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throughout most of the W estern world!
"But so what ?" advocates of the
morality might object. "Pornography is
in the mind of the beholder."
Ask a rnill.ion people about obscenity
and you'll probably get a million differ–
ent definitions.
Have you ever looked in the dic–
tionary for the word "pornography"? It
means "writing of harlots."
Just what is obscene or pornogra–
phic? How do you
what is or
is not obscene? Not too many years ago,
standardbearers of the old morality
might have claimed that a woman's vis–
ible arms, legs, or elbows were obscene.
That, of course, is sheer nonsense. But
according to the "new moralists," there
that is sexually "obscene."
But let's look, for a moment, at the
claims made by the "new moralists" to
justify the legalization of all that was
previously regarded as "pornographic."
The majority of the President's Com–
mission on Pornography recently recom–
mended that all legislation against
pornography for adults be ended. The
Commission majority report said that
extensíve investigation reveals "no evi–
dence that exposure to or use of explicit
sexual materials play a significant role
in the causation of .. . crime, delin–
guency, sexual or nonsexual deviancy, or
severe emotional disturbances."
What are the facts? Let's examine
this subject of pornography, look at the
opinioos of many so-called experts, and
compare them with the knowo facts.
Let's look at sorne of the "popular"
myths surrounding pornography
ideas which are believed by various psy–
chologists, educators, or commentators.
Though no one person may believe
the following myths, many individuals
believe one, two, or severa! of them.
Pornographic Myths
The propooents of total freedom
relating to sexual matters cite several
alleged "facts" to support their posi–
tion. These "facts," bowever, do not
stand up under elose scrutiny. They are
really myths.
That no evidence exists to
prove that pornography is becoming
more widespread.
lt seems incredible that anyone
would cling to this idea, but it does
have its proponeots. After all, sorne
sociologists still daim crime is oot
really increasing. But the truth is that
such people are either ignoraot, and
live in a world of make-believe, or else
they know better. Actually, five years
ago about
theaters around the
United States showed "sexploitatioo"
movies. Now the number has risen to
more than
And more indicative of
the trend is
they are showing. One
respectable city in Southern California
at least
Jive "adult' ' theaters. Three
years ago, tbere was just
Severa! years ago Los Angeles had
only nine "adult bookstores." Now it
has more than ninety. They have
sprouted up in other cities as well.
Again, how far the literature and
photos go is more of a thermometer. lt's
not a matter of only
of por–
nography. The degree of perversity is
perhaps even more of an indication of
how low we have gone.
But just in sheer guantity, if por–
nography hasn't been increasing,
what are these new "adtJlts only'' book–
stores selling?
And why are so many
"adult" books and magazines being
That since Denmark abol–
ished al! obscenity laws, the sale of
pornographic matter has dropped off
and everybody has lost interest. There–
fore, the solution to poroography is to
legalize it.
This is the type of argument resorted
to when people refuse to obey the laws.
Seemingly, the idea is that
won't keep off the grass, take the "No
Walking" sigo off. You may have no
grass left, but at least people won't be
breaking the law!
Now that pornography is
"legal" in Denmark, a large amount of
competition has entered the field and
there is ao oversupply -- not a lack oí
demand. Competition in pornography
drove down the prices. That is why
there was a decreased dollar volume,
which made it appear that the public
soon grew tíred of pornography. How–
ever, pornographers are still doing a bíg
business. Denmark is now one of the
leading exporters of pornography. The
desire of millions to view pornography
appears to be insatiable.
Even though critics said "Oh! Calcut-
Ocrober-November 1970
ta !" was tasteless, boring and dull, did
that keep the crowds away? Not at al!.
legalization of smut, then, is
solution to the problem!
That police officials report
percent decrease in sex crimes in
Copenhagen since the legalization cf
pornography. Therefore, pornography
actually protects society against the sex
Fact: Violent
sex crimes have
decreased in Denmark since the legal–
pornography. The "statis–
tical" decrease of 31 percent in sex
crimes was due to the fact that statutory
of pornography, and voy–
eurism are
no Jonger considered cl'imes!
The sharp decline was recorded in
offenses involving public decency, voy–
eurism, male prostitution, and sales of
pornography and was due to the change
in Denmark's laws aod law enforce–
ment, not to the psychological effect of
legalizing the sale of pornography.
That pornography is a
"safety valve" for antisocial impulses
aod serves to prevent rather than to
stimulate men to commit sexual offenses.
A survey indicated that perhaps
percent of modero psychiatrists and
psychologists had never encountered any
cases in whicb they thought pornogra–
phy was a major factor in antisocial
behavior. Many police officials and juve–
nile authorities claim to know better -
from actual experience.
Case after case could
which tortures, sex perversion, and even
murder occurred
the offenders
had been watching Jewd movies or read–
ing obscene literature. Declared Herbert
W. Case, former Detroit Police Inspec–
tor: "There has not been a sex murder
in the history of our department in
which the killer was not an avid reader
of lewd magazines."
Said Police Chief Paul E. Blubaum of
Phoenix, Arizona: "Our city has expe–
rienced many crimes of sexual deviation,
such as child molestation and indecent
e fi.nd that most of these
deviates read obscene materials, and
often exhibit them to children in an
effort to arouse sexual excitement
among their victims."
There is
that pornography
is a "safety valve," but there is plenty