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rhe mourh and rhrow himself on rhe
ground in convulsive firs. Jesus' dis–
ciplcs had been unablc ro case out rhe
demon, and che disrraughr farher
rurned ro Jesus whcn He arrived and
cried ouc: ·'Have compassion on us,
and help us"! (Mark 9:22.)
Then Jesus said: "If rhou canse be–
licve, all rhings are possible ro him
rhar believerh!
"And srraighrway, rhe father of che
child cried out. and said wirh rears,
believe; help rhou mine unbe–
Then Jesus, having merey, rebuked
rhc foul spirit and case ir out. The dis–
ciples were sheepish and dumb–
founded. They didn't underscand
whar was lacking on rheir parr.
Son of God rold rhem: "This kind
can come forth by noching, bur by
praycr and fascing" (verse 29).
Obviously, Jesus had been praying
and fasting - gening really close to
and communing wirh His Farher in
Heavcn, yielding His will ro God's
and drinking in of His Spiric and
power. He expecred che answer -and
He gor ir!
Why don'r more of rhe professing
minisrers of Christ havc rhis kind of
powcr roday?
Nocice Jesus' inscruccion jusr afrer
His resurrecrion from rhe dead: "And
rhese signs shall follow rhem rhat be–
lieve: in my name shall chey case out
devils; rhey shall speak with new
rongues; rhey shall cake up serpenrs;
and if they drink any deadly thing, ir
shall nor hure chem; rhey shall lay
hands on che sick, and rhey shall re–
cover" (Mark 16:17-18).
After giving chis insrrucrion,
Chrisr was received up into Heaven
ro sic ar che right hand of God. Then
His disciples wenr forrh and preached
everywhere, "che Lord working wirh
rhem, and confirming rhe word wirh
signs following" (verses 19-20).
Chrisr had risen. He was alive and
acrive. He was inrervening ro back up
His minisrers and rheir prayers ro
God! This same power is accive
among the rrue believers in Jesus
Chrisr roday!
PLAIN TRUTH Augusl 1972
Nor Emotionalism
No! True Chrisrian iry is nor con–
necced wirh emorionalism, whooping
and hoUering, moaning, frorhing ar
che mourh. and shouring and scream–
ing in rhe kind of"rongues speaking"
so ofren falsely pracriced roday in rhe
name of Chrisrianiry!
Ir is simply believing rhar Jcsus
said whar He meanr and meanr whar
He said.
is following His example
of obeying rhe commandmenrs of
God, rrusring God ro keep His prom–
ises, and privarely -
Jesus in–
srructed - praying, meditating and
fasring ro ger closer ro che God of che
Bible, che Crearor, and seeking His
power and inrervenrion according ro
whar He has promised in His Word,
rhe Bible.
In 11 Kings 2:8-15, we find rhe ac–
counc where rhe great propher Elijah
was raken up inco heaven - curning
his office and mande over ro Elisha.
Read rhis accounr carefully. Norice
rhac Elisha expecred ro carry on in rhe
power of God as had Elijah. Por he
asked for a "double portion" of Eli–
jah's spirit
be upon
As Elijah ascended up ro heaven,
his mande fell on Elisha. Elisha rhen
wenr back ro rhe bank of rhe Jordan
River where Elijah had jusr smitten
rhe wacers so they could walk over on
dry ground. This rime che young,
new propher Elisha smore rhe warers,
saying in fairh: "Where is rhe Lord
God of Elijah? And when he had also
smicren rhe warers, rhey parred hirher
and thirher: and Elisha wenr over"
(verse 14).
Today, you shou ld personally
ro che facr rhat che mande and
of Elijah
wi/1 be manifested
among God's rrue servan es
in this
For as John rhe Baprisr carne in rhe
spirir and power of Elijah (Luke
1:17), so God says of our day: "Be–
wiU send you Elijah rhe
propher before rhc coming of che
greac and dreadful day of rhe Lord:
and he shall rurn rhe hearr of rhe fa–
rhers ro rbe children, and rhe hearc of
rhe children ro rheir fathers; lesr I
come and smire rhe earrh wirh a
curse" (Malachi
:5-6). Thar commis–
sion is being accomplished rhrough
chis Work!
The JY/orld Tomorrow
broadcasr and
magazine, every inhabired concinent
is now being reached wirh che mes·
sage of God's coming governmcnr
and His rule ovcr che earrh. Ir is nor
being preached wirh rhe rhoughr of
converring everybody, bur ir is for a
''wirness" - as Jesus commanded in
Marrhew 24:14. Thar wirness is ro
proclaim rhe rrue God of powcr, ro
announce His coming world-ru ling
governmenr, and
rurn rhe hearrs of
rhose who are willing, back ro rhe
rrue ways of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
and mosr of all, Jesus Chrisr. Power
and miracles are already being mani–
fesred - and rhey will increase wirh
each passing year in chis work of rhe
Erernal God! You readers who are
given undersranding need ro realize
rhar you're living ar che end of an age
- and will live inro rhe new age of
God's governmenr.
You need ro become more deeply
aware and conscious of che spirir
world of rhe living God and His
Christ - of His archangds and angels
who serve His people, and of His
power ro screngrhen, ro heal, ro de–
liver and ro blcss in your life.
So we are impressed roday wirh rhc
power of hydrogcn bombs?
Who made che hydrogen arom?
Who made the puny human brain
chac finally managed ro unleash irs
power? Who has power millions of
rimes beyond rhis - operacing
rhroughout rhe vasr universe?
You need to know how to prop·
erly fear and walk wirh rhis rrue God!
You need to undersrand and appre–
ciare che giganric hydrogen-bomb
power He has available ro help us!
And we all need ro humbly use ir
-as He would, in His service.
To fi nd out more about God's
power and how you can exercise that
power in your life, request our free
artide, " How You Can Be lmbued
wirh me Power of God."