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His characrer throughour your daily
life. The grcat men of rhe Bible have
all done rhis!
Noricc rhis accounr of Enoch's
lifc: "And Enoch Jived sixty and fivc
yea rs , and begar Mcrhusclah: and
Enoch walked wirh God afrcr he bc–
gar Mcrhuselah rhree hundrcd }'Cars,
and begar sons and daughrers: and al!
rhe days of Enoch were rhrec: hundred
sixry and five years: and Enoch
walkcd wirh God: and he was not;
for God rook him' ' (Gencsis 5:21-
Examples of Noah, Abraham,
and Micah
ow noricc rhe accounr of Noah
for whose sake human lifc: irself
was preserved from rhe all-cncompass–
ing flood rhar carne upon rhe earth in
his days: "These are rhe generarions
of oah:
oab was a jusr man and
perfecr in his generarions, and oah
wa/ked with Cod''
(Genesis 6:9).
Herc ir is poinred ouc rhar Noah
was "jusr" - he lived a righreous :ife
according ro God's cornmandmcnrs.
Whcn called upon ro do what musr
havc sccmed ar rhe rime a ridiculous
rhing - building an ark out in rhe
middle of a dry plain -
oah obcycd
His Crearor wirbour balking or gues–
rioning. He kepr in consranr comrnu–
nion wirh rhe grear Spirir Pcrsonaliry
who spokc ro him and dirccrcd his
parhs. He yielded ro his Makcr. He
walkcd wirh God.
Nexr, we come ro rhc accounr of
Abraham - rhe ·'farher of rhe faith–
ful." In Gcnesis
God srarcs:
"And whcn Abram was ninery years
old and nine. rhc Lord appearcd ro
Abram, and said unto hirn,
am rhe
Almighry God, walk beforc me (or
' 'wirh" me), and be rhou perfecr
[who lchcarted]." Of course, Abraharn
did nor have perfecr fairh ar cvery
hour of rhe day, nor perfect obcdience
either, bur he consrantly }·ieldcd his
will and life ro His Crearor and grew
in perfecrion and walked wirh God.
Thus, when rhe birrhrighr which
he received was rransferred ro Isaac,
God declared rhar rhis fanrasric bless-
ing was given Abraham. ··Because
rhar Abraham obcyed m} voice. and
charge, my commandmenrs.
my srarures. and my laws" (Genesis
26:5). Abraham obeyed His Maker–
he walked rbe way God walked.
The propher Micah summarizes
rhis basic approach ro God which we
musr have ro receivc His blessing and
' 'He harh shewed rhec, O man,
whar is good; and whar dorh rhe
Lord reguire of rhee, bur
do jusdy.
and ro !ove merey, and ro walk hum–
bly wirh rhy God" (Micah 6:8).
If you are unsurc of jusr how
walk wirh God - how
keep hís
commandmenrs - wrirc for our
The Ten Commmulments.
Ir is in
full color and fully illusrr-Jred. This
book shows you how rhe Ten Com–
mandmenrs apply in roday's modern,
rcchnologically oricnrcd world.
J esus' Example
We need che arritude which Jesus
exemplified in whac is callcd rhe
Lord's Prayer: ' 'Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in carrh, as ir is in
heaven" (Marrhcw 6:10).
To walk wirh God. we need ro
honesdy seek rhe revcaled will of God
in rhe Bible - and be willing ro
change where we're wrong, ro lec
God fashion us, mold us and use us as
His insrrumenrs. We oughr ro ache
and yearn for His govcrnmcnr ro be
ser up on chis earrh - for His perfecr
be accomplished so rhar rhere
wíll be peace, happiness and joy for
everyone. Bccause rhar is che onJy real
way rhese rhings will cver come
Whar was rhe remarkable source of
Jesus' power?
Nor ice! In Mark 1:32-34, He
healed many sick and diseased persons
who were broughr ro Him - casríng
our demon spirirs as well. ' 'And in
che morning. rising up a grear while
before day, he wenr out, and deparred
inro a solirary place, and rhere
prayed" (verse 35). Consrandy,
rhroughour His life, you wiiJ find
Jesus lcaving che mu lri rudes in order
ro gcr close
God in carncsr praycr
and mcdirarion. He walkcd wirh God
and He ralked wirh God - always.
Remcmber rhe accounr of Jesus
walking on rhe water? Sorne peoplc
roday makc fun of rhis. They rhink
ir's a big jokc. But rhcy will not
laugh when rhey
rhe rerurning
Chrisr coming in brillianr glory :tnd
power - shining wirh rhe brighrness
of a rhousand suns!
Bur, ro ger
rhe poinr, havc you
ever noriced whar Jesus did jusr bc–
fore He walked on rhe water? "And
when he had sent rhem away, he de–
parted inro a mounrain to pray"
(Mark 6:46). Then He walked on che
water (verses 47-52) in order ro carch
up wirh rhe discíples. Thq· were
amazed and afraid.
"For rhcy considered not che mir–
aclc of rhc loaves: for rheir hearc was
hardcned" (verse 52). In orher words,
che disciples should nor have bccn so
Jcsus' walking on rhe wa–
ter. They should have realized che tre–
mendous meaning of His orher fan–
rasric miraclcs - rhar He really was
God in rhc Aesh - able ro use rhc
very power of rhe Crearor ro do His
Nor undersranding rhis basic prin–
cipie, rhcy were conrinually arnazed
with each new miracle He performed
- never seeming ro llndersrand che
relarionship of one ro another and rhc
facr of Chrisr's office and abi liry ro
exercise rhe Divine Power.
How abour you?
Will }'Ou learn from this article ro
so conduce yourself - ro walk wirh
God - rhar you may be consrandy
aware of His rcaJiry and His power
and be yiclded ro His will so rhar you
can be a dynamic instrument in His
I II. Excrcise God's Power
Thc Gospcl of Mark narrares a clra–
maric incidenr in rhe life ofJesus and
His disciples. A man broughr his son
ro Jesus' disciples. This son, according
ro rhc accounr, was possessed by a de–
mon, which caused him ro frorh at
PLAIN TRUTH August 1972