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computer- and send men to the
moon and back.
Yel, a l the same time, this 6,000
yea rs has PROVEO tha t man's mind,
without God's Holy Spirit, is con–
fined to physical a nd mechanical
things. His systems of education
have become wholly materialistic.
and all his motives have been based
on the atti1ude of "get." He cannot
live in harmony and peace with his
neighbor. He is missing totally the
greatest possible blessing during
human life: a CLOSENESS with his
Maker and his God. the warmth,
sa tisfying PEACE. and ASSUREOSECU·
RITY of contact with God. That is
why the human race as a whole is
discontented , unhappy, harboring
feelings of insecurity, suspicion and
frustration .
God gave man- even God-reject–
ing man-the wonderfu l human
MINO by giving him lhe human
spirit, which imparts imellect to the
physical BRAI N. Whale brain, ele–
ph a nt brain. dolphin brai n-a ll
larger than human brain- are al–
most identical to it. as are chimp
a nd other smaller brains. but 1hey
lack 1he human spi ri1 which adds
in1ellec1 10 1he brain. Wha1 a mar–
God formed and made it! But it is
confined to knowledge of the PHYSI–
CAL. God made the human brain to
with it
another spiri1- 1he Holy
Spirit of God-to add SPIRITUAL
comprehension as well as spiri1ual
life and love. Without God's Holy
Spirit. which Adam rejected, man is
of all crea1ures most miserable!
For 6,000 years God sentenced
MAN- al man's own choice-to live
his own way. with PHYSICAL COM·
why he
is smart enough lO go lO the moon
and back, bul can'l get along with
his neighbor. He lacks the spirit of
Goo's LOVE. But even man's materi–
alistic and mechanica l development
started slowly. gaining MOMENTUM,
unti l more than HALF of all his
"progress" has come in my lifetime.
For 6.000 years God's Holy Spirit
has been wilhheld from mankind ;
given only to the infinitesimai FEW
whom God has selecled, called, and
given His Spirit for a special Work
which God wants done.
Spiritua l salvation will be opened
to ALL humanity after Christ comes
PLAIN TRUTH October-November
to take over the throne of the earth
and RULE ALL NATI ONS. and Salan
·shall be removed.
THANK Goo! We are now in the
very last generation in this 6,000-
year period.
Remember. this 6,000 years. NOW
ENOING, is to be followed by 1.000
yea rs of happy and joyous UTOPIA:
ERATION; happioess, joy. universal
abundance; universal right educa–
tion for all ; eterna! sa lvation- with
eterna! life offered lo a11! No Satan
around to plague and deceive us!
As l have indicated, God called
only "righteous Abel" (Matt.
Enoch and Noah to have contact
with Him and receive His Holy
Spirit during approximately the first
1900 years. He specially called
Abraham. Isaac. Jacob and Joseph.
He made the slave descendants of
Abraham a special nation. called
Israel, but never otfered them spiri–
tual salvation or His Holy Spirit.
From then to Chris t, on ly the
prophets were given His Holy Spirit.
in order to empower them for THE
WORK He called them todo. almost
altogether wi thin Israel.
More 1han 1.900 years ago, he
sent Christ, bul of the unnumbered
thousands who
the GOOO
NEWS announcement of His coming
Kingdom. only
believed (Acts
He called and instructed His
apostles 10 announce His gospel. but
that gospel was
and re–
placed before A.D. 70 with a false
one which denied His Kingdom. He
raised up His Church in A.D.
3 1
back His apostles a nd make His
Work through them possible . but
perseculion dispersed and sent the
Church underground, as it were.
From then the true gospel was not
heard by the world , and even the
Church. when
first carne among
them in 1926, had lost most of it.
Today God is adding to the
Church until it has become larger
than in all history 10 get done the
greatest WORK in history. Today He
gives us of His Church His Holy
Spirit, first, to help me get out the
ANNOUNCEMENT of His Kingdom.
and second. to build within our–
selves the CHARACTER to rule wilh
Christ on His throne-and He gave
lhe firsl as THE MEANSof attaining lo
lhe second.
We have reached the very lasl
generation of lhis age-the genera–
lion when TH JS world of man wi ll
ENO and lhe Kingdom of God will
take over. We reached il when J was
years old. As God called Moses
so He ca lled me al
years ago. Time is short. and
getting shorter every day!
Jesus' disciples asked Him wha l
would be the sign of the ENO of lhis
present world of MAN. Jesus an–
swered: "He lha l sha ll endure UNTO
THE END [of this age], the same shall
be saved. And THIS GOSP.EL OF THE
KINGOOM shall be preached in all
lhe world for a wilness unto all na–
tions; and
shall the END come"
24 : 13- 14).
began preaching it locally in
and to the world in
1953 .
A few verses la ter Jesus said: "For
then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION.
such as was not si nce the beginning
of the world to this time, no. nor
ever shall be. And except those days
should be shortened, there should
no flesh be saved [aüve]: but for the
elect's sake those days SHALL BE
arn an nouncing the coming of
Ch rist the Messiah to cut short those
days, and usher in the WAY OF
"G IVE"- lhe restoration of the gov–
ernment of God by the Kingdom of
After the millennium and Great
White Throne judgment. there will
be no .more sickness. no more pain.
no more unhappiness, no more pov–
erty or ignorance. no more sleal–
ing- no more locks on doors or keys
to carry around. no more discontent
or getting feelings hurt!
Mankind is going to change from
the way of "GET" to lhe way of
"G JVE."
Sorne of us already have. How
aboutyou? O
What is the k1ngdom ot God? ls 1t the
church? ls it something " set up 1n the
hearts of men" ? ls it " the good within
you"? ls it ' 'the millennium"? Each of
these is wide ly taught-yet none is
right! The shocking truth is made plain
in the booklet
Jusi What Do You
Mean . .. Kingdom of God?
Be sure to
request your free copy (address of our
office nearest you is on inside front