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at the Foreign Office in Tokyo on the behalf of Emperor Hirohito, the Chief of Protocol, Am–
bossador Chikaraishi, confers on Herbert W. Armstrong the Order of the Sacred Treosure -
the highest honor the
Joponese government can bestow on a privote citizen of another country.
the Cabinet, Minister of Finance
Aichi and Mrs. Aichi. Minister
Aichi and I sat together at dinner
and had a nice chal. He is a former
Minister of Education and was ne–
gotiator of the Okinawa reversion
Also present were sorne 35 Japa–
nese university professors and schol–
ars in the field of arcbaeology,
including the leading archaeologists,
Dr. Ohata and Dr. Goto of the Uni–
versity of Tokyo. Dr. Goto will su–
pervise this summer's archaeological
dig at Tel Zeror in Israel.
Also present were Israelí Ambas–
sador Ron and Mrs. Ron. Ambassa–
dor Ron
especially happy
participation of Ambassador Col-
PLAIN TRUTH July·Avgusl 1973
this Japanese archaeological
project. Ambassador College thus
has a hand in bringing the two na–
tions, Japan and Israel, together in a
constructive mi ssion of peace.
Among the ladies present were Prin–
cess Mikasa, my daughter Beverly
Gott and Mrs. Rader.
Prince Mikasa acted as master of
ceremonies, congratulating me on
the government d eco ration , to
which I responded with thanks and
great appreciation for so high an
honor. Dr. Ohata gave the main
speech on the archaeological project
in Israel.
Tonight, we are having dinner
with our good friends Dr. and Mrs.
Ohama. Dr. Ohama is the leading
educator of Japan, and they are offi–
ciaUy Japan's number one couple as
prívate citizens. They have visited
the Ambassador campuses at Pasa–
dena and Texas.
Before leaving Japan this trip, we
have another meeting coming up
with former Prime Minister Sato.
T hen, on a long, one-day two-stop
flight, we lly across the magnetic
north pole to Amsterdam.
At The Hague, we shall be guests
of Dr. Nagendra Singh, now justice
on the World Court at The Hague.
A meeting is planned with Queen
J uliana of the Netherlands, and
then a visit to Afghanistan and a
meeting with that nation's King
Mohammed Zahir Shah.