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others who were being taught it, and
simply ASSUMED it to be truth.
But something must be lacking in
.them all! For none has really made
this a better world. None has shown
us the
AY to a lasting world PEACE.
None has the answer to all the pov–
erty, tbe destítution, tbe illiteracy,
the fi!tb and squalor of the hun–
dreds of millions in Asia, Africa,
South America - or to the moral
degeneracy, the tragedy of broken
marriages and split-up families, tbe
crime, the violence, the discontent
througbout our supposedly edu–
cated and affiuent Western world.
Not one of these religions - nor
the evolutionists - nor modern
science - has been able to explain
man is
as he is
with the al–
most AWESOME human mind that
can send men to the moon and
back, but can't solve his problems
here on earth.
Do you know tbat there
source that
explain all this?
There is a source that can be
PROVEO to be true - and tbe
source that can give us the answers.
is the source the Christian religion
is supposed to follow, but
is a source not followed by the East–
ern religions - a source rejected by
modem scietice. This very REJEC–
TION is the REASON that modern
science offers NO SOLUTION for hu–
manity's greater problems - the
way to lasting world PEACE - the
way to universal happiness, prosper–
ity, and abundant well-being.
You can PROVE tbe existence of
God, the Creator of all, tbe Ruler of
all, and the Great Educator, wbose
revelation Of BASIC KNOWLEDGE is
the FOUNDATION Of ALL knowledge,
understanding and wisdom.
You can prove the authenticity
and the AUTHORITY of the revelation
of that Supreme God - which reve–
lation we call the Bible. Why not
write for tbe free booklet titled
God Exist?,
and another booklet as
well, also gratis,
Seven Proofs God
Why is there so much MISSING
knowledge? Or, why is the most VI–
TAL and important knowledge MISS–
ING? And on the otber hand, WHY is
there so much Mis-knowledge - so
many fallacies , fables, untruths
being taugbt in the guise of fact or
Let me tell you, when you really
let the true answer to those ques–
tions come into your mind, you'll be
on the way to understanding tbis
whole riddle of life - and the REA–
SON for tbe really terrible and sick–
ening conditions that exist on this
earth today.
Let me tell you sorne of the vital
factors of knowledge that have been
HIDDEN from this world - yes, bid–
den from the world's leading educa–
tors, hidden from modern science,
hidden from all religions, hidden
from statesmen, heads of state, and
the world's rulers, hidden from the
public- yes, and hidden from YOU!
One vital factor of knowledge
hidden from the world is knowledge
of the CAUSE of a lasting world
PEACE - and, conversely, knowledge
ofthe CAUSE oftbe lack ofit!
Another vital factor of knowledge
hidden from the world is the true
MEANING of life - tbe PURPOSE for
which humanity was put here on the
earth. Another is the REASON why
man can invent such marvelous ma–
chines, can tly to tbe moon, yet
bis own problems here on
The Bible is our Maker's Instruc–
tion Manual - His basic revelation
of necessary knowledge. And this
book clairns that ALL mankind, as a
whole, is
All nations are
deceived. Listen! Let me show it to
you. "The great dragon was cast out ,
that old serpent, called the Devil,
aod Satan, whicb
deceiveth the who/e
Notice Jesus' warning: "For many
shall come in my name, saying, 1 am
Christ; and shall deceive many.
"And ye shall hear of wars and
rumours of wars: see that ye be not
troubled: for all these things must
come to pass, but the end is not yet.
"For nation shall rise against na–
tion, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pes–
tilences, and earthquakes, in divers
"AU these are the beginning of
sorrows ....
"And many false prophets shall
rise, and shall deceive many ....
"For there shall arise false
Christs, and false prophets, and
shall sbew great signs and wonders;
insomuch tbat , if it were possible,
they shall deceive the very elect"
l l ,
And notice the apostle Paul's
warning to the Gentile Corinthians:
" ... the god of this world hath
blinded the rninds of them which
believe not, lest the ligbt of the glo–
rious gospel of Christ, who is tbe im–
age of God, should shine unto
them .... for Satan hirnself is trans–
formed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if bis
ministers also be transformed as the
ministers of righteousness; whose
end shall be according to tbeir
works" (11 Corinthians
4:4; 11: 14-
These passages represent Satan
the devil as the arch-deceiver of
mankind. Probably most people
today are deceived into thinking
there is no devil. The very arch–
deceiver has deceived the world into
thinking he doesn't exist and untold
millions into thínking that God
doeso't even exist.
Another important fact the
knowledge of which has been bid–
den from the world is that there was
once peace on this earth - peace
worldwide - happiness, joy! Origi–
nally this world was populated with
angels - not humans. And that's
another bit of knowledge hídden
from most people today. So let us
PLAIN TRUTH March 1973