Page 3703 - 1970S

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cretl y filming adult "sponsors" sex–
ually abusing the boys.
New Orleans, Louisiana:
A ring of
men, including three millionaires.
are charged with involv ing a Boy
Scoul troop in lhe filming of homo–
sexual ac1s.
Los Angeles. California:
A lhrec–
ycar-old gi rl, a five-year-old girl,
and a len-year-o ld boy a re sold inlo
1he kidd ie porn lrade by 1heir
pros1i1u1e mo1hers.
Hollywood, California:
How do lhe
chícken hawks- the pederasls and
pornographers- raliona lize lh c sex–
ua l exploilalion of youngs ters? The
reporter approaches seve ra ! of them
fo r an expla na tion. Th ey come from
all walks o f life; tbey don't fit inlo
any s1ereo1ype. They are lruck driv–
ers and TV lechnicians. ac1ors and
execulives. Bul their jusl ifications
do fall inlo a pattern.
One chicken hawk:
love kid .
don'l mislreat lhem.
give thcm
more a ttention a nd respec1 tha n
they ge t a t home."
Second chicken hawk: "So rne
guys have taken these kids off the
streets and given them room and
board for monlhs- e.ven years.
They've senl them through college.
And all lhey asked for is a little sex
now and 1hen. Nolhing in life is
Third chicken hawk: " Before you
make me a villain, jusl remember
I'm a human being who necds scx.
But in the gay world , the prcm ium
is put on beauly, youth. I'm no1 young
anymore. and
know l'm not good–
have lo pay my hard–
earned money 10 get what
slriclly a business proposilion. and
bolh parlies gel whal lhey want.
Whal's wrong wilh thal?
ain'l my
faull if lhe kid's going lo 1ake 1he
give him and buy drugs.
Tha t's his problem. lfhe didn'l gc t il
from me for sex, he'd go out a nd s1eal
il 10 supporl his habi t."
Chicken hawks and chickens
seem 10 operate under a credo for–
mulated by the basic impulses of
lust and greed: "Everyone has his
vice and his price."
Hollywood Boulevard (Day):
dilion lo homosexual proslilulion
a long the "meat rack." Hollywood is
affi icted with heterosexual prostitu–
tion a long famed Hollywood Boule–
va rd and other Sl reels in lown.
Police and an enraged citizenry
waged a highly publicized and fairly
etfective campa ign in
one form of prostitution- massage
parlo rs. But efforts to clean the
streets of ma te a nd female prosli–
tutes, particularly the "meat rack"
area, have not becn as successful.
Streelwalker of both sexes still
Hollywood Boule1•ard and L as
Palmas (Nighl):
Sa ndy,
has jusl
a rrived in town with a backpack on
her shoulders. She has just run away
from home, but won't say where
home is. Her mother is divorced,
drinks too much. sleeps around,
and. according 10 Sandy. "never
talks to me unless she's mad at me
or is ordering me around.' ' So she
ran away 1wo nigh1s ago and
thumbed a ride lo Hollywood. She
has been propositioned three times
a lready, she says. but has refused–
so far. She's confident she can get a
j o b. But ri ght now s he has no
money. a nd she hasn't caten in al–
mos! a day. She wolfs down a ham–
bu rger voraciously.
couple of "more experienced"
kids who eavesdrop on the conver–
sation smile and snicker at her na–
ivelé. They know bctter.
Hollywood Boulevard and Whitley
Drcssed in skintighl shorts
and a halter top, a gi rl ,
at mosl ,
slrolls a long th c streel. keeping an
eye on 1he passing cars. The re–
porter approaches and starts to ask
questions. Shc looks al him with
hardened eye and tighl lips.
don't have time for questions." she
says. The reponer persists. She
points across thc s1ree1 to a black
man in fla shy clolhes a nd while fe–
dora who is watching them. " He's
my pimp. lf
don' t hustle, J'm in
tro uble. And so will you be if all you
wanl to do is ask queslions." She
slalks away. Thc reporler walches
her hustle. Wilhin five minutes. a
white slation wagon pulls up lo the
cu rb where she is loitering. The man
is middle-aged and dressed in a sui t.
They exchange a few words. She
(Co111inued on page
Appears toOffer
Find at Home–
An lnterview with
Dr. Ludwig F. Lowenstein
Dr. Ludwig F. Lowenstein, di–
rector of an assessment and
guldance center in London
and Wlnchester, England,
deals with children who have
a variety of problems, in–
cluding neuroses and diffi–
cu/ties in relating to parents or
fitting into the educational
system. He has lectured and
written a numberofbooks and
articles dealing with the prob–
lems ofchlldrearing and}uve–
ni/e delinquency in today's
society, including " sex–
ploitation" of the young. His
books inc/ude
Child Guid–
ance and the School
Art of Being a Parent.
cause the home and up–
bringing play
a vital