Page 2140 - 1970S

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we are entering a
series of
world crises
that are
us all. No
question about it, now! These seri–
ous troubles erupting all over the
world are leading rapidly into the
final SUPREME CRISIS at the END of
this world.
The energy crisis is seriously affecting
almost every nation on earth.
PLAIN TRUTH has been warning our
readers of this for years.
The Middle East war and the
crisis following the "cease-fire" was
indication of the
fast-approaching END of this age!
Biblical prophecy shows events from
here to the end will center around
Jerusalem and the Middle East! It's
no "Wolf1 Wolf1" cry. People sel–
dom if ever heed a warning, but I
want to make the immediate present
situation clear to our readers,
whether heeded or not.
There's a great deal more to this
Middle East crisis than most con–
ceive. lt has involved oil. It has in–
volved the threat of a nuclear World
War Ill, triggered by U.S.S.R. and
U.S.A. intervention. Few have any
idea at all of
how close
we carne to
the war that could have erased all
humanity from this earth. Let me
explain that.
For years, tbe Soviet Union has
been seeking its opportunity to
move its military forces into the
Middle East and the Mediterra–
nean. They have had submarines in
the Mediterranean for sorne time.
Only U.S. forces and military (nu–
clear) bases ringing the Middle East
have prevented it. Why do you sup–
pose the Russians have been sup–
plying Egypt and other Arab
nations-with planes, tanks, and war
mat'eriats? Not because they !ove
the Arabs. Not because they hate
the Israelis. But because they expect
to cash in on the investment by tak–
ing over the entire Middle East!
This calls to mind an incident in
1944, shortly before the end of
World War U.
was 8:30 one Sun–
day morning. I was just going on the
air in a radio station in Portland,
Oregon. Tbe Russian army was on a
big offensive, within a couple hours
PLAIN TRUTH February 1974
Personal from
or so of taking a strategic point on
the eastern front that probably
would have forced the final surren–
der of Germany. The news flash of
the war's end was expected over the
teletype at the radio station. I asked
station personnel to watch the tele–
type, and if that news flash carne
while 1 was on the air, to bring it to
me and let me announce it during
my program.
But that news flash did not come
that morning, nor the next morning,
nor for the next severa! weeks. The
Russian forces had balted right
where they were. They did not want
the war to end until their forces had
taken over severa! other Eastern Eu–
ropean countries - since known as
the satellite countries. The Russians
planted that Russian military boot
on all those satellite countries - and
they have never removed it. Those
who know Russian communism
know that where the KremJin plants
the Russian military boot,
removes it
unless, or until a
stronger power forces it to move.
The chiefs at the Kremlin saw, in
the recent "cease-fire" that was not
yet ceasing, an opportunity to put
the Russian armies in the Middle
East. They quickly proposed that
the United States and the U.S.S.R.
send their armies into the
Middle East, to
the cease-
tire." They knew, of course, that the
United States would not send U.S.
forces there. But inviting the joint
force gave the plausible excuse to
send their own forces in, anyway. By
inviting the
movement with
U.S. forces, they reasoned their
move would not turn world opinion
against them. But, once there, they
would simply have annexed the
Middle East. The Russian boot
would stay planted there.
President Nixon, witb all news
media and Congress on his back,
nevertheless recognized the real sig–
nificance of this communist military
strategy. He wrestled with this ex–
treme crisis until 3 a.m. Then he
called an immediate alert of
U. S.
military forces - army, navy, air
force - the total military power of
tbe nation, scattered all over tbe
world - to make them ready on one
second's notice to unleash America's
nuclear rnight that could have de–
stroyed every Russian city.
Then, after Moscow knew of the
alert, President Nixon announced
that the United States rejected the
Kremlin suggestion ofjoint U.S.-So–
viet military "enforcement" of the
cease-fire, and also that the United
States would not allow
power to enter the Mideast area.
The Kremlin got the message.
(Continued on page 27)