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ceased expeccing a supernacural an–
swer, if that is required. They have
ceased fearing ro disobey His plain
written Word and His Command–
Because of chis, mankind is in ter–
rible crouble. Man is abouc co blasr
himself off this planee!
The crue God is going ro scop ir.
The Beginning of
True Wisdom
The Word of God cells us: "The
fear of che Lord is che beginning of
knowledge: bur fools despise wisdom
and instrucrion" (Proverbs
Yes, fools sneer, ridicule and de–
spise che true wisdom and under–
standing that comes from God. But
rhose who will be leaders in truly
helping chis world today and in bless–
ing and saving ir in che World To–
morrow will be rhose who have rrue
wisdom and knowledge rhrough che
deep acknowledgment and fear of the
living God!
Again: ' 'The fear of the Lord is ro
hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and
che evil wa}'. and che froward mouth,
do I bate" (Proverbs 8: l3). This
proper "fear" of God causes us to un–
derstand che narure of evil and co sin–
cerely hace ic - co curn away from it
and from all the self-willed vanity and
rebellion rhac causes every human
woe and ill coday, including the dan–
ger of human annihilacion, if man
doesn't wake up!
A few years ago - very few as che
Erernal God counrs rime
3 :8) - God removed a great Babylo–
nian king from his office and his maj–
esty for seven years. This king, Nebu–
chadnezzar, was broughr down and
humbled in a way rhar no ocher king
has ever been.
After rhat time - and after he had
learned a grear lesson - Nebuchad–
nezzar was resrored ro his kingdom,
and he lifred up bis eyes ro praise and
honor the rrue God. Nebuchadnezzar
"All the inhabitants of the earth
are repuced as nothing: and he [God]
doerh according ro his will in che
PLAIN TRUTH August 1972
army of heaven, and among che in–
habitants of che earrh: and none can
sray his hand, or say unto him, What
doesr rhou? ... Now I Nebuchadnez–
zar praise and extol and honor the
King of heaven, all whose works are
truth, and his ways judgmenr: and
those thar walk in pride he is able ro
abase" (Daniel 4:35, 37).
This grear king learned - as che
men and rulers of chis present civil–
ization will soon learn - rhac God is
very real and rhat He rules over che
narions according ro His will!
Build chis concepc into your mind.
Dceply study and drink in of che
prophecies of thc Bible and prove
them ro yourself. If you havc not yec
done so, write for our free booklet,
The Proof of the Bible.
Read and srudy che examples of
Jesus' life and miracles. ReaJize thar
He is che same yesterday, today and
forever (Hebrews
Build in your mind and hearr an
awareness rhac God is very near and
chac He will answer your fairhful
prayers wich power, as long as rhey
are based upon His Word and His
will. Use chis concepr and grow in ir
While srill learning and practicing
che firsc point given above, here is che
second "key" which you muse build
into your life if you are ro cap che
grear power of God.
II. Walk With God
This key is learning co walk wich
God. To walk with God, you must
walk where He walks - for He will
noc depare from His divine path co go
according ro che ways and reasonings
of men. To walk wich God, you muse
follow Jesus' admonicion rhat man
muse live by every word of God
(Luke 4:4).
To walk wirh God, you muse
strive to overcome your human na–
cure and
keep llis Commandmmts.
Jesus, when askcd che way ro eterna!
life said:
rhou wilc enrer inco life,
keep che commandmenrs." Then He
began co name sorne of che Ten Com–
mandmenrs (Matrhew
Again, Jesus said: "And why call
ye me Lord, Lord, and do noc che
rhings which l say?" (Luke 6:46.)
Pur simply, chis means thac you
your Maker, learn ro live
and acc as He does, and be in conscanc
communion wirh Him rhrough che
scudy of His Word, rhrough prayer,
mediracion, fasring, and exercising
AND THE SPAG AGE. Surprising as
seern, the
Age wos predicted centuries
first lesson of the Ambassador
College Correspondence Course
What ls the