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The fourth Middle East conf/ict
ripped a new hole in the fabric
of the Atlantic alliance. For the
first time, Europeans are think–
ing seriously about who should
control their future security.
by Gene H. Hogberg
dripping with oil., hangs orci–
nously over the nations of
Westero Europe. At any moment it
could descend, severing with one
swift stroke the remaining arteries
which carry the industrial lifeblood
of the Middle East to Europe's
Arab oil producers, akin to the
old rhyme, are "keeping a list and
twice, going to find out
who's naughty and nice." Each
month they conduct a careful review
of European attitudes and in–
tentions. Only those nations pub–
licly sympathetic to their cause are
allowed continued undiminished ac–
cess to the energy riches cavemed
beneath the arid Arab sands.
PLAIN TRUTH February 1974