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What Our Readers Say
ls Sex Sin?
Referring to
PLAtN TRUTH (January
1973): After reading your article on "Sex
Begins at Home," I was struck by the
simple, but true statement of "Parental Su–
To get further guidance on this importan!
subject, l'd like to request your book
Missing Dimension in Sex.
1am sure that as
a fatber-to-be, 1 will find many of the an–
swers in this book, seeing that a lack of
"parental supervision" migbt also have
been the cause of my trouble. Also, if pos–
sible, send tbe booklet on
Modern Dating.
H. P.,
Pon Elizabeth,
Republic of South Africa
in The
PLAIN TRuTH you asked: "ls Sex
Sin?" Let me tell you it
is -
because God
never gave us sex, that was the Devil. You
are wrong! God gave us physical laws -
God is !ove. He talks about sex sin all
through the Bible. Jesus sure did too, adul-
tery, etc.
Mrs. Richard D. ,
Canton, New York
Ever read in the Bible about who created
us "male andfemale"? Jt wasn't the devil!
Map Error
1 just wanted to point out 1 think
was an oversight on the part of the staff of
PLAtN TRUTH. In the March issue was
shown a map of the nine member nations
of the European Economic Community.
However, Sicily and Sardinia were not
shown as belonging to Italy, and Corsica as
belonging to France, as they do. More
portantly, Greenland
officially a province
of Denmark and is, thereby, part of the
EEC. (This island, I'm sure, would be of
great importance militarily, strategically,
should war break out between Europe and
the United States.) l'm sure your people
have already spotted the error by now.
Thank you.
Dominic V.,
Vancouver, B. C.
The oversight was caught durin¡; our
press run and correered for most European
l feel very concemed about the serious
problems in the world today, and 1 would
like to know more about them. When
listening to your programme on 4XO (Ra–
dio Otago),
feel like tuming the radio off.
This is not because 1 don't like you or your
programme. lt's because the things you say
are not very pleasant. But 1 always listen
right to the end. Anyone can shut the ears
to something one doesn't like, but this will
never help the sad situation. the earth is
am only 14 years old, but it is my future
that's hanging on the line.
Stephanie W.,
Dunedin, New Zealand
Success Begins
Age One
The article on the importance of a child's
first year states exactly the things 1 have
been trying
point out lo people who have
asked why my teen-age boys are the kind of
people they are. We now have a motber–
hood class, and this really would put back–
bone in my contentions.
Marion T. D.,
Santa Maria, California
Thank you so much for your article
" Success Begi.ns by Age One." We've made
positive lists and negative lists as reminders
of the do's and dont's in raising our child,
who just became one year old. We intend to
follow up on the additional reading you
suggest in your article. We asked our pedia–
trician for helpful booklets to read, but he
had only one to suggest, and we didn't find
it completely comprehensive. I'm sure that
when we finish all ofthe reading, we will be
much more inclined to be "A" parents. At
least, we will strongly make the attempt!
Mrs. James C. H. ,
Kansas City, Missouri
The article "Success Begins by Age One"
is one of the best !'ve read in a while - and
it is so very true, when we see the lack of
child rearing in even five- or six-mon th-old
children. It really shows. I sat with one a
couple of weeks ago, and her parents said
they would't try to train her by spanking
her until she is eighteen months old. So 1
don't think I'll sil with her again. She
screams to get what she wants, and they
walk the floor with her. 1 was a nervous
Verona C.,
Evansville, Indiana
1just finished reading the March issue of
PLAIN TRUTH and the article on Easter
was an eye-opener. My friends and myself
never realized it was a pagan custom. How
little we know what the Bible teaches.
Thank you for a fine magazine and will
look forward lo your correspondence
Robert R. M.,
Willow Street, Pennsylvania
We have been readers of
TRUTH for severa! years now. 1was particu–
larly drawn to and intrigued by the Easter
article by William Dankenbring in the
March issue. While 1 am a Bible School
graduate and a student of Church History.
somehow tbe detailed information as given
in this article was omiued from our curricu–
1 would be most appreciative to receive
the booklet you offer at the end of the
article entitled
The Resurrection Was Not
on Sunday.
Perhaps it will help to fill in
sorne of the "blanks" 1didn't gel in school.
Arthur W..
El Cajon. Ca lifornia
1 am perplexed. 1 have always been im–
pressed by your scriptural and historical
accuracy, and now you say that Christ did
not arise on Sunday. He was surely cruci–
fied on Friday, and he rose on the third
day. Would that not be Sunday?
Farmington. Washington
Jesus crucified on Friday? Jesus died and
was buried jusi before sunset (Matthew
27:57-60). Jesus plainly said he would be
buried (or lhree days and three nights. the
length o( time Jonah was in lhe belly o(
tire great .fish (Matthew 12:40). Sunday
morning isn't three days and three nights
.from Friday evening. I(you want to know on
which day the crucifixion occurred. we invite
you to write for the free literature on the
In reading your art icle on the resurrec–
tion of"Christ," 1 think you are very wrong
about the days he was in the tomb. lo He–
brew usage. parts of the days at tbe begin–
ning and end of a period were counted as
days ... Three days and three nights in
Matthew 12:40 was a long way of saying
three days. What difference does it make
wbether it was three days or one day?
Mary R. ,
Salem, New Hampshire
Ir does make a difference
to God. A
"day," in biblicalusage. is counred (rom sun–
set lo sunset (Leviticus 23:32; Exodus
12:18). Jesus himself explained lhat the
daylight portion o.f this period is twelve hours
(John 11:9). A "night anda day" refers ro a
24-hour period
( ll
Corinthians 11:25).
There(ore. when Jesus specifically staled rhat
he would be in the grave three days
nights. he was speaking o( three complete 24-
hour days. When the number o( nighls is
stated as we/1 as che number o( dnys. the
expression "three days" cannot be
lt is a literal (acr.
l read that article on Easter. and l dis–
agree with you. Why spoil the fun and joy
the small children get ou t of Easter Sun–
day? Maybe al! you said is true, but who
will change? 1 think God and Jesus would
let things go if he was on th is earth in 1973.
L. ,
Port Jervis, New York
God says.
change not" (Malachi 3:6).
Jesus. slated Paul. is the same yesterday,
loday. and (orever (Hebrews 13:8). To obey
God. we must be willing ro change when we
are proven wrong!
In the caption on page 38 of the June
issue two names should be corrected: Dr.
Ohno. presently the Presiden! and General
Manager of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo
and the former Ambassador to the Court
of St. James - rather than Dr. Ohata.
And former Israelí Ambassador to Japan,
Mr. Bartur- rather than Ambassador Ron.
PLAIN TRUTH Jvly-Avgvst 1973