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California- A Local
Res1auranr (Nig hr):
takes out his wa!Jet and opens
it for the reponer to see.
is bulg–
ing with ten - a nd twenty- dollar
" How much do you have?" the
reportcr asks.
"Almost $200." Frank replies.
"Not bad for one day's work."
Thc day's work that Frank has
just completed involved the selling
of his body for sex with five maJe
customcrs and posing in the nude
for pictures for a sixth.
Frank is a male prostitute. He has
just returncd from a trick- a cus–
tomer- and has decided lo call it a
" How many tricks have you
turned in your career?"
" 1 don't know." he replies. shrug–
ging his shoulders. "Maybe two
" How long have you been turning
"Over two years."
Frank is on ly 15.
" You must have a lot of money
by now."
"No way!" He laughs at the
thought. " J got a habit." He rolls up
a sleeve and shows the needle ma rks
dotting his a rm. Heroin.
Universiry ofCalifornia ar Los Ange–
les (Day):
"Every year up to 30.000
children and teenagers pose for por–
nography in the Los Angeles area."
testifies Sergeant Lloyd Martín of
the Los Angeles Police Department
before a House of Representat ives
subcommittee hearing on a congres–
sional bill to curb child pornogra–
phy. Martín heads a squad of five
de tectives who comprise a special
unit o f the Juveni le Division of the
LA PD which investigates sexual ex–
plo itation ofchildren.
Al the same hearing, Represen ta–
tive Robert K. Dornan denounces
the Los Angeles a rca, his home. as
th e center of the U.S. pornography
"Th is county [Los Angeles] is per–
verting this nation with the vilest
material that's ever been seen by
man." he says. "This county leads the
nation in di stribution of hard- and
sadism. masochism, bondageand dis–
cipline. and child pornography."
PLAIN TRUTH October-November 19l7
Hollywood, California (Nighr):
Frank. restless for another fix of
heroin, gets up and leaves. Others
are leaving also- it's almost closing
time, anyway.
The restaurant si ts on the corner
of Hollywood Boulcvard and Las
Palmas Avenue.
is the first stop in
an arca of H ollywood called the
" meat rack," the sexua l super–
market where kids, called "ch ick–
ens," display and sell themselves to
customers, or "chicken hawks." who
slowly cruise the arca in cars. or ogle
from seats in the restaurant.
At this time of the night. about a
half dozen kids are loitering on the
corner outside the restaurant. One
looks no older than ten or eleven.
but he says he's thirteen. Around
the corner a couple of others thumb
through magazines ata bookstall on
Las Palmas, including gay maga–
zines which, from time to time. fea–
ture nude photos of sorne of the
chickens who frequent the restau–
ra nt. Still others are down the block
on Selma Avenue waiting for the
cruising chicken hawks. A couple of
the young maJe prostitutes sit non–
chalantly on the steps of the First
Baptist Church on Selma sharing a
New York. New York:
lfthere is any
one person responsible for the re–
cent publicity about child pornogra–
phy, it is Dr. Judianne Densen–
Gerber. presiden! of Odyssey Jnsti–
tute Inc., a prívate organization con-
trict) in January. She displayed two
films depicting explicit sex acts in–
volving children between the ages of
eight and thirteen- films bought
across the street from where she was
talking. In addition , she showed
magazines and even a deck of play–
ing cards with youngsters in Jewd
Dr. Densen-Gerber claimed at
that time that as many as 120,000
children in the New York metropol–
itan arca are involved in sorne type
of sex for money. including prostitu–
tion. "We permit ou r society's sick–
est members the license to sexually
use three-year-olds."
Many of the participants in kid–
die porn are runaways forced into
the acts by unscrupulous operators
and procurers, she said, but other
children are engaged by parents or
guardians who " live off their backs"
through earnings from the illicit op–
"These parents who subject their
children to this type of environment
are monsters who are sick and need
treatment," she said .
Who are some of these villains?
North Bellmore, New York:
An ex–
aerospace engineer decides to make
a few extra bucks. He places an ad
offering "$200 fee for girl model , 8-
14 (must have parents' consent). one
day photographic session." T he re–
sponse is overwhe lming. Sorne
adults actually appear in the pic–
their children. Others
At least 600, 000 boys and girls between
the ages of eight and sixteen become involved
in pornography and prostitution each year
in the United States.
cerned with various socia l problems
such as drug rehabilita tion. A year
ago she became concerned about
the increasing amount of child por–
nography. Since then she has. in her
own words. "become a raving ban–
shee" over the sexual exploitation of
To dramatize her crusade against
child pornography, she called a
news conference in Times Square
(the heart of the city's porno dis-
merely allow their children to have
sex with other adults. By the time
the police break up the engineer's
newfound business, sorne 18 chil–
dren have had their pictures taken.
The porn operation had grown into
a $250,000-a-year business.
Winchesrer. Tennessee:
A defrocked
Episcopal pr iest goes on trial,
charged with taking in neglected
children at his boys' farm and se-