Page 1290 - 1970S

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Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
Jet Lag
It only takes
hours to fly from Los Angeles to
London by jet, but it may take days to adjust to the time
difference. To find out just what effect this sudden change
in time difference has on modero travelers, a Sh1dy was
made of business men who Aew from east to west across
severa! time zones.
the study, the average person became so
muddled upon arriving at his destination that he could not
accurately and consistently add up simple columns of
figures. It was discovered that his attentíon span was short
and that he obviously lacked the ability to concentratc.
This study revealed a disruption of severa! body rhythms,
induding the natural 24-hour cydes of temperature, heart–
beat, bJood pressure, and urine secrction. It took from
three to live days before the body's interna! rhythms ad–
justed to the new environment.
Because of the need for clear thinking and sound
judgment in conducting important business matters, exccu–
tives and business meo should aUow at least a day and a
half adjustment time following long air flights.
AH travelers making long overseas Aights might follow
these suggestions:
l. Get sufficient slcep prior to leaving and avoid
frantic, last-minute preparations.
2. Get a maximum of rest and eat a mínimum of
food while in flight.
3. Avoid heavy eating and drinking while adjusting
to your new environment upon arrival.
Allow time for readjustment - take moderate
exercise and a warm bath to induce sleep.
Dressing and Keeping Your
Vegetable Garden
you have been followiog tbe instructions in this
series on vegetable gardeniog, your vegetable gardeo should
be sprouting. Now, cace should be taken to cultivate,
mulch, and water your gardeo properly.
CuLTIVATING - Hoeiog or cultivating too deeply, too
often, or too closc to the plants causes unnecessary loss of
moisturc and destroys many plaot roots. Avoid doing this.
MuLCHING - After the plants are well establishcd,
it is wise to mulch your garden. Simply spread a two- to
four-inch !ayer of
rcsh or dry grass clippings, straw, hay,
cte. between the rows and around the plants. This will
help control weeds, save labor, and conserve moisture. A
mulch aJso encourages earthworm activity, helping create
a balanced soil for future crop exccllence.
WATERJNG - Kcep in mind that too much moisture
can contribute to unwanted fungus growth and rctard root
dcvclopment because the roots will not havc to search for
moisture. A plant does not necessarily need water simply
bccausc the soil's surface looks dr}'· A lack of moisture is
often indicated when plants bcgin to show a dark bluish–
grecn color, bcginning signs of wilting, or both. If water
is nccded, a good gentle soaking once a week docs much
more good than daily wetting the ground. But avoid
applying water directly on plant foliage during the heat
of thc day. This may encourage burning rathcr than cooliog.
Can Your Ch ild Hear?
Rcsearch shows that a child must begin to hear sounds
by thc time he is threc months old if his speech develop–
mcnt is to proceed normally. Unfortunately, many hearing
defccts in childrcn are not discovered for severa! months
even severa! years. Sorne children have even been diag–
nosed as retarded, when actually they were hard of hearing.
Dr. Malcolm H. Schvey, assistant clinical professor of
otolaryngology at Columbia Univcrsity, advises parcnts to
watch for the following signs to help detect a hearing
"No response to soft sounds, such as the ticking
of a watch.
"No 'startle response.' Babies in particular are
startled easily, somctimes cven by the click of a ligbt
"No movement by the baby, at eigbt to
toward the sourcc of a whispered voice, sounds such as a
rattle or a spoon banging against a metal cup, or the
crinkling of papee at only threc fcet behind him.
"No sigo of being disturbed or awakened by loud
"No response when called.
"No use
understanding of words at two years
or an overreliance on gestures, vision or toud1 to establish
need" ("Why Early Detection of Hearing Problems Is
Important to Children,"
Good Hf)llsekeeping,