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rhe soon-coming World Tomorrow
(Revelarion 5:10). We muse learn les–
sons of characcer and fairh in God's
wisdom and power so we can gualify
judge (or "manage," Motfacc rrans–
lacion) angels in che World Tomor–
You probably have been rold norh–
ing of chis awesome responsibility.
Buc you should have been.
There i t is, right in your own New
Tescamenr. Your future job is ro exer–
cise greac power and auchority in the
Kingdom of God
ser up on chis
Jesus showed rhac His disciples
would literally rule over rhe rwelve
cribes of Israel in che World Tomor–
row (Luke
He described
how those faichful Christians who
overcome and serve most in chis life
will have auchoricy over ten cities,
and how those who have made good
buc noc oucsranding progress will be
over five ciries (Luke
Where will you fic inro chis pie–
Some may sneer and scotf, bur noc
for long. For these plans and proph–
ecies of God are very real. They are
already beginning ro happen!
Start taking a good big-ciry news–
paper. Start comparing what you read
in ir - honestly and carefully - wich
what you read in che prophetic ani–
des in
TRUTH. Then see
rhese happenings unfold before your
very eyes
Jiow, then, can you become more
aware of the fanrascic realiry and
power of God - and beccer prepare
ro utilize that power asan instrumenr
in His hands?
To have che spirirual sr reng ch and
impact you need in chis life and ro
prepare yourself to serve as a powerful
instrument in Chrisr's governmenr,
which will soon be ser up on earth,
learn and use che key of exercising
God's power. Here are three basic
sreps you need ro cake :
Proper Fear of God
Should you fear God as some sorc
of monscer?
No! Noc ac all.
Buc we human beings cend nor ro
respecr our parents, reachers, police–
men, governmenc officials - or any–
one else - unless we become im–
pressed wich cheir closeness and cheir
Lec me illusrrare.
As a grade-school child,
a school rhar had a woman principal.
This principal was,
am sure, a very
fi ne lady. Bur she had been allowed
continue beyond rerirement age and
was somewbar senile and slow mov–
Like God probably seems
of you reading chis, she seemed far
off, out of touch, venerable bur pas–
sive, and almost helpless ro really do
anyrhing abour explosive daily prob–
The point is, we did not fear chis
elderly lady principal or her office.
Yer we should have!
The kind of " fear" I am discussing
is che sense of awe, deep respecr, and
appreciarion of active PO\XIER. Thar is
che kind of fear we ought
have -
and evenrually muse have - for Al–
mighry God!
Example of Proper Fear
In my final year or rwo of grade
school, chis lady principal , described
above, died. She was replaced by a
fairly young, alert, masculine fellow
who immediarely rook charge of che
And how
On rhe second or chird day afcer
Mr. Ande became principal, a large
group of students was coming in
from the playground. As we lined up,
chere was che usual pushing, shoving
and pulling of rbe girls' pigtails by us
"bad little boys." There was consranc
giggling and scuffling - few paying
any atrenrion ro the admonitions and
warnings of the women teachers.
Suddenly, 1 heard a srrange sound
just behind me. I quickly rurned ro
see a shocked boy being jerked off his
feec, propelled through che air, and
landing across the new principal's
A sorr of muffled moan of fear and
awe emanared from che group of chil–
dren wi rnessing rhis fearsome spec–
racle. Clurched in rhe principal's
hand, a large wooden paddle screaked
down and landed with a fierce
"whop" on its appointed targer. A
yowl of shock and fear came from the
boy's lips - quickly giving way ro
rea l cries of pain and penirence.
Standing aghasr ar chis srrange
scitfened wirh fear and awe.
AIJ the children were similarly af–
fecced. Immediarely, all scuffl ing and
misbehavior sropped! Greac peace and
tranquillity descended upon West
Central Grade School!
To us, che new principal srood ten
feer rall and seemed ro be always
nearby, alert and powerful. Yet, he
was fair and friendly - as well as firm
when necessary. We soon camero ad–
mire and respect che new principal
even more than che old. He inspired
strengrh, manhood and accom–
Buc we knew he would not toler–
are misbehavior. There was ro be no
"monkey business'' while he was prin–
cipal. We respecred and feared his de–
terminacion and power ro enforce his
Standard of behavior. His "presence"
was always fe!
with a cerrain awe and
The Spiritual
The grear God who creared che
heavens and che earth is soon going
have to incervene - as our new
principal did - and show His power
ro a self-indulgent and rebellious race
of men. He is going ro show such
awesome and powerful signs rhar
men will stand in fear and awe of His
majesty and His office. Then - and
only chen - will tbere be peace in
chis war-torn world!
Since God has allowed man ro go
his own way for six thousand years,
men have begun ro assume rhac rheir
very Crearor is "dead," impotenr, or
"way ofP' somewhere. They have
ceased ro realize He is nearby and very
avai lable for help. They have ceased
prayi ng ro che rrue God. They have
PLAIN TRUTH August 1972