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for an average of 10 cents a pound
in their natural state, yet they may
sell for $1.00 to $2.50 a pound when
rendered into potato chips or crisps
(any remote resemblance to a po–
tato is purely coincidental). Cooked
natural grains cost 15 cents a pound,
but when they're rendered into
boxed cereals, their cost triples to 60
cents or more per pound. (Our read–
ers around the world can translate
these costs into their own cur–
rencies.) Fresh corn sells at 15 cents
an ear or less, but may cost 70 cents
a pound as corn fiake.s and $2.00 per
pound as popcorn (and even more
in the movie theater). Block cbeese
is cheaper than either processed or
creamed cbeese, etc.
The basic food bill in affiuent
Westem nations is about 20 percent
of a family's total income (in
England it can be as much as 50
percent). It becomes less as salary
goes up. One tenth (2 percent) or so
of yoúr food budget could be saved
by buying natural foods. But the
biggest food savings by far can
come tbrougb borne cooking. The
average urban fanlily spends hun–
dreds of dollars annually, just by
eating out! Since food prices more
than double in restaurants (even in
bargain family cbains), a wise fam–
iJy can save at least half of that by
cooking at borne. (If you would like
to know more about wbat you
should eat and about bow to cook
foods properly, write for our free ar–
ticle "Eat Right to Be Healthy.")
Therefore, wise use of tbe food
dollar can save a family about 5
percent ofits annual income. This is
not mere tbeory. Thousands of fam–
ilies are doing this, and they are
much happier and healtbier for the
effort. Also worth mentioning are
dollars that can be saved each year
on indigestion remedies!
Personal Care
may seem
;:) ~ts,
but the
avoidance of any type of accident
saves money. Serious
severely curtaile? by careful and
courteous driving, coupled with a
proper borne safety program.
Proper diet, as prescribed by com–
mon sense and Biblical laws, vastly
reduces many costly diseases (can–
cer, heart and vascular diseases).
Deficiency diseases are also rare
among those wbo follow the laws of
healtb as prescribed in Biblicallaws.
(For information regarding these
laws, write for our free article, ' 'The
Seven Laws
The only basic medica! expenses
for such healtby families, then, are
for optometry, childbirth and den–
tistry plus a regular medical
checkup as an early-warning health
barometer. And even these bilis are
greatly reduced when Biblical
healtb principies are obeyed! If
problems do appear when one has a
bealth checkup, there is usually a
medically recognized
method to avoid a worsening condi–
tion, rather than a costly medica!
prescription and treatment.
Most families spend 8 to 10 per–
cent of tbeir annuaJ income on
health care. The family fol!owing
natural healtb laws can easily cut
tbis amount in balf.
Drugs - Soft and Hard
If any drug (from aspirin to ber–
oin) is babitually used to cure the
effect of a problem, tben tbat drug is
another culprit in the attempt to
"buy happiness." Drugs are tremen–
dously higb-priced because of the
public's overwbelming demand to
"feel good." What we're actuaUy
paying for is the pharmacist's col–
lege education, tbe doctor's M. D. or
tbe advertisiog campaign of the
company that produces the drug in
Wouldn't it be a lot simpler to
cbange your diet and eat natural
foods, wbicb in a properly balanced
diet could well include the very ele–
ments you may now be taking piils
to get? Treat your "down in tbe
dumps" feeling by getting more
fresh air, recreation
and wbolesome exercise. ·
You can save money on cosmetícs
if you really want to. Cosmetics
dealers have no illusions of public
service when they convert five cents
worth of raw materials into a two
dollar retaillipstick. Tbey say, "We
do it to make people feel better."
Exactly! But wby powder over the
problem? Wby not be wbat you are
and make wbat you are better by
proper diet, clotbíng, poíse and
personal care? Tbis can make for
real savings.
Cosmetics dealers know people
wiU spend almost anythíng to ím–
prove tbeir faces!
the founder of
Revlon said, "Wbere vanity is, there
shall be cosmetics." The "does she
or doeso't she?" mystique for
women, and tbe search for the ultí–
mate apbrodisiac in men's colognes
are the current Holy Grails in cos–
metics. But the "does she ...?" mys–
tique quickly evaporates when her
false eyelashes fall into her !)alad!
Tota l Savings: 20 Percent
If you are an average Australian,
Briton or American, you can save at
least 15 to 20 percent of your in–
come - or at least you can redirect
that money to eliminate wasteful
spending on tbe tbings you crave.
You will be able to pay more atten–
tion to basic necessitíes and have
many more ofthe little luxuries tbat
you want, but thought you couldn't
afford. If you like musíc, for ex–
ample, think of how many records
your cigarette money would huy! If
you gírls suddenly decided to stop
painting your faces , think of how
much better you'd look in a really
fine quality coat next winter instead
of the cheap one you bave been
Get control of your money before
it takes over your life and decides
for you how you're going to live. (If
you'd like help in managing your
money, write for our free booklet
Managing Your Personal Finances.)
Use your money, don' t abuse it, and
you'll find that your budget will
really pay off.
PLAIN TRUTH Feb.-uory 1973