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Verse 30 is more
correctly rendered
in the King James
Version, "Awoman
that feareth the
Lord, she shall be
The Husband's
Often, a wife's
unhappiness can be
laid directly on her
all hus–
bands truly loved
their wives, we
would not have
90 percent of all
marriages being
miserable to sorne
Almost 2,000
years ago, the Apos–
tle Paul laid clown
a basic, cardinal
principie foc hus–
bands to follow:
"Let every one of
you in particular
so !ove his wife
even as himself;
and the wife see
that she reverence her husband"
(Ephesians 5:33).
What wife would be unhappy with
that kind of husband? With a hus–
band tbat loved his wife as himself,
would there be any lack of "cights,"
consideration, or ful.6llment for her?
Certainly not. And since so many
housewives are unhappy, we can
draw another condusion: Too many
husbands are not loving their wives
as themselves.
A wife's main purpose and place is
in the home. "She keeps an eye upon
her household; she never eats the
bread of idleness" (Prov.
Moffatt). But her husband's place may
well be
the borne. "Her hus–
band is known in the gates, when he
sitteth a.mong the elders of the land"
(Prov. 31:23, King James Version).
A woman's place is, basically, in
the borne. l t is a place of the highest
importance. It is the chief place for
hec to find fulfillment in life.
we have mainly dealt with a
woman's position in relationship to
her cbildren and borne,
is not to
overlook the relationship of a wife to
her husband.
is here that she can
find tremendous happiness and satis–
Back in the Genesis account, the
Creator God says, "lt is not good for
man to be alone; 1 will make a helper
to suit him" (Gen.
2: 18,
The man needs the woman. Tbat is
why, as the account tells us, "There–
fore shall a man leave his father and
his mother, and shall cleave unto bis
wife: and they shall be one Resh"
A man needs a woman to sbare
his life. Woman was created specifi–
cally to help man fulfill this void in
his life. She shares in everything he
does: from success on the job to a
quiet evening dinner with candles and
cha.mpagne; from the birth of their
baby to sorne tragedy that may strike
A man may succeed in bis work and
rise to the top of bis occupational
ladder. He may be financially and
socially secure. The home may be full
of laughter and memorable experi–
ences. Yet, there must be more. There
must be a purpose in life. Why are
we here? Are humans mere!y to pro–
create the species? Is life mere!y a
continuing strand of generatioos?
is there more to life - a supreme
purpose for this enigmatic creature
we call the human beiog?
The Spiritual Meaning
of Marriage
There is a purpose for living that
transcends human life. In fact, the
marriage state and family life are
symbolic of this great purpose.
God is a Family, a creative Family.
This divine Family rules the entire
creation. In creating Man, God is, in
fact, reproducing His own kind.
Human mortals who overcome the
pulls of their human nature are
promised an inheritance in the Family
or Kingdom of God. And that inheri–
tance involves a marriage! Those who
inherit the Kingdom of God are to
share, collectively, in a marriage rela–
tionsbip with Jesus Christ the Hus–
band (Rev.
2:26-27; 3:21; 19:7-9;
I Cor.
Thus marriage and family life are
spiritually God-plane relationships.
They reveal man's potential for being
bocn into the divine Family, the
Kingdom of God.
You need to understand the full
spiritual meaning of marriage. You
can, if you write for our free booklet,
Soon Obsolete?
Also, request a copy of
The Seven
Laws of S11ccess
a more successful
relationship here and now. See inside
front cover for address nearest you. •