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as benefactors, contributors to mental
health; on the cont rary, they are crip–
pling our youngsters."
The fallacy of this pornographic
rnyth is patently self-.evident! Children
who play with matches are Jikely to get
burned; chüdren who play with por–
nography will undoubtedly grow up
bearing the rnarks in their minds and
bodies - for life!
Myth :j:f:6:
That reading pornographic
literature does not affect your attitude
toward life and sex. Rather, your atti–
tude toward life and sex is what deter–
mines what you read!
It undoubtedly is true that atti–
tudes help determine what a person will
read, but that is only part of the picture.
What a person reads, and absorbs into
his mind, also helps determine his atti–
tudes. It should be obvious to all sound–
thinking individuals that your reading
help formulate your character
and attitude toward life. It has ofteo
been said "you are what you read."
you know what a person reads, you can
pretty well determine his character ( or
lack of it). The whole educational sys–
tem of the Western world, with its
schools, teachers, and thousands of text–
books, refutes the silly argurnent that
reading habits do not affect attitudes.
Books are plainly vital to the educa–
tional process. A single volume can
deeply influence the course of a person's '
life. Good books can uplift, inspire, and
stimulate to success and happiness. Is it
logical to bel ieve, then, that filthy,
degraded, obscene books do
late one to degraded thoughts, irnmoral
actions, and destructive attitudes?
The point is, many people need to
clean up their attitudes. Parents need to
guide their children's attitudes by pro–
viding a proper borne life, proper read–
ing rnaterials and right education.
People who have clean attitudes have
no desire to be exposed to pornography.
What a young, imrnature person
reads, sees, ponders and absorbs into bis
rnind certainly does affect his character
developrnent, and bis behavior !
Myth :j:f:7:
That all pomography is
part of a Comrnuoist plot to degrade
our people and pave the way for Corn–
rnunist conquest.
Sorne people actually believe
this, and tbey may have sorne reason to
do so. Of course it is true that Cornmu–
nists seek to destroy Western society,
capitalism and democracy, and they pro–
activity which they think will
further their aims, including violence,
evolution, free speech, free sex, and
But to blame the Communists for all
the modern sexplosion throughout the
Western world is unfounded. The truth
is, we are doing to ourselves, for profit,
what Commuoism would be happy to
do at their own cost.
A Twofold Reason
The big reason the pornography busi–
ness is boorning is twofold: The por–
nographers want money, and much of
the public wants pornography!
As long as comrnon people - busi–
nessmen, wives, young executives, labor–
ees, show-business celebrities, middle–
class professionals - pack the theaters
showing nudity, bizarre sex, wife
swapping, lesbianism and homsexuality,
as long as there is rooney to be made,
pornographers will continue to purvey
their wares.
Asserted a wealthy pornocrat: "When
I first started, we published a book
about Harry Trumao and the Pendergast
machine. I thought it was great, and
I set up a $10,000 advertising budget.
The book lost $40,000. A few years
later, we did a big book about Viet–
nam, with an introduction by Senator
Fulbright. It laid the biggest egg of
the year.
"But whtn we brought out
people were lined up to buy it."
Disillusioned, he concluded: "I was
as stupid as any publisher who thinks
he can create a market. I can't make you
want to read anything; all 1 can do as a
publisher is exploit your need. I've
never lost money on a sex book - that
should be sorne indication of what the
public wants."
had a point.
President Nixon put his .finger right
on the basic problem when he said:
"When indecent books no longer find a
market, when pornographic films can no
longer draw an audience, when obscene
plays open to empty houses, then the
tide will turn. Government can main–
tain dikes against obscenity, but only
people can turn back the tide."
October-November l970
do so many seem to desire
pornography and ·dress it up as "free–
doro"? Haven't they been properly
informed about the
of such
material? Are not the churches, educa–
toes, and leaders largely responsible for
the confusion that exists?
Government, too, has a responsibility
to the people. By not taking firrn action
against pornography, they actually appear
to condone it.
Personal Responsibility -
What, then, will you do to protect
yourself and your family from por–
nography - especially in light of the
weak and ineffective action taken by
most civic officials?
In this case, the answer is simple.
Don't buy pornographic books! And
don't let your children buy them. Real–
ize the danger pornography presents to
you and your family, and discipline
yourself to avoid it. Above all, explain
pornography is harrnful to them.
Also, avoid pornographic movies! Don't
visit topless bars, model shops and
the like.
To believe that all Americans and
Britons are suddenly to take this advice
would be rather nai've. In fact, probably
most of the ones needing to read this
article are
doing so.
the reader of this artide,
are a free moral agent. You have con–
trol over what comes into your mind via
printed literature or the movie screen.
Guard the door of your mind. Simply
read or watch pornography.
And, as parents, you have a grave
responsibility to your children! Are you
insti ll ing right attitudes into your chil–
dren - long before they reach teen–
age? Are you, by example and word,
making sure that your children will not
become consumers of smut? Are you
spending time with them? Making life
meaningful and happy for them?
To help you properly instruct and
guide your children in this and other
important areas, we offer you our
The Plain Tmth About Child
It gives you vital principies to
assist you in the right education of your
children. See the staff box, inside front
cover, for the address nearest you .