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the FINAL CRISIS of the 6,000-year
day of man. Jesus' apostles had
asked H im how we humans might
the end of this present
world, Christ's coming. and the be–
ginning o f the happy. peaceful
WORLD TOMORROW would happen.
J esus answered that when " this
pel of the kingdom
shall be preached
in aU the world for a witness unto all
nations ... THEN shall the EN'o [of
this age] COME" (Matt. 24: 14). T he
very message Garner Ted aod
preaching and publishing (Mark
13 : 1
worldwide follows in verses
2 1 and 22: "For then sha ll be great
tribulation [man-caused], such as
was not since the beginning of the
world to this time, no, nor ever shall
be. And except those days should be
shortened, there should no flesh be
saved [alive (Moffatt translation)]:
but for the elect's sake those days
shall be shortened."
Man. swayed unknowingly by
Satan, is already
to bring
on this greatest time of
world trouble
and chaos,
but Goo wiU step in and
CUT IT SHORT, and save humanity
ALIVE. WHv? For the most wonder–
ful , transcendent human POTENTIAL
you could possibly imagine!
Christ will come!
Satan will be bound! (Rev. 20:1-
Then will follow 1,000 years of
peace- WORLD PEACE- happiness,
universal prosperity!
Then, after that thousand years
will occur what the Bible calls the
"great white throne judgment." At
that time, all humanity who ever
lived up to the beginning of Christ's
reign sha ll be resurrected mortal.
They will be given time to look back
over the human anguish caused by
Satan's way,
which man chose. and
given the opportunity to turn to
God's way.
Remember, they will be
human. made of
matter-and matter can change !
Those who do change (and 1 believe
that will be about 99 percent) will
then. having learned the lesson of
the right way of Life. be given spiri–
tual salvation- eternal Life-changed
from mortal to JMMORTAL, com–
posed then ofSP JRIT.
Just a prophetic gl impse o r two
into that time: "Thc WHOLE EARTH
is at rest, aod is quiet. ... Yea, the
fir trees rejoice a t thee, and the ce-
dars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou
[Satan] art laid down, no feller is
come up against us" (Isa. 14:7-8).
T hen, speaking of Christ's rule over
the whole earth in that day (and
within our generation): "And the
spirit of the ETERNAL shall rest upon
him, the spirit ofwisdom and
the spi rit of counsel and
might , the spirit of knowledge and
of the fear of the ETERNAL ... But
with righteousness shall he judge
the poor, and reprove with equity
for the meek of the earth .... And
righteousness shall be the girdle of
his loins, and faithfulness the girdle
ofhisreins" (lsa. ll:2-5).
Man's Only Hope
Many world-renowned sc ientis ts
have said the ONLY HOPE of saving
mankind alive on this earth is a
God has
hands oH
mankind's affairs. Mankind
has been cut off from God,
by his own choice. God has
made but a few exceptlons,
where necessary for His
single world government- with only
one army. But in the same breath
they say it is impossible. With men
it is. WHo wou ld rule such a govern–
ment? A human? He would rule for
his own pleasure and profit. A com–
mittee? A committee would rule
with a constant struggle for top
power among themselves.
But THINK of a world ruled by the
Christ described above!
Carry this prophecy further: "The
wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall líe down with
the kid; and the ... [other wild ani–
mals shall be tame] .... for the
earth shall be fuU of the knowledge
of the ETERNAL, as the waters cover
the sea" (Isa. 11 :6-9).
Then, after a thousand years with
the whole earth ruled by the King–
dom of God, comes the
most stupendous good news ofal!!
Here are sorne brief glimpses into
it: "And God shall wipe away a ll
tears from their eyes; and there sha ll
be NO MORE DEATH, neither sorrow,
ANY MORE PAIN: for the former
things are passed away. And he that
sat upon the throne said, Behold.
make all things new. And he said
unto me. Write: for THESE WORDS
21 :4-5).
years the Creator God has kept hands
off man's activities and ways of life.
Our first parents made a decision for
themselves and their posterity- all
What will stagger the reader most of
a ll perhaps, because he has been so
deceived and blinded from God's
plain truth,
is that God has made no
effort to redeem or spiritually save
the world from that day of Adam
until now- that is, except those spe–
cifically called. Satan wants you to
believe God has been making a des–
perate effort to save all humanity,
while Satan stands aside, injects
within aU people the "GET" attitude,
and laughs at God, saying. "You
see. God, 1 am roightier than you. 1
am keeping about 99.99 percent of
the world 'LOST.' " This popular be–
üef makes religion ridiculous and
represents Satan as more powerful
than God.
World Under Satan's Sway
So humanity. cut off from God–
but NOT cut off from Satanic in–
fluence working within human
minds-has for 6,000 years formed
own kinds
of governments. its
religions. its
educationa l
systems, its own systems of business,
commerce and industry, financing
and exchange, and its own society.
is indeed what hu–
manity is bringing itself to. But God
Meanwhile, God has made H is
Word and His purpose known. Un–
ti! Moses, He made H is will known
by word of mouth, speaking with
certain ones such as Abel, Enoch,
Noah, Abraham. Isaac. J acob and
Joseph. Beginning with Moses. God
made His wiJI and H is purpose
known in
that finally have
been compiled together, called the
Holy Bible.
In it God has made known that
He has Himself chosen certain ones
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 1977