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Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
Shopping Pitfalls
Beca use of today's high cost of living. it pays to be
a wise shopper. Here are sorne supermarket shopping
tips lo help you be a wise shopper and avoid costly
shoppi ng pitfalls!
Impulse Buying.
This is a major shopping pitfall.
Market experts know that
percent of all retail sales
are impulse sales.
n o ther words. the casual shopper
percent of his goods unintentionally, on the
spur of the moment. Don'l be a casual shopper. Buy
what you really need. Have a shopping lisl and stick to
it. Pass up lhose small, tantalizing items like ca ndy, soft
drinks. packaged snacks and sundry "goodies" which
are placcd so "conveniently" around the s1ore. espe–
cially near the check-out stands. You will save money
and have better hcalth. too.
Convenience Foods.
Another shopping pitfall to
avoid is the buying of "convenience foods." Sorne few
convenience foods are a good buy. They are convenienl,
relativcly inexpensive, and fairly nutritious. But the
majo rity of today's "convenience foods" can't begin to
compare price wise or health wise with natural, cook-it–
yourself foods . even considering the time it takes in
preparation. In sorne cases, "convenience foods" will
cost 7 to
times more than it will cost to buy and cook
the ingredients yourself. Also. a significan! amount of
the nutritional value of the original whole foods used in
"conven ience foods" is lost in the processing. A wisc
shopper avoids buy ing "convenience foods' ' as much as
A bargain can become a shopping pilfall.
Make good use of bargains, bul don't let the word
" bargain " inftuence you to buy unnecessary ilems. Re–
member too lhat "barga ins" are oflen gimmicks to gel
consumers into 1he Slore. Markel men know lhat more
often than not, a consumer will end up buying addcd
items o n impulse. Real bargains may never be adver–
tised. For inslance. you can save a large amount if you
buy supermarket-chain-laheled producls ralher than
nalionally adverli sed producls. A nationally advertised
brand of shaving cream mighl cost $0.95. The same
producl made by the same manufacturer, with on ly a
PlAIN TRUTH July·August 1973
ditferent label. the label of the local supermarket chain,
will cost only $0.59.
For more information about how to save money
through better managemenl of your finances. write for
our free booklet,
Managing Your Personal Finances.
Purse Snatchers
is a deplorable age we live in. always having to
watch out for criminal acts such as rape, car theft. house
burglary, etc. The lis t is endless. Sadly. there is another
contcmptible crime all women should be aware of:
purse snatching.
Purse snatchers come in all sizes and ages. Mosl
often, the purse snatcher is a young man. But there are
women purse snatchers too. They like lo pick on elderly
women because lhey can easily knock them down. grab
the purse. and run. Bul lhey will snalch a purse any–
where. from any woman, if the opportunily arises. Fa–
vorile haunts of purse snatchers are theaters. trains,
buses, restaurants, department stores. and other places
where women are apl to be careless about where and
how lhey set lheir purses down.
Tf you're ever confronted by a purse snalcher. lel
him have your purse. Resisling may only gel you bealen
up. slabbed, or shot. The contents of your purse are not
worth it. Do n't be like the forty- three-year-old woman
in Da lias. Texas. who was confronled by a male purse
snatcher in a hospital parking lot.
" Lady, I want that purse." he said.
" No. 1 need my purse," she repli ed. " 1 have a ll my
personal belongings in il and need it. lf you get my
purse. you are going lo have lo
He then backed away. pulled out a gun, and shot
lhe woman tbree times
the head. took her purse, and ran.
Eliminate the urge 10 resist giving up your purse if
you're in such a circumstance. Do not carry a lot of
money and valuables in it when you go out.
- Potrick