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October-Novernber 1970
of evidence that the exact opposite is
Not only is pornography
related to antisocial behavior, but many
who commit antisocial acts are avid
readers of pornography. Obviously,
material that appeals to demented
minds must itself be demented. Such
individuals need to have their minds
straightened out - not filled with more
perverted garbage.
That pornography has no
adverse effects on children, but rather,
teaches them a healthy attitude toward
This is sheer rubbish ! Munici–
pal court studies reveal time and time
again that antisocial, delinquent, and
criminal behavior frequently results
from children being exposed to and
stimulated by pornography. This ab–
normal sexual stimulation creates a
demand for expression.
Dedared Dr. Max Levin, clinical
professor of neurology at New York
Medica! College, in
Medica/ Digest:
"Let us not delude ourselves that por–
nography is a beneficia! outlet for
unwholesome sex tendencies. The smut
merchants have no medals coming to
them; they are not to be regarded
.4mbossador Calloso Photo
Possersby ore exposed to a
smorgasbord of smut. During
recent yeors there has been o
veritoble explosion of "porno–
graphic" movies, "odult" book
stores, bottomless ond topless
bors, night clubs, strip joints and
just ploin "total nudity."