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what you can do
Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
Avoid Back lnjury
Daily srrains from bending, srooping, srretching, and
lifring affecr rhe bones, nerves, and muscles of our all-roo–
vulnerable back. Every day, one out of rhree adult Ameri–
cans is rormenred by a back pain. Because of back injuries
ro workers, indusrry loses almosr a billion dollars an–
nually. For chis reason, che Nacional Safery Counci l sug–
gesrs following rhese simple precaurionary proccdures
when lifring heavy objecrs in order ro prevenr back In–
Never rry ro lift more rhan you can handJe.
Always crouch clown ro what you are going
Plant your feer firmly on a surface rhar is
srrong enough
hold you and che load
you are lifring.
4. Get a firm grip on che objecr you are going
lifr. Place fingers undernearh che load
whenever possíblc.
Keep your head up, arms straighr, and keep
you r back in as near a srraighr-up-and-down
ion as possible.
Lifr gradually and push up using your
srrong leg muscles.
7. Avoid rwisring morions - shifr rhe posi–
rion of your feer.
Keep che load as close ro your body as pos–
9. Pur rhings clown by revcrsing rhe above
Train Up Your Child"
One of rhe wisesr men who cver lived had rhis ad–
monishmenr for parenrs: ·'Train up a child in rhe way he
should go: and when he is old, he will nor depare from ir"
22:6) .
This admonishmcnr is sri ll as rrue roday
as ir was nearly
years ago when Solomon wrore ir
clown. Rcscarch bears chis our.
Srudies reveal rhat a child's mind begins
be pro–
grammed for life very early, in facr before school age. Ben–
jamín S. Bloom, Professor of Educacion ac rhe Universiry
of Chicago, found rhar fully
of a 17-year-old's general
inrelligence and abiliry ro achievc in school is developed
berween conceprion and age four. A child's personaliry
rrairs are also formed ar an early age.
According ro psychologisr Gordon Allport, che per–
sonaliry rrairs a child develops during his early years con–
tinues into adulthood wirh very lirtle change. And many
behavioral aurhoriries agree, saying thar by the time a
chi le! is six, bis personaliry is pretty much fixed .
Even such conrroversíal chinkers as psychoanalysr
Sigmu nd Freud and conrcmporary psychologisr B. F. Skin–
ner have asserted that, if rhey could comrol che ceaching
of a child during his firsr six years of life, norhing could
rhen reverse rhat reaching.
Ir rherefore goes withour saying that ir is extremely
imporram ro begin reaching such desirable trairs as obe–
dience, love, considerarion, grarefulness, industriousness,
and happiness
children early in their lives. When
lcarned, rhey then become part of a child's character, carry–
ing on into adule life.
For che help you nccd ro train and ceach your child,
write for our free booklct,
The Plain Tntth About Child
Ir is one of the mosr soundly based booklets on
the subjecr of child rearing in prior roday.
A riptide or rip current can
a barher in shallow
wading water and sweep him as far as a guarcer of a mile
sea ar speeds of
m.p.h. Hundreds of people, visiring
che beach this summer to cnjoy wading and swimming in
the ocean, many for the lirst rime, will have ro be rescued
from this overpowering force. For your prorection you
should be aware of how a ripride acrs.
Riptides are generally ser up by a srrong surf, atrack–
ing che beach at a slíghr angle. This creares a currenr rhar
flows along the shorelinc. When this currem meers with a
staric or calm water zone, ir is forccd ro run elsewhere, so
ir heads out
As i t hcads out, che undercurrent
comes extremely srrong, crearing a hazardous ripride.
You can idenrify
riptide while on rhe beach by rhe
discolorarion of che water from stirred-up sand and by
wavelers and swirlings chat do nor match surroundíng wa–
If you cver get caught in a rip currenr, experts advise
swimming parallel ro rhe beach umil you are out of the
currem, rarher than swimming immediarely toward the
beach againsr ir.
- Patrick
PLAIN TRUTH August 1972