Page 3727 - 1970S

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what man really WANTS. Too often,
that whicb looks good may
dangerous, harmful , UNdesirable.
Apparently only a third of all the
angels were involved in the SIN. Per–
haps God wanted to prove His point
to the other two-thirds of all the
angels, as well as to mankind; to
show what we shall become when
changed into immortality in His
Kingdom; to teach, by 6,000 years
of EXPERIENCE, that only the holy,
righteous and perfect CHARACTER of
God based on His law and on His
way of LOVE is really good for us.
God had a reason for allowing man
to so punish himself for 6,000 years
under the delusi.on he was going the
better way!
We know little of hów man, CUT
OFF from God (except for those God
Himself called), developed prior to
the Flood.
Man seems to have had
knowledge of God. Abe! was called
righteous by Christ; Enoch walked
with God. Noah was perfect before
God- yet it was God who called and
chose Noah.
Cain built a city. Jaba! headed a
tribe that dwelt in tents and dealt in
cattle. JubaL his brother, was the
father of those that handled the
harp and organ. Tubal-cain was an
instructor of every artificer in brass
and iron. Cain was a farmer, and
Abe! a sheep-raiser. That 's about all
we know of the first approximately
1900 years (Gen. 4).
But God had no "soul-saving cru–
Soon after the Flood, Nimrod
rose up as the world's first despot ,
forming a government, and building
a wall around his capital
mother-wife, Semiramis. according
to profane history, founded the
world's mother pagan
other pagan religions in ancient
Egypt, Assyria, and even Greece
and Rome, springing from it.
But for thousands of years hu–
manity stumbled along with little
change-little or no progress or de–
velopment in material advance–
ment-until , as
said, the printing
press was invented.
Meanwhile, contrary to generally
accepted relígious belief, God made
no effort to save the world-spiritu–
ally. Rather, the world had CUT IT–
SELF OFF completely from God.
Satan plied his cunning work of DE–
ALL NATIONS-were deceived (R ev.
Sorne 4 ,000 years after Adam,
God sent Jesus Christ into such a
world as a MESSENGER, bearing a
message of hope and good news for
was the good news an–
nouncement that the government of
God would, after all, be RESTORED
by lhe KINGDOM OF ÜOD, which
would be composed of the BORN
family of God, ruling the whole
world under His highest auth<?rity.
Christ carne with the good news that
those called by God may be born of
God and become God' s own chil–
dren, ultimately CHANGED from ma–
terial to SPIR!T composition. But of
MANY THOUSANDS who heard this
message from Christ in person, only
120 believed what He said (Acts
Jesus called and taught His twelve
disciples His message of the coming
Kingdom, and sent them out as
apostles to ANNOUNCE toa world cut
off from God the good news. But
before A.D.
that message was
SUPPRESSED by the fast-rising FALSE
church and was never again .pro–
claimed to the world unti l God
started proclaiming it over radio
through me, first in October 1933.
Finally, the world carne to the de–
velopment of technology and indus–
try. Nearly al l this modero
development has come in the past
200 years. and far more than HALF
of ALL the world's technology and
scientific and industrial devel–
opment has come in my lifetime!
have lived through the machine
age, the age of mechanized agricul–
ture. tbe nuclear age, and the space
have seen the development of
the railroad, the automobile, the gi–
gantic transoceanic vessels, the air–
plane, radio, television, and a
thousand and one kinds of labor–
saving devices. Today millions of
workers sit at machines, going
through the same motions all day
long. We have WONDERS in mechan–
ical development-almost every
kind of labor-saving device and
every kind of entertainment and
amusement. But, when we stop to
think about it, !S IT GOOD FOR US?
Someday soon, we shall realize
how BAD it all has been.
It has been the DA
OF MAN, sub–
tly inftuenced and swayed by an
invisible Satan endowed with super–
power next to that of God Himself
which He uses to foster the "GET"
philosophy of life.
Al! this world 's " progress'' and
development has been along the
the best of the othér fellow."
This present civilization is a cotos–
sal monument to VANITY, LUST and
GREED; the spirit of competition–
beating out the other fellow-which
leads to destruction, violence, war
and murder; jealousy and envy; re–
sentment against real or imagined
affronts; resentment against author–
The DAY OF MAN has built a world
a SICK world. lt is a world of medí–
cal "science" that has doubled in
medica! and technical knowledge
each of the past two decades , yet we
have more sickness and disease than
ever before. The medica! estab–
lishment gets a few diseases, such as
tuberculosis and· smallpox. almos!
stamped out, only to be plagued
with onslaughts of heart diseases.
diabetes, cancer, and other ailments
that puzzle and confound medica!
Once again, as
the days of an–
cient Noah, we have cometo a POP–
And for the first time, man has
come in the past three decades to
the development of means of MASS
DESTRUCTION that can wipe all
human life from this planet-proba–
bly in less than 24 hours-UNLESS
there is an almighty great Goo who
will step in and prevent human cos–
mocide and save humanity ALIVE!
Now, at last, we see how 6,000
years of HUMAN EXPERIENCE , of
God-rejecting MAN going
way, taking TO HIMSELF the knowl–
ege of wha t he SUPPOSES is good and
evi l, has PROVEO that ONLY
Goo's WAY is oooo-and
good for
Also we see that man, left to
SELF, has finally become proof of the
greatness of God because of the de–
sign of the human MINO. Man has
been able to design and produce
marvelous things o uT OF MATTER–
intrica te machinery, the fantastic