(Continued from page 33)
And tbe great Lucifer became
Satan the devil.
But Lucifer's jurisdiction under
the government of God was this en–
tire earth. A kingdom must never be
without a head. Therefore Lucifer,
his name changed to Satan, al–
though now disqualified to rule
God's Kingdom. must remain on
the throne where God placed him–
that is.
a successor
restore the govemment of God, and
is inducted into:office. That is why
Satan the deviC is stiU, today, the
god of this world, the prince of the
power of the air, the deceiver .of all
nations, as the Bible reveals.
We need to backtrack just a trifie
at this point. Remember that God
created the angels with independent
minds. He gave them freedom of
thougbt , reasoning, decision-mak–
ing. Therefore God
could not know
in advance
what kind of character
they would choose to
creation. Therefore He (with the
Word) had provided a fai l-safe al–
ternative, just as manufacturers of
airplanes do in case one of the
plane's systems goes wrong.
God knew that ifthe angels chose
evil character, it left Him as the only
being in existence who co.uld be pos–
itively relied upon NEVER to deviate
from His government, its laws, and
its way of life.
Second Phase of God's Purpose
So now we come to the second ma–
jor step or phase in working out
God's overwhelming grand purpose.
We have come to the stage where
the government of God- the means
of building and instilling righteous ,
holy, perfect character- was abo–
lished from the earth.
Now the
second phase
of God's
great purpose
must be
initiated. God
possessed the
perfection of character that could
actívate the biUions of beings to
complete the finishing stages of the
creation of the entire universe.
God must have said. "There just
are not enough of me." He needed
millions or billions of perfect and
righteous beings, governed by His
government, to complete in all their
beauty, majesty and glory not only
the other planets of our solar sys–
tem, but of our galaxy, and the
countless other galaxies of the limit–
less vast
universe !
So now carne the next phase of
God's overwhelmingly grand pur–
billions of ooo-beings!
Angelic sin (11 Pe
2:4) brought
destruction and decay to the planets
of the universe and to this earth
(Gen. l :2, the Hebrew words
properly meaning "de–
struction," "confusion," "waste" and
"decay"). The indication is thai the
same condition of waste and decay
happened simultaneously to all
planets ofthe 'universe.
Because of this, Goo CREATED
So in six days God RENEWED the
Le Bible loretells the
most fantastlcally
wonderful potentlal for man
that the human mlnd can
conceive and the real
purpose for whlch man was
placed on thls earth.
face of the earth (Psalm 104:30) for
MAN (Gen. 1:26). Man was made
after the image and in the likeness
(same form and shape) of God. But,
remember, God is composed of
spirit, not matter. And the angels
were composed of spirit. Once the
creation of the angels which fol–
lowed Lucifer was
by the
development of their character,
which was evil ,
they could not be
Matter. however, is AL–
vs changing.
If man, composed of matter, first
made the decision to follow Satan's
way (and since man is a free moral
agent, God knew he might), he
could be CHANGED.
This fail-safe master plan had
been thought out before the world
was, as the Bible plainly says.
IFman sinned, being composed of
he could die.
So for man, the
penalty of sin would be DEATH–
It must have been even before the
physical universe was created that
the Word offered to divest Himself
of His mighty eterna! glory and be
born of a human woman
so that he
would die
(Heb. 2:9). Being the ac–
tual MAKER (John l: 3-4) of all hu–
manity, His life was of greater value
than the sum total of all human
lives, and thus His death wou ld pay
the penalty for ALL HUMANS. For,
being God made human, being God
as weU as man, Jesus
in ad–
vance He would be able to live
out sin,
even though tempted in all
points like the rest of us.
Matter DOES change-it always is
In six days God RENEWED (Psalm
104:30) forman (Gen. 1:26) the sur–
face of the earth from devastation
(Gen. 1:2) caused by angelic sin.
Man, by process of reproduction
(Gen. 1:27-28). was to fil1 the earth
with humans.
Adam Rejects God's Government
As God first instructed the angels in
their awesome potential, He now
talked in person to the man and
woman He had created; told them
this potential could be theirs ; out–
lined to them His government as the
way of life that would bring that
potential, and as a by-product ,
peace. un iversal happiness and
abundance, joy, health and wealth.
But like Lucifer and earth's an–
gels, Adam and Eve disbelieved
God and preferred Satan's way of
"GET"- vanity, lust and greed ; envy
and jealousy; competition, st rife,
violence and war-rebellion against
God and His government.
They did not believe what God
Without having
either under the government of
Satan' s way of " GET,"
Adam rejected the government of
God, took to
along with his
wife Eve, " the knowledge of good
a nd evi l"- that is, rejected the law of
God as the way of life, and deter–
mined to decide for himself what
was right and what was wrong.
In other words, Adam, fountain–
head of the whole human race, sim–
piy said to his Creator: "God, get
your nose out of my affairs. I' U run
my life my own way."
Thus he cut not only himself, but
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1977