a convenient "vertical garden" for
growing tomatoes. beans, peas and
other vining plants. Our own gar–
den, plus one fifty-foot section of
fence row for tomatoes, provides
enough vegetables to feed our fam–
ily of five with no outside vegetable
purchases during the five-month
growing period. Of course, we do
purchase other groceries.
Since growiog seasons and types
of vegetables vary throughout the
world, a gardener should follow
localized planting instructions
found on most seed packages. or
read ao inexpensive "how to" gar–
dening book designed for his local
Few Simple Ru les
You can grow your owo garden
by following a few simple rules.
First. you must enrich the topsoil,
since it is the lifeblood of your gar-
PLAIN TRUTH Morch 1973
ChiiCiren look ot this yeor's pea seeds that will become next
s plants.
den. Yet
most backyards, espe–
cially in the city, Lhe ground surface
is usually a combination of subsoil.
builders' rubble and maybe a Little
organic matter called humus. You
need humus for healthy crops. This
comes from leaves. sludge, straw,
animal wastes and other sources.
Any means of increasing the humus
content ofyour garden soil will help
grow better, healthier plants and
more abundant crops. Fallen leaves,
bedding material from a dairy or
stable and most animal litter make
far superior fertilizer and soil condi–
tioners than do chemical fertilizers
without humus.
Once your plot has organic mate–
rial (an inch on the surface is min–
imal. 3 to 6 inches
better) and you
have scratched the surface of the
ground with a hoe or rake, plant
seeds in rows or hiUs, according to
the instructions on your seed pack–
Generally. plant after danger
from frost has passed. (Note the
time spring wildftowers begin to
show. They generally bloom after
danger from frosts has passed.) Give
your plot the equivalen! of an inch
of rainfall each week during the
growing season -
rains are not
With these abbreviated rules on
how to start your garden, you are
ready to begin. [nexpensive books
on the many details of successful
home gardening are available in
local libraries or book shops. If you
need to, consult these as your gar–
den progresses. You'U find a world
of new ideas, inspiration and in–
creasing bealth open to you as you
experience the hidden payolfs in
home gardening.