
man over to his own devíces; God
adopted, as it were, a HANDS-OFF
policy toward humanity. For 6,000
years mankind would go
his own
Of course, God knew man would
adopt Sata n's way-1 call it tbe way
of "GET" for brevity-actually the
way of vanity. lust and greed, of
jea lousy and envy. of competition
and strife leading to violence and
war, of resentment and bitterness
against every fancied wrong, of lhe
desire lo "gel even," of rebellion
againsl au1hority.
God knew Satan would sway
mankind in this way-though Satan
is so subtle , being invisible to
human eyes, that man would not
know he was really obeying Satan's
In o ther words , God deliberately
sentenced mankind
to 6,000 years of
this evil way of life, to form his own
governmenls, religions. society: to
prove, by 6.000 years of human un–
happiness, discontent, suffering, vio–
lence, murder. war, and death, lhat
Satan's way of
" oET"
is lhe
way, a nd leads to lhe unwanted
So for 6,000 years, up to now,
God has kept hands off mankind's
affairs. Mankind has been cut off
from God. by his own choice. God
has made bul a few exceplions,
where necessary for His purpose.
During lhis 6,000 years. God has
made no effort (contrary to nearly
all religious teachings) to "save
mankind" spirit ually.
For example, none had conlact
with God for the first 1900 years
except Abel. Enoch , and Noah.
Then God called Abram, changed
his name lo Abraham, made al! the
promises of eventual human salva–
tion lo him. He dealt wilh Isaac,
Jacob and Joseph.
Then, 430 years after Abraham,
God called his descendants, then
probably more than three million,
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1977
led them by miracles out of Egyp–
tian slavery, offered them the great–
est material and national blessings
(but no spiritua l salvation except to
Moses and the prophets) for being
His nation on earth, obeying His
laws. They promised to live under
His government, but rebelled utterly
and ended up in captivity again.
Chrlst Brlngs Good News
Sorne 4.000 years after Adam, Jesus
Christ carne in the likeness o f
human ftesh. He carne with a MES–
SAGE- the gospel. What was that?
was the oooo NEWS of Goo's King–
dom and the ultimate grand poten–
tia! of man, so great it surpasses lhe
power of the human mind to con–
Christ qualified to replace Satan
(the former Lucifer) and to
recognize the
conditions around us. The
heads of state, the great
and the near-great 1meet,
know of the problems–
problems greater than
human minds can solve.
the governmenl of God to earth,
this time over man. Then He pro–
claimed the good news of that com–
ing Kingdom- the
extreme opposite
of "doom." He called His apostles,
and taught them His tremendous
announcement of this unsurpassable
human potential.
Then He died for
our sins, was resurrected, and rose
to God's heaven to be our high
He comes as King of
kings to rule all nations of earth
with the govemment ofGod.
The aposlles went forth proclaim–
ing this good news of th e vast
human potential. This sta rted in
A.D. 31, the year Christ was cruci–
fie"d and His Church raised up. But
out of the remnants of the ancient
Babylonian mystery religion, rose
up in A.D. 33 in Samaria this pagan
religion professing CHRIST, calling
itself CHRI STIANITY, and per–
secuting and martyring all true
Christians. Beside the
tian," they appropriated the doc–
trine of "grace" from Christ 's
apostles, turning it into license- per–
mission to disobey-saying the laws
of the government of God were
done away.
Thus, we find that by A.D. 69
another gospel
had gained public ac–
ceptance (Gal. 1:6-7). The good
news- Christ 's gospel- of the King–
dom of God was no longer publicly
proclaimed to the world!
Few today know what Christ 's
real gospel was! Your Bible says all
nations have been deceived (Rev.
12:9). Of course, most of you read–
ing this do not believe that, because
a deceived person does not know he
i.s deceived, else he would not
Chrisl in person preached this
good news to many thousands. But
how many actually
believed what He
Only 120! (Acts 1: 15.)
Today, the Bible ou tsells all
books. The Bible is the Word of
God- it is whal God says. Yet mil–
lions who own Bibles never read
Other millions read the Bible a t
least once in a while, bul scarcely
any of them
believe what God says in
They do not know that the Bible
foretells the DOOM of all ways that
our troubles. our woes.
our evils.
Humanity right now is at the
doorstep of the supreme crisis. lt has
reached the point where man now
has the weapons of mass destruction
to erase all human life from the
earth. And, UNLESS the Great God
that Garner Ted and 1 proclaim
does intervene supernaturally and
END this hellish state of affairs man
has brought on himself, the re most
surely soon
come the
But because our God
vene and save man from himself
and set up the KINGDOM OF Goo–
one WORLO GOVE RNMENT ruled in
love and juslice by Jesus Christ–
there wi/1 be no doomsday!
What Prophecles Reveal
Now open your eyes to sorne of the
prophecies that fore tell a little of lhe
transcendenl potential that really IS
Under the invisible inftuence of
Satan, man is bringing on himself