Page 1649 - 1970S

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dent record. Your cost of operation
is often proportional to how well
your driving habits are. Fast starts,
excessive speed and quick stopping
ring the cash registers of many auto
parts suppliers. And ifyou hit some–
one else's car, your insurance cost
can be higher for years.
Don't pay for planned obsoles–
cence. If your transportation money
is limited, perhaps you should buy a
used car. A new sedan can cost over
$4,000 and will depreciate $1,000 in
value the first year, even if it isn' t
driven a mile! So you can often save
substantiaUy by purchasing a year–
old model which is still "new"
(hasn't been driven much), rather
than buying the very latest.
Housing is usually an un–
touchable budget itero, but perhaps
you should consider moving to an–
other area if your rent (or total
mortgage costs) amounts to more
than one fourth of your gross pay.
Most young couples make the mis–
take of buying " too much home"
too early for the sake of prestige and
comfort. But such blessings are
sweeter when waited for, especially
if the rent or property payments cost
more than one fourth of your
monthly income.
Trimming the Food Fat
Food is a primary budget need.
Sorne people choose the ir food in an
atternpt to buy happiness or false
security. They habitually choose
prepackaged meals, tasty dainties
andan early grave.
Does this mean you should do
your food shopping only at local
health stores? By no means. So–
called "health foods" are often far
more expensive than convenience
foods. You will have to determine if
the food value justifies the cost. The
healthiest, cheapest and actually
tastiest route is that of the com–
monly known natural foods - vege–
tables, fruits, meats, milk and grains
- justas God made them!
Look at the savings a natural diet
brings. Potatoes, for example, sell
PLAIN TRUTH Februory 1973
How to Stay
Outof Debt
a paradox! Everywhere in the
Free World people earn more and
can buy more than ever before. Yet
they hove financia! headaches.
But why? What is wrong? Why such
worry over "making ends meet"?
These booklets make the answers plain.
They pinpoint mistakes made in handling
money and show how you can enjoy pros–
perity without money worries . Write for
them today. They' re free.
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