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l shall give you
here the bíblica! passages:
Jerusalem originally was named
Jebus. (See Joshua 18:28 and Judges
19: 10.) The Jebusites were Canaan–
ites (descended from Ham through
Canaan) (Gen. 10: 16). God prom–
ised to drive out the Jebusiles if the
1sraelites wou1d submit to Him as
His instruments (Ex. 33:1-3 a nd
34: 11-15). This was after Joshua led
Israel into the promised land. (See
Joshua 16:10 and Judges 1:8,21.)
Notice God's warnings of what
would occur
the Israe lites left the
Jebusites there and the two peoples
were to dwell in the same land.
David took Jerusalem (lJ Sam.
5: 1-13) and built a house from
which he ruled. The archaeological
project proceeding at the Temple
Mount is hoping to uncover that
si te. Solomon enlarged Jerusalem
and added to the wall around it
(I Kings 3: 1). God
as His city (I Kings 11: 13).
The second temple was finished
about 70 years afte r Nebuchadnez–
zar, king of Babylon, destroyed it
(Ezra 1: 1-2). Although laler God
turned His face from Jerusalem. due
to lsrael's rebellions, He will again
choose it (Zech. 1: 17). At Chrisl's
coming (Zech. 14) Christ will
the world from David's throne (lsa.
9:6-7 and Luke 1:26-33) in Jerusa–
Lem. Sometime after the millen–
nium. the
Jerusalem will come
down from heaven (Rev. 21).
Saturday nighl, in lhe ballroom of
the Hilton, we had a dinner wilh
aboul 45 present. At the center table
were ministers of the Cabinet -
Moshe Kol and Gideon Hausner
and wife. General Yigal Yadin. or–
ga nizer of the Israeli Army in 1948.
former chief of starT. noted archae–
o logist. scholar, and author: Profes–
sor Mazar; Mr. and Mrs. Rader.
myself. and many o ther top people
in government and education were
present. We renewed friendships
that now have !asted and grown
deeper for eight yea rs.
Sunday afternoon we wen t over
lo Professor Mazar's home, and
many other top lsrael is droppcd in
while we werc there. Professor Ma–
zar is director of our big dig al the
Temple Mount and a former presi–
den! ofHebrew University.
Sunday evening, we had dinner
PLAIN TRUTH October 1976
On this trip
to Jerusalam, Mr. Armstrong
receíved by lsrael's Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin in the prime minister's
offica. A handshake (right) concludes
Mr. Armstrong's visit with Mr. Rabin.
We are reserving space in a /atar
for a fu// cover story on
Prime Minister Yitzhak
with the Panovs - ballet artists who
appeared last fall in a masterful bal–
let production at the Ambassador
Auditorium. They are among the
very top Russian ballet artists. T hey
have emigrated from Russia and are
nO\\ building a home in Jerusalem.
was delightful to meet them
again, with sorne of lheir company.
Also with us were our
friends Ambassador and Mrs. Mi–
chacl Ra\ id. He was formerly con–
su 1general al Los Angeles.
But Monday was our
our meet ing with Prime Minister
Yit7hak Rabin. Usually it is con–
trary to protocol in many countries
to sec both the president and thc
prime minister on the same visit.
This time 1 did not scc Presiden!
Katzir. but I had already had two or
three fine personal meetings with
him, and he sent to me his personal
regards and best wishes on this vis it.
My appointment with the prime
minister was at noon Monday. Am–
bassador Ravid (formerly ambassa–
dor to Guinea) went along with us.
As you know.
am nearly always
accompanied on such visits by Mr.
Stanley R. Rader, our chief legal
counsel, and now also vice-president
for Financia! Affairs. and executive
vice-president of the Ambassador
Tnternational Cultural Foundation
(AICF). This time Mrs. Rader also
accompanied us.
Mr. Rabin is not noted for a big,
wide. \Ole-getting política! smile
like Jimmy Carter. Usua lly he is a